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  1. rainstate6

    pics question please help

    every time i take a pic with my camera its like 2100 by 2300 pixels and by the time i get it down to 500 by 500 it looks horrible, am i doing somthing wrong? how can i get them to look ok?
  2. rainstate6

    grounding probe?

    does any one know how to install one or could explain to me what it is?
  3. rainstate6


    thnk you viper any one know how to find these or at least the where they are from?
  4. rainstate6

    purple actinics?????????

    thanks for the reply so when u changed your lighting to both did it make a difference in your tank
  5. rainstate6

    purple actinics?????????

    i was looking through different tank set ups and saw a tank with purple actinic lighting (bright purple not lunar lights) has anyone seen these or know how to get them and do they have the same effect as blue or is it just for looks? thanks sorry to load up on questions but i also saw a bright...
  6. rainstate6

    do you let brine shrimp mature?????????

    bicolor blenndy coral beauty angel, bangii cardinal, yellow watch men. I got the little kit called hatchery u just use a 2 litre bottle and an air pump and heater for free so i decided to try it out.
  7. rainstate6

    Our Custom 90

    wish i would have payed attention i woodshop thats worth tons if you wanted to buy somthing like that great job
  8. rainstate6

    do you let brine shrimp mature?????????

    so can the fish see them to eat them the only thing trying is my cleaner shrimp
  9. rainstate6

    do you let brine shrimp mature?????????

    so i hatched my first batch of brine shrimp but they are so small you can barely see them do you need to let them mature so the fish can see them or just put them in your tank this small :notsure:
  10. rainstate6

    How often should shrimp moult?

    mine love mysis shrimp
  11. rainstate6

    175 half circle enough for a hippo?

    awsome, my wife thinks im nuts at what im doing just to have the one fish ive always wanted lol but i think ill be very happy with the possibilities of my new tank.
  12. rainstate6

    175 half circle enough for a hippo?

    im going to be getting in the next few weeks a 175 half circle and was wondering about keeping a hippo and a yellow tang would this be ok or does the half circle make for not enough swimming room? :notsure:
  13. rainstate6

    sick colt coral

    need more info if nothing in the tank it has to be water peramiters or lighting. please share before its to late
  14. rainstate6


    i had a pixy hawk that ate both of my cleaners a 1 peperment left the cheap hermits alone though :notsure:
  15. rainstate6

    What would be a large tank to you?

    to me when im walking around the LFS looking at tanks and drooling once you see the size difference between say a 125 or 150 and then look at a 210 that seems to me to be a big tank especialy next to my humble 30, we are moving in about 5 months and they have a nice 175 corner. (right in the...
  16. rainstate6

    colt coral

    Usually its normal for them to ball up somtimes make sure your water perameters are good and no one is picking on it
  17. rainstate6

    bicolor blenndy is an herbavore only???????

    thanks for the reply feel better now :happyfish
  18. rainstate6

    10 gallons enough?

    my first tank was a 10 gal and i didnt know much about this hobbie and i had about 6 lbs LR a cup coral, small BTA,perc clow, purple psuedo, and a yellow belly damsel, plus clean up crew. All i had was the hangon filter from a 30 gallon setup and one small power head plus a heater. Now that ive...
  19. rainstate6

    Brown algae and new tank owner

    I noticed your tank is close to two windows is it gettinng sunlight that will cause algea blooms also i would check for flow
  20. rainstate6

    glass top

    you gan leave i as an open top i did the same exact thing just make sure none of your fish are known to be jumpers I lost a purple psuedochromis due to this but IMO you get good gas transfer and evap. with out a glass lid also its alot of personal preference.