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  1. xdave

    Copperband Butterfly Help

    Originally Posted by Dinogeorge IMO, the majority of the folks who buy copperbands do not do enough research to keep them. They die because people don’t understand their feeding habits or what they require in their diet. Just looking at the fish tells you that they are specialized feeders. It’s...
  2. xdave

    Copperband Butterfly Help

    For every Copperband you buy, thousands are killed.
  3. xdave

    uv sterilizer

    As long as you've gone to the trouble of taking the rock out, why don't you just pick them off? I have to agree with SCSInet on this one, UV light is not something you want to play around with.
  4. xdave

    Tax Returns!

    Instead of loaning the government a % of my paycheck interest free, I claim as many deductions as I can and put money in the bank.
  5. xdave

    Feeding lettuce

    Scrub it well, or better yet buy organically grown and scrub it too. You should bruise it. Pound on it with your fist or run a rolling pin over it first. Breaking the cell structure up will help with digestion and release of the nutrients.
  6. xdave

    cleaning acrylic

    You need a cleaning pad made for acrylic. Never use glass cleaner on plastic, ammonia will turn it yellow. WARNING: Never spray anything near or even in the room with a tank, especially a nano.
  7. xdave

    Moving fish from QT to DT?

    Originally Posted by redinator If SG and Temp are identical, do you have to acclimate your fish when moving them from your QT? don't forget the ph.
  8. xdave

    Flame or coral beauty angel???

    Potters seldom live long enough to reach adult size. (hopefully the people about to flame me will be restricted to those who've personally had one live for over a year ) If your tank has enough hiding spots it should be big enough to have a flame and a coral beauty.
  9. xdave

    Sleeping fish...

    My Huma trigger used to lay down on the bottom as soon as I turned off the light.
  10. xdave

    Aquacultured Fish

    Google retail aquacultured marine fish. Not allowed to list sites here. The fish you're looking for are readily available. "Captive reared" fish are collected as eggs or larvae and raised in tanks. This is also has much less impact on the populations than capture of the fish themselves. Thank...
  11. xdave

    Morish idol

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  12. xdave

    Feeding Brine

    Originally Posted by renogaw the only good brine shrimp is the stuff you hatch and then leave 12 more hours in a good mix of phyto plankton. they do not eat the phyto, but it gets stuck in their body. brine = a treat and should not be a full time food IMO. I definitely agree, but... I've put...
  13. xdave

    LFS: What's the point?

    Things like aptasia are hard to control in a store setting. It doesn't really say anything about the quality of the fish. I'd avoid getting anything they could stick to like rock or coral though.
  14. xdave

    question about a hydrometer

    Using a hydrometer with leftover salt, bubbles, or reading it when not level is user error, not equipment error. I'm sorry if that sounds crass but not following the directions is pretty much the definition of user error. Using a refractometer with salt left in it will also give inaccurate...
  15. xdave

    question about a hydrometer

    Originally Posted by LexLuethar You cannot conduct a VALID test one time and tell my that the results are statistically accurate - because they are not. Conduct that same test for 7 - 14 days with all hydrometers and THEN you can make a case. If your hydrometer gives varied readings on water...
  16. xdave

    question about a hydrometer

    When I bought mine for $5 I tested against a refractometer and it was perfect. I've tested it every few years out of curiosity. It's been over 20 years since I bought it and it's still right on the money. The main variable that effects the difference between salinity and specific gravity is...
  17. xdave

    wanna humu humu

    Can you see a 2" Humu taking out a 15" Volitan Lion in one bite? I sure wish I had never seen it! It will continue to kill all the inverts until they are gone.
  18. xdave

    Cleaning a tank that's been sitting empty for a long time

    The floaties are up getting stuck up under the rim. You might want to pop it off to rinse it and silicon it back on.
  19. xdave

    UV Steralizer "Really THAT good?"

    Lots of stores use UVs, particularly if they can't use copper. They can be useful for a QT, but I never use one for the DT. They kill beneficial bacteria. I always have to laugh when I go to a store where they sell miracles.
  20. xdave

    question about a hydrometer

    Ahhh baloney! Nothing wrong with hydrometers, yours is just bad. According to tests done by Adam Blundell, M.Sc. "It is my opinion after seeing these results that plastic hydrometers are perfectly acceptable for use in the hobby. I would say they are even acceptable for use in research. Their...