Search results

  1. mrscarface

    Best Fish For A 10 Gallon

    Originally Posted by rick1110 A Leaf Fish or Frog Fish That would be great imo..... assuming you dont have alot of inverts.
  2. mrscarface

    mean fish

    Dont change it!!! Your should never give into peer pressure!!!!
  3. mrscarface

    WTB: 55-100 gal in MD...

    Ok thats about it.... im in MD and want a 55 up to a 100g tank. I dont want an already set up tank. Im a poor student so i cant afford any fancy pakages with all kinds of crazy stuff. Let me know if anyone you know has one they need to sell.
  4. mrscarface

    some livestock in MD

    Are you selling the tank?
  5. mrscarface

    Best Tang for 100+ tank - Not Yellow!

    Blue Hippo tang!!!!
  6. mrscarface

    eel at lfs

    Originally Posted by cubsfan Went to the local lfs and they had an eel I never heard of. its a conger eel and he told me it only gets about 2 feet long. Came home did some research and found out it gets over 7 feet long and can wiegh more than 90 lbs . WTF how can they sell this thing ...
  7. mrscarface

    ***** Using Cyanide?!

    ^Really? Ive bought a few fish from ***** and they have all lived (its been a year now) except for one and he got eaten...
  8. mrscarface

    ***** Using Cyanide?!

    ***** doesnt catch its own fish and the people working there know nothing anyway..... So i wouldnt trust what he said...
  9. mrscarface

    New to reef tanks... what light do corals need?

    Ive had a tank set up for over a year and ive got the hang of basic stuff and would like to add some corals. Now i only have the light the tank came with. Is that ok for any corals? What light do you need (exapmles of medium or strong). Where can i get these lights (preferably without ordering...
  10. mrscarface

    55g and acc. in balt.

    Im not the guy selling it.... i was saying i might be interested in buying it in a week or so if its not sold yet. Im from Reisterstown and was asking where in MD he is exactly.
  11. mrscarface

    55g and acc. in balt.

    Where exactly are you? i might be interested in its still available in a week or so.
  12. mrscarface


    Well most likely you need more salt....
  13. mrscarface

    Will starfish eat all my snails/dragonnet?

    or my fish for that matter (altough they dont ever go to the bottom so i doubt that would happen). I hear they will eat anything they can catch.... is this all of them or just some? I really want something to stir up my sand and starfish are the est i can think of. Or should i be fine with a...
  14. mrscarface

    Serpent/Brittle Star

    Originally Posted by NudiLove No, horseshoes need more than 300 gals at least. If you want a cool thing for a nano I have a 6 gal that I have a fire shrimp in, other people like sexy shrimp and pompom crabs, those are GREAT to make a habitat for. Why? I thought the ones you buy for tanks dont...
  15. mrscarface

    Valentini Puffer

    Puffers always act weird imo...... so i wouldnt be to worried by what hes doing.
  16. mrscarface

    I hit a mega LR sale

    Could you ship some to me???? I live in MD.
  17. mrscarface

    What 'fish' is this?

    Originally Posted by team2jndd I wouldnt have gone for the horseshoe crabs either. JMO. Why? just out of curiosity?
  18. mrscarface

    What 'fish' is this?

    Originally Posted by AW2x3 Extremely hard to keep...require a species only tank, to do best. Requires 8" - 10" deep sand bed, very high flow, communal species (will need 5+) and absolutely no nit-picky dwarf puffers, lions, wrasse, etc. They're very, very unforgiving with...
  19. mrscarface

    What 'fish' is this?

    55 Gallon, with maybe 3-4 inches on sand and as for tank mates i have 2 horseshoe crabs, a bunch of turbo snails, cleaner shimp, 2 3 stripe damsels, a clown, and a lunar wrasse. Is that all you wanted to know?
  20. mrscarface

    What 'fish' is this?

    Originally Posted by AW2x3 If their burrows were located under rocks, in the sand, etc. then we could vote for some type of Jawfish, etc. He's saying they were poking straight up out of the sand and were "snake like". I'm voting Garden Eel...(Heteroconger hassi)'s a pic: BINGO! You got...