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  1. jesikarose

    CL Redfish 100 Aquarium Protein Skimmer Hang On / Sump

    also to hijack my own thread... i have sand in my display no idea where it came from... would it be ok to use a new diffrent sand in my fuge or do i need to dig some out of the display... and how would you do that as to not cause any spikes
  2. jesikarose

    CL Redfish 100 Aquarium Protein Skimmer Hang On / Sump

    Anyone heard of it... good skimmer or no??? need help trying to find a good one for a decent price
  3. jesikarose

    what next... anyone care to help a sista out...

    what about a Velvet Fairy Wrasse would that work???
  4. jesikarose

    New Tank

    ohh alright.. i guess i just got lucky with mine.. got it out of any established tank... 50 pounds for 50 bucks.. and 25 for a bunch of sand... Then I got a peice of 8 lbs tonga for like 4.50 and dont worry sand will settle in a day or so as long as you dont go messing up everything... i finally...
  5. jesikarose

    what next... anyone care to help a sista out...

    Thanks... lol.. so i would need to go like this 1Scissortail Gobies and Firefish or some small wierd fish 2Flame or cb 3foxface 4then the mandirn or signal goby
  6. jesikarose

    what next... anyone care to help a sista out...

    Alright so I finally finished my cycle...(actually is was finshished before i thought it was) anyways... I got my starter cleaner crew and a lawnmower blenny and two very small clowns... And I am at a stand still... I dont need to add anyfish for a couple more weeks... but i need to qt for at...
  7. jesikarose

    New Tank

    Sorry i just reread my post and i sound really rude i appoligize... i just dont get $500 for rock...what is it a lb for you and how many pounds did you get... sorry if offended you...
  8. jesikarose

    New Tank

  9. jesikarose


    gas is going down though... hopfully there will no longer be a charge for gas...
  10. jesikarose

    Problem with Nemo and Dori

    I know I am newbi...But... i thought i would throw in my 2 cents... It does not matter what fish or name... If Someone say "help me"..."what did i do wrong"... Is it not in our nature to help.... If you saw a guy on the side (with a broke down blue car) on the road and he asked for help "with...
  11. jesikarose

    Storing LS

    I put mine in a bucket with water to cover it... i was told it would be ok for a week... but i am not sure... Mine worked out Great!!!
  12. jesikarose

    Yeah!!! New Clowns (for Me) Questions???

    Thanks... I know i was just telling hubby we need to set it up we have it as a freshwater qt right now... I dont think there is much of a bio load... lol... i serious as all get out when i say they are small... like the size of a ladies thumb nail...Dixie My lawnmower is eating away he cracks me...
  13. jesikarose

    Yeah!!! New Clowns (for Me) Questions???

    Alright So I finally got done with my cycle and went two hours to lfs and bout two clowns (false percs) and A lawnmover blenny... The CLowns are so small like the size of my thumb nail.... is this normal to sell so young... they love to eat and will eat flake, frozen brine, and pellets (altough...
  14. jesikarose

    Glass scratch removal

    Originally Posted by G_D Don't want to hijack my own thread either, but my brother is looking for a Blue Sumatra chicken. That I dont have... I would check a hatchery
  15. jesikarose

    I think i am messing something up!

    I am not sure... but i tested my ro water straight from tap and got an 0 reading so.. will that matter
  16. jesikarose

    Glass scratch removal

    I dont want to hyjack his thread, But we sell all types of chickens, we cant ship. If you want some basic info on them email me @
  17. jesikarose

    Glass scratch removal

    i dont know maybe you can buff it like you would a car... I dont know... I am a chick who works in a farm store... i sell chickens... LOL...
  18. jesikarose

    I think i am messing something up!

    I already have a small small small clean up crew most came with the live rock... My Ammonia is like killing me ever so slowely .... I am not sure why it will not go down... So much for hoping for a 2 week mini cyle (the guy i got the lr from said i would not have much of a cycle...)
  19. jesikarose

    Glass scratch removal

    i have a 120 with the same problem... From what I understand there is really nothing that will get rid of scrathes.. think about it.. the only thing that can cut glass is a diamond IMO
  20. jesikarose

    I think i am messing something up!

    I have had a 75 gallon going for roughly a month now (cycling) With 50 lbs of live rock and a bunch of sand out of an exsisting tank. About a two weeks into it I added a piece of live rock (8lbs) that was already cured. I have been testing every three days and for the first two weeks basically...