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  1. 777

    Live Rock with a lot of aptasia

    Thanks for all the help guys
  2. 777

    Live Rock with a lot of aptasia

    Hi I have a lot of LR with aptasia and have been killing it off a little at a time, but always seems to come back. Can I take a piece out at a time, let it dry out and then place it back in the tank? I plan on keeping it out for about 2 months then placing it back in? Or do i have to cure it?
  3. 777

    PEACOCK MANTIS hitchiker in my REEF!!!

    Excellent. Let me know how it goes. Happy hunting. :thinking:
  4. 777

    purple LTA need help

    Seems prety normal to me. Do you have some more info: water parameters, how long has your system been up. In general, most anemones will travel around till they find "their" spot. Let him find his own spot. When my shrimp messed with my anemone, it was because they were hungry or the anemone...
  5. 777

    aneneome shriveld and dark..

    I had the same thing happen to me. They both died this way. I would recommend returning it back to the store. They recommend a tank be set up a min of 1 year before introducing them to a system. They also require excellent water conditions. Even though your water tests great, may be to soon...
  6. 777

    PEACOCK MANTIS hitchiker in my REEF!!!

    Hey Fish, A puffer or eel will work, but i have corals. I have more $ in corals then fish. :thinking: mr mantis will stumble just have to be there.
  7. 777

    Flow Questions

    jt, I set up a 215 and did not want powerheads in the tank. I went with one large pump as a closed loop to max gph and that did the trick for me. I have a picture of how i did mine.
  8. 777

    Thomas712? with aiptasia

    Thanks Beth for the help. I started treating these guys last night and they were not liking it but I was. I managed to destroy about 5 fairly large ones. This is my first time using it so I got a little extra JJ in the tank by mistank. My CA is at 500 and has been there for about 2 months...
  9. 777

    Your fish/tank list? Everyone come inside!

    Originally Posted by matty0h_52 Ohhhh yeah i think i remember like 2 months back and you had trouble on placement. Cool looks like you got it going. Took you awhile to find the sweet spot hmm. :) BOY DID IT EVER!
  10. 777

    Most entertaining fish suggestions?

    I have a mated pair of gold bands that host a BTA. Very entertaining to watch them take care of and guard.
  11. 777

    Thomas712? with aiptasia

    How much joes juice can I use safely to get rid of the aiptasia? Situation: My 215 has been up and running for 5 months now with very few issues. I started out with 5 peppermint shrimp that controlled the aiptasia population very nicely. I bought a mated pair of GSM's and also an LTA they were...
  12. 777

    Your fish/tank list? Everyone come inside!

    Originally Posted by matty0h_52 Hey 777 why did you go with the Trigger system but not there skimmer? Did you get the sump custom made? any pics? Hey Matty, I originally bought a 30 gal sealife systems sump. When it came time for delivery, they did not have it in stock so they upgraded me to...
  13. 777


    I have them on quite a few rocks.... I better take them out with some joes juice then.... Thanks
  14. 777

    My 1st Hijackers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by N_Sarno lol Hijackers.. never saw that before.. isnt it called Hitch hikers.. just found that kinda funny! Hijacking star fish!!!!!!!! Hey Max, you better have thick skin arund here. Just teasing, nice way to add your own little touch to a fun hobby!
  15. 777

    Your fish/tank list? Everyone come inside!

    Originally Posted by SOU812 r u sure u want to go here? It will stir up alot of contraversy. Like "U have to many fish what r u thinking" and dumb comments along those lines. poeple just don't know when to mind their own buisness. so I don't think that this is suce a great idea. Well to start...
  16. 777

    spider-like creature in live rock

    I had a mysterious spider looking crab appear out of no where. It turned out to be a decorator. Here is my pic.
  17. 777

    salinity levels?

    I keep my reef at 1.025
  18. 777


    Urchins are very cool and are good algae eaters. You have to watch them on your purple coraline algae they will eat this as well.
  19. 777

    HELP!!!! Girlfriends gift

    Hi Dr V, Welcome to the boards, I've heard a lot of negative things about crushed coral. Might be a good time to change this out?
  20. 777

    How long do HQI bulbs last

    Excellent. Thank you.