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  1. fefo23

    My first reef its running

    evrey day i see a new sroom in one of the rock they are all over the place. so to call this tank cycle y shall wait for coralin algee to come up or just my water have nothing at all
  2. fefo23

    My first reef its running

    yes i have a retro kit from coralife and check my water a few minutes ago and no amonia nitirtes and 0.5 nitrates also alk is 140ppm ph is 8.4 sg1.023
  3. fefo23

    My first reef its running

    ok after 6 month of reserch my first reef is running or cycling. But i have a question on cycling, i got some sand and live rock from somwone who was taken down a 75 gal tank, like 10 to 15lb of sand and 60lb of rock the guy have running for more then 2 yerars, and I add 40lb of live sand caribe...
  4. fefo23

    Jeremy's tank pictures

    What light do you have? The sun coral looks realy good, what food do you give him?
  5. fefo23

    brittle startfish

    The tank is sicle prosses, but after I tinking to get the reef packages for and they have as part of it 2 brittle starfish
  6. fefo23

    Photos of my first SW tank

    good work, but I agree more sand
  7. fefo23

    Coralife T-5 Double Strip any good?

    That's no good go for somthing with some more power
  8. fefo23

    brittle startfish

    WHAT fish do you have in your tank, and tanks
  9. fefo23

    Clean-up crew

    you problably can get claner shrimp, but if you don't have any fish yet, you may have to give them some food.
  10. fefo23

    brittle startfish

    It's anyone have a bad expierinece with this starfish. My point is the i'm thinking to order one of the reef packages from and they have in the package 2 of those, for what i read, they eat waterver they find around. Please can somewone point me in the right direction. thanks for your help
  11. fefo23

    few pics from my 12 gal

    loking good, very nice
  12. fefo23

    30gal Monaco style

    I'm ready to set my first reef tank, so i was wondrer if any doing a Monaco style tank. My plan is to have an undrewater filter add crush coral like 2", aragonite sand, 2" and last 20lb of live sand from this site, along with 45lb live rock. I have an emperor 400 and aqua remora c on the way...
  13. fefo23

    300 Gal. Agressive Pictures( new aquascape)

    I love your tank special the lionfish
  14. fefo23

    I need help to set my 29 gal

    I'm going to correct myself no yelow tang in this tank is to small for this fish
  15. fefo23

    protein skimmer

    I need some advice on aqua remora or coralife 65 skimmer this is for my new 29 gal tank, I see the coralife evrywher but the aqua remora i dont know where to buy it? Thanks
  16. fefo23

    Can someone recommend a good beginners book to a noob?

    I'm one like you, but for the book i tink the natural reef aquariums by jhon h tullock you can find here in and also marine fish i don't remember the autor on this one
  17. fefo23

    How Many Fish?

    I think you are ok with that stuff if one more damsel but that's about it
  18. fefo23

    Just getting started.

    Looking good, what filter and skimmer do you have?
  19. fefo23

    first decent pics of my 90 in-wall display

    Very nice tnak one of the best aquarium there i see in the forum. Good job!
  20. fefo23

    my 29 w/ 130 watt pc's

    It my imagination or you have a lionfish?