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  1. lt34

    bubble algae

    Go with the Emerald Crabs. I have 3 in my 90gal and took care of the small amount of Bubble Algae by morning.
  2. lt34

    Hey all

    Listen to Lion, he really knows what he's talking about and won't steer you wrong. Remember, the LFS is trying to get your money, they are just trying to help you here!
  3. lt34

    Hey all

    I would not listen to the guy at the LFS. You should do a water change at least every couple of weeks because it replaces minerals and other elements lost. Look for white sand type dots on the Hippo for sign of ich. Hippos love rocks and hide in them as that is their nature.
  4. lt34

    anemome on rock

    Peppermint Shrimp found my litlle one and ate it within 3 hours. I was lucky, but Joes Juice is what I hear everyone talk the most on. Mine was difficult to reach.
  5. lt34

    Can algae die off cause ammonia spike?

    Do you have glass tops? My tank was running 83 to 84 with the glass tops. Switched to egg crate like everyone suggested and now 78 to 80.
  6. lt34

    Brown Algae

    I decreased the lights for a little while and first got mexican Turbos. Your allowed 1 per 20 gallons. Those things moved fast and cleaned great. A lot of other snails mentioned above also works. I love those snails. Keep my tank clean.
  7. lt34

    help don't know what coral to get

    What lighting do you have, this would help in determining what you could get. If PC's, you could get mushroom or Zoo's I believe.
  8. lt34

    cleaner clams

    Good question, what is burping and I saw live clams at my grocery store, is this what we put in the tank as cleaner clams? How many for a 90 gallon? Sorry to jump in on your thread
  9. lt34

    My Wife thinks I finally Lost it!

    I'm on well water, so even the R/O needs to work overtime here. Not great to drink without the R/O.
  10. lt34

    My Wife thinks I finally Lost it!

    Publix, it is a grocery store. Walmart was good, but this was better. $1.83 was at Walmart for 5 gallons. The machine was for glacier water.
  11. lt34

    My Wife thinks I finally Lost it!

    We only have a small drinking R/O unit so changing 15 gallons would take awhile. So I went out and got 3-6gallon water jugs. I went to several different places checking on the water machines. I finally found the one I like. It said it goes through a carbon filter followed by a micron filter...
  12. lt34

    Clownfish and Anemones

    At night, the Perculas are the only ones not in the rocks sleeping so I feel sorry for them. The two are very happy together but never in the rocks, always out and about. So I was hoping an Anemone would be the best for them, something to call there own.
  13. lt34

    My Name Is Emo and I Am Addicted . . .

    Welcome to the Boards You will learn alot from these people and remember that they are giving you their input, they are not trying to sell you something like the lfs so they have no financial gain just the pleasure of spreading their knowledge. :happyfish
  14. lt34

    Clownfish and Anemones

    Thanks drewissett, are your F. Perculas tank raised or wild?
  15. lt34

    Clownfish and Anemones

    I found out that there are three different Anemones that host the A. Ocellaris (False Percula), They are the H. Magnifica, the S. Gigantea, and the S. Mertensii. All of these is the most difficult to take care of a require the most light. One getting as big as 3ft in diameter. Are there any...
  16. lt34


    So far, my best clean-up crew has been the snails. I have 2 Mexican Turbo, 5 Margarita, and 10 Astriea. I have a 90 gallons and they said with the Mexican turbo 1 per 20 gallons. Hope this helps.
  17. lt34

    Clownfish and Anemones

    Is it a specific named Anemone or is it called a Long tailed Anemone. It gets confusing as I thought something was an Anemone and it was a Coral that had Long looking tenticles.
  18. lt34

    Clownfish and Anemones

    I have two False Perculas and I had read that the False Percula likes the carpet Anemone. My lfs advised me that if they are tank raised (aquacultured) that they probably don't know what an Anemone is and that I would do better with a long Tenticle Anemone as the sting is less and wouldn't scare...
  19. lt34

    Water Parameters-Alkaline

    Thanks Dogstar, your the best!!!
  20. lt34

    Thank God for this message board!!

    My wife was looking at the tank and said, "Look at this cool looking thing growing on the lr. I remember a picture of the post and sure enough it was that Aptisia(spelling?). Then said that there was funny green Coraline. You guessed it Bubble Algae. So remembering that I seen the post, I did a...