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  1. dale-fish

    1000's of Rock Anemones

    Thats interesting about the copperband I'll have to do some research on those... his tank is already heavily stocked so I might just have to convince him to take back one fish to our LFS. Since putting in 3 peppermint shrimp I have not seen any of them. They were tiny guys so I its gonna be...
  2. dale-fish

    1000's of Rock Anemones

    Problem Ok I have been away for 8 months at University and my Dad is a busy man, this has led to (I kid you not) 1000's of rock anemones popping up in my dad's 90 gallon tank. Im quite aware there is no "quick fix" to this problem as I have tried many of them... Jo's juice, pepermint shrim...
  3. dale-fish


    Your red scarlet hermits are probably molting... I have about 4 red scarlet hermits in my 20 gallon tank and when I first put them in they all molted. Its common for them to molt when first introduced to a new tank. Oh and about not seeing them... sometimes I dont see mine for 3 or 4 days...
  4. dale-fish


    I would recommend a young guy... I have bought a young one and he was much cuter than my current older bicolor blenny. Just my 2 cents.
  5. dale-fish

    Pump as loud as an F-16

    It's a Rio Aqua Pump/ Powerhead 400 I moved it lower down in my tank and it stopped making those noises. I'm almost positive it wasnt experiencing cavitation where it orginally sat so I have no idea why it was making those sounds but at least it stopped! Its only like a month old so I dont...
  6. dale-fish

    Pump as loud as an F-16

    Ok so its not exactly as loud as an F-16 but pretty close. It's a tiny submersible pump that makes this "ERRRRRRR" sound that is really annoying and loud. It's not conitnious but pretty close. I have had noiseproblems with this pump in the past but not as bad as this. Anyone have any idea...
  7. dale-fish

    salinity levels?

  8. dale-fish

    My 20gal FOWLR...for now...

    Lagger do you have to place brains on the sand or could you have placed him on the rock? I ask because I put mine on the rock but everyone I have seen or heard has left them on the sand. Brain looks awsome! How much you feed him? You have the exact same set up as me with 130 Pc on a 20gal...
  9. dale-fish

    Brain in Nano?

    I have an open green brain in my 20 gallon under 130 watts of PC . It's my first coral so I am no expert but mine seems to be doing good! I didn't feed him for the first few days until I bought a turkey baster now he seems to be doing even better. Hope that helps
  10. dale-fish

    Bubble Algae

    It is possible to remove the bubbles while under water. I let mine get large enough as to allow easier pickings. I would practise your bubble removing technique a couple times outside of the water first tho. And when you do decide to attack the bubble under water I would have a siphon running...
  11. dale-fish

    Can I add fish???

    I think you're in the clear... I am not sure how much using cycled FW helped tho... if it all. From what I understand Nitrifying bacteria lives inside live rock and other filter media, it doest just float around in the water. You might want to be careful with using water from a freshwater...
  12. dale-fish

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    The first thing I wish I had known is that you actually have to acclimate your fish using the drip method and not just floating the bags for 10 min. Lost 3 fish this way :(
  13. dale-fish

    Water Changes with Demineralized Water

    I am buying the water in 5 gallon jugs from costco. So alk acts to buffer potential pH swings if I am understanding correctly. So higher the kH the higher my buffering capacity. I am sure that if I have to high of kH its bad to though. So how do you raise or lower kH? Calcium? Thanks for...
  14. dale-fish

    Water Changes with Demineralized Water

    I checked my alk its at about 130 ppm. Is that to high? Why is alk important? If it's to low should I add calcium? Sorry for so many questions its just I read messages where people are always like "check your alk" and I never know why.
  15. dale-fish

    Water Changes with Demineralized Water

    My questions are: One do I need to dechlorinate the water? I am not sure if there's chlorine in demineralized water. Two, do I have to add anything to the water for mineral support. Like should I add liquid calcium and such? At the moment my tank is FOWLR. Thanks!
  16. dale-fish

    Help : New Lights = Algae Explosion

    More Info: -20 pounds of LR -20 pounds CC -5 pounds of normal sand (not sure what its called) -Aqua Clear 30 with carbon in it, biomax balls and a sponge -My tank is not by a window I just tested my phosphate and it's pretty low (0.25mg/L) or is this high? The scale goes up to 5mg/L so I...
  17. dale-fish

    Help : New Lights = Algae Explosion

    Background I used to have one white 20 watt bulb which lit up my 20 gallon tank. No algae problem were ever noted. In the interest of one day (3 months from now) growing corals I upgraded my tank to 65 watt white light and 65 watt blue. I do not operate a protein skimmer. I did for a while...
  18. dale-fish

    Bi-Colour Blenny Hunters?

    Ok thank, Yea perhaps its molting, how often due scarlet hermits molt? Also how do you tell if its a molt, if i took it out of my tank and analysed it would I be able to tell? I dont think he just died and fell apart because I keep a good eye on my tank and I noticed this within 12 hours. But...
  19. dale-fish

    Bi-Colour Blenny Hunters?

    I just added a bi-colour blenny, 4 red scarlet hermits, 3 electric orange hermits and some various snails. Some of the hermits are getting ripped apart. First it was an electric orange I found scattered across the bottom of my tank and now a red scarlet. The other two fish in my tank are...