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  1. dmh

    when to get Clean up crew

    What could you keep with VHOs that you couldn't keep with PCs? PCs put out more lumens than VHOs. Given the same amount of wattage and similar color spectrum, PCs, though not metal halide quality, are superior to VHOs.
  2. dmh

    BurnNSpy et al, DSB question

    Alright, I'm finally getting around to removing the crushed coral from my main tank and putting in a DSB. I am planning on putting down about 3" of 'dead' sand, CaribSea of some type, and then topping off with an inch of Natures Ocean 'live' sand, for a total of 4". My question is, what...
  3. dmh

    New tank and new problems..please help! (long post)

    If it was me, I would do the following: - ditch the canister. just adds a further complicating factor you dont need - get a skimmer, probably something along the lines of a Prizm; cheap and effective - get 2 or 3 smaller powerheads. Maybe a couple Rio 400 or 600s, or something similar -...
  4. dmh

    live rock

    Dying coralline algae?
  5. dmh

    Cycling Question?????

    I think the big question here is the condition of the live rock he put it. With that much live rock, if it was uncured and out of an established tank, it is possible that there are enough bacteria to prevent a real 'cycle', and the tank may be good to go. If that was the case, I would check by...
  6. dmh

    Tank dying

    If you can't manage a hospital tank, acquire salt, do repeated water changes...the toxins are in the water, and every water change will dillute them further. Running the filter with carbon may be a good idea. I don't know much about the structure of the chemical in the spray, but I would think...
  7. dmh

    lace rock????

    Anything you stick in the tank will eventually become live. You could put a golf ball in the tank and eventually it will be a live golf ball. My suggestion is to just be sure whatever you put in is calcerous, clean, and sturdy enough that it won't fall apart. Some lace rock is pretty flimsy...
  8. dmh

    reef plants

    Okay, now let me stress that I have no experience in keeping plants in a reef tank, but I have read some on it. Since you got no replies, I'll try. Yes, fish will eat plants, and that is why most people don't keep them. There are some very coarse, tough plants I have seen on certain dealer's...
  9. dmh

    any idea on how clams multiply?

    ...they don't multiply well...I gave mine a simple set of 10 problems to do, and it only got 2 right. They can't subtract worth a damn either.
  10. dmh

    Featherduster population explosion!

    Alright, I looked it up for ya... Check the bottom section of this link: Some reproduce sexually, some asexually, but either way they produce planktonic larvea that can pretty much develop anywhere in your tank, if they don't end up as food for a coral...
  11. dmh

    cycling question

    Okay, the 55 I just set up is exactly as you describe yours. I put in a ton of base rock, a few chunks of live rock to get some coraline going eventually, but instead of using damsels, I just threw in some fish food to rot and supply the ammonia. I have been cycling for a few weeks, and the...
  12. dmh

    how does ur LFS transfer LR?

    On a related note...I built up a ton of base rock when I started my tank, added some 'dying' live rock to cycle it (from the lfs). The rock has enough surviving coaraline to get that started, but as far as other life goes, there is little to none. I've went in in the middle of the night with a...
  13. dmh

    how does ur LFS transfer LR?

    Store manager: How long will it take you to get home? Me: 5 minutes Store manager: <throws rock in plastic sack which he drops in brown paper bag, and tosses to me> Drive like hell.
  14. dmh

    They should all die...die, I say...

    That's impressive. Coming from the Mirror (the UK Enquirer) I still wonder if there wasn't some flaw in that glass or other contributing circumstances. :) The link says that a mantis can strike with the force of a rifle bullet. Considering that a 200 grain rifle bullet (roughly the weight of...
  15. dmh

    They should all die...die, I say...

    Im curious myself. I find it pretty hard to believe that they could break the glass themselves, but I've been wrong before. (really) I would think that tank is made out of at least 1/8" and maybe 3/16" glass. It would take a heck of alot of force to break it. Most tanks (larger ones) are...
  16. dmh

    They should all die...die, I say...

    I'm a little confused here. You say this is a glass tank, and are worried about the rockwork being moved and breaking the tank. Glass is pretty stout, and it would take a pretty good sized chunk of rock moving quite a bit to break even 1/8" glass, and I can't imagine the glass being thinner...
  17. dmh

    VHO, PC, and MH efficiency compared

    BnS, just want to let you know that my intent in posting the info was not to confuse anyone. I am a novice reef-keeper myself, and found it odd that people talk watts/gal regardless of the type of lighting being discussed, and even more frustrating that it is so hard to find lumen ratings for...
  18. dmh

    AquaC Remora or Urchin Hang-on

    Awesome, thanks! Anyone have a Remora? [ July 27, 2001: Message edited by: DMH ]
  19. dmh

    AquaC Remora or Urchin Hang-on

    Anyone have either of these protien skimmers on their tanks? I have seen them rated as the best skimmers in their class on the only two sites that have rated them. One thing I am concerned about is noise. Any opinions regarding the noise level of the AquaC skimmers?
  20. dmh

    Power compacts for corals?

    Exactly what I was looking for rblehm. I think I'll go with the 2 96w PCs and add a couple of the bluest (purple) NOs I can find for effect. Thanks!