Search results

  1. mbintraining

    Nitrates in Nano...

    Here's what I did as a result of research on this site (partial thanks to DeMartini) to lower nitrates put a plastic suction cupped bathroom stuff holder on back of tank with macro algae inside (now it is covered with calcarous and you don't notice it) got rid of sponges bioballs and ceramic...
  2. mbintraining

    best corals to add to 24 gal nano

    My 24 gal nano has original lights and so far only xenia,ricordia and a few mushrooms (3 polyps) so what other kinds of coral can I add? I have places close to the top of the water to set stuff and some shady places. Can i have plate coral? MBintraining
  3. mbintraining

    pH and Alkalinity - Unmasked

    Great article that started this thread need to know more about CO2. I have a closed lid syst and I think this might be my prob though it was fine when the tank was just a few months old struggling w low ph now. MBintraining
  4. mbintraining

    24gal pump /light upgrade

    Found some good help scattered nanotuners has retro fits for light kits you can change the hood to hailde or just add another two stage bulb like we already have. pumps suggestions are maxijet 900-1200 upgrade I just don't know if it fits in the back of my tank like current pump. Some also...
  5. mbintraining

    24gal pump /light upgrade

    Looking to upgrade pump and lights for 24 gal nano cube Want to stay in current config pump in back and original hood Can you just replace a bulb or 2 out of the 4 to get better light? And want to increase flow (currently using orig pump). Help needed from all those who have upgraded. Thanks...
  6. mbintraining

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    I have a 24 gal nano. Basically stock except removed bioballs and ceramic rings. Rinse sponges once a week w water change have read your suggest about live rock and am working on that. Checking to see if lfs has filter floss. Have you upgraded pump in the back or added anything to increase...
  7. mbintraining

    Worlds biggest pod or a shrimp?

    That is a gammarus shrimp known as a pod on this site. All ampipods and copepods in the tank are great eaters of detritus. At night I shine a flashlight in there and you can see those gammarus collecting the snail poop. It is terrific that you have them. Some fish like my Scooter couldn't...
  8. mbintraining

    Have you ever heard of this?

    I have had a sw reef tank for 5 months. I have 1 scooter dragonet (stellate), one false perc clown, one firegobie 8 various snails 4 green and blue legged hermits (2 each) 23 lbs of live rock in a 24 gal nano cube. I have a plastic soap dish with macro algae stuck to the back for a fuge and...
  9. mbintraining


    I had one of these he was white smaller than yours with two very small rearmost legs he used them to keep himself wedged into a hole in the rock whenever I tried to get him out. Watched him with joy and facination until.....Suspected to be responsible for sudden death of my neon goby...
  10. mbintraining

    fess up who is overcrowded but doing great

    I only have 3 fish false perc, scooter(stellate) dragonet also called scooter blenny by some, and a firefish but want more colorful swimmers that go through and around rock but arent aggressive my fire and clown swim next 2 each ohter peacefully I have pods for the dragonet 4 hermits and 8...
  11. mbintraining

    acrobatic fish

    My trustworthy lfs told me to put weaterstripping on top of the wall to make wall seal to lid so clown couldn't get over. I haven't yet because he has only been back there once when just introduced to tank he likes to sleep up there close to top of water and wall when startled jumped over...
  12. mbintraining

    Need help to keep fish from going into filter area of Biocube!!!

    This happened to me because the clown likes to sleep up there and when startled jumps over the wall. I was able to lower to lower the water just a bit and it helped. lfs (one that I trust)told me to get a piece of weatherstripping and attach it to the wall then it would seal against top. fish...
  13. mbintraining

    Scooter Blenny questions

    I'm not an expert and the advice on here is often conflicting but very sound. I ordered copepods and they seem to breed in the holes in my live rock. I am going to add a suction cup soap dish with chaeto algea soon but I have adults and babies of at least 2 diff types of pods. Scooter has...
  14. mbintraining

    fess up who is overcrowded but doing great

    I love fish inverts and coral as much as anyone but I want to see some lists and hear some success stories of those who may be a bit overcrowded but are doing great. How do you do it? How often do you test? water change-how much20 30%? what special ways do you have to fight ammonia and...
  15. mbintraining

    Need Experts crab ID w/o pic

    Crab blocked both holes of his lair tried to check on him he must have died in there. Got him before water contaminated yeah! :joy: lfs could not id him was not hairy had really small almost hook like rearmost legs was white with checkerboard lines in shell I liked him but didn't want him to...
  16. mbintraining

    Need Experts crab ID w/o pic

    May have eaten bubble algae and has blocked off one entrance to lair with rubble Mom said I should name him Barney. MBintraining
  17. mbintraining

    Lost a fish need to know why

    sorry about the mix up salinity 35ppt all others 0 I am watching other fish closely. The goby showed no signs of illness besides 24hrs before croaking do have question about ricordia they "slime" when disturbed by hermits could this have been "toxic" to goby? MBintraining
  18. mbintraining

    Lost a fish need to know why

    Very sad lost my neon goby in tank over 3 mos was first to enter after cycling. Tank 24 gal nano 23 lbs lr live sand base 2" many "pods" inhabit tank. tank param temp 81, Ph 8.2, salinity, 35ppt nitrites nitrates and ammonia 0 Other inhabitants scooter dragonet, false perc, firefish, 4...
  19. mbintraining

    nano cube pump upgrade suggestions

    yeah I know but I love my set up I think it makes it easier to grow a biofilter and maintain. I just read about the maxijet whatever...... and think my system could be better. But one of those in my 24 gal with 23lbs of lr may cause an avalanche! MBintraining
  20. mbintraining

    Need Experts crab ID w/o pic

    the crab has a pattern of not colored lines but indentations in his shell that look like lines they go from his eyes to the back of his shell then others go from side to side so he looks like the squares of a checkerboard (without any colors). Hope this helps. MBintraining