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  1. yomommasmom

    Help Yellow Watchman Brown

    should i get some of that nutrition dip stuff
  2. yomommasmom

    Help Yellow Watchman Brown

    HI i have an yellow watchman and he is totally brown wat should i do i feed him brine shrimp got him 2 days ago and water perimeters are perfect
  3. yomommasmom

    Sea apple

    no i now you paid alot but it will crash your tank fast keep an eye on it for any syptoms of dieing
  4. yomommasmom

    Emergency Yellow Watchman

    ill change it
  5. yomommasmom

    Emergency Yellow Watchman

    it is eating brine shimp but it oly gets like 1 a day and the other fish like 50 i acclimated the way i have done all my fish i now its not correct but it works for me i just let them ajust to temp tank net get him out and them put him in NO WATER FROM THEM GOES INTO MINE
  6. yomommasmom

    Emergency Yellow Watchman

    cuz i liked it
  7. yomommasmom

    Emergency Yellow Watchman

    :help: Hi i have an yellow watch man and i have had him for about 2 days everything is perfect in my tank it is about 5 months old and the test are 0 nitites and nitrates 8.2 ph alankity fine he has turned brown when hes soposed to be yellow wat should i do or dont? :help:
  8. yomommasmom

    29 Gallon SW update...

    ok i bought an yellow watchman 2 days ago and he never eats
  9. yomommasmom

    29 Biocube--A Work in Process

    i hate my yellow watchman he hardly never comes out and eats
  10. yomommasmom

    I've been screwed!

    de is that you in the pic if it is wow call me
  11. yomommasmom

    Dallas Cowboys!

    Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Cowboys Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Yey Eat That Bears
  12. yomommasmom

    seaclone troubles

    how do i keep my seaclone running continusly
  13. yomommasmom

    Twinspot (4WD) Goby Help Please!

    i have an 4x4 to and he will never eat the copos in my tank i would recommend feeding him with swissers
  14. yomommasmom

    New to the clown

    well thats wat i cant be shure about it would be an good idea to switch the power head you have to the other side
  15. yomommasmom

    New to the clown

    well that is why because they dont want to go to the other side cause they haft to swim more the important thing is nothings wrong with them make shure your water is not to low
  16. yomommasmom

    Is an octopus an invert?

    wow 29 gallon tank is not near big anough for an octopus
  17. yomommasmom

    New to the clown

    if you want them crusin the tank make shure the water flow is even are they on the opposite side of the filter????
  18. yomommasmom

    mean fish

    ok i just got an Shrimpgoby - Yellow Watchman an couple of days ago it seems to be doing ok ecept my other fish get the brine shimp before him cause he stays on the bottom wat should i do :thinking: thanks
  19. yomommasmom

    Does having a glass top distort light?

    yes it does i got glass tops yesterday im still trying to figure out an way to cool it down without paying 500 extras $$
  20. yomommasmom

    how do i cool

    hi i have an 55 gal tank with 260 volts on it i have just bought an glass covering to keep from evaporation this has cause the greenhouse effect i need to now how to cool my tank without spending $360 will an computer fan work? thanks greatly