Search results

  1. miami298

    CBS w/ cleaner shrimp

    I have a CBS, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 fire shrimp and a sexy shrimp. All get along fine in my 120. Occasionally they go after the same pieces of food and the cleaners know when to back off. Other than that it's one big happy shrimp family.
  2. miami298

    Dumbest thing you dropped in your tank?

    I had my Blackberry phone clipped to my short pockets while I was working on a large water change. In these particular shorts, my phone would occasionally flip out of the pocket when I would spend a lot of time moving up, down and around. Needless to say, it fell right in a large Rubbermaid of...
  3. miami298

    corall banded shrimp ever aggressive?

    You will get different results. Some will be fine and some will cause problems. I have a mated pair of CBS shrimp that can stand right next to 2 Sexy Shrimp and a peppermint shrimp, then at night they typically wander the tank and pass right by my 3 skunk cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp without...
  4. miami298

    Anybody want to sell a refractometer?

    25 + the cost of shipping. Email me if interested, nick at
  5. miami298

    blue hippo tang has white spots

    Read about ich for more details. Part of the life cycle is for the white spots to fall off. Once they were on the fish though it means it is in your system. The disease forum and the FAQ section are good places to start for some ideas and info.
  6. miami298

    invisible shrimp!

    The shrimp may have died for unknown reasons but once he died your emerald crabs would have torn him up quick. I had a shrimp that was fine at 3 am and dead by 10 am. My emerald crab had what was left of him when I found him (Which I wrestled away to get credit for his death)
  7. miami298

    Feeding your Fish while on vacation ????

    I would be more concerned with things like, topping off with fresh water to make up for evaporation and emptying the collection cup on your skimmer. If you will only be gone a few days your tank will be fine without food if you can't get someone reliable to help you out (Think of how long all...
  8. miami298

    Tang stocking order and QT?

    Once your Yellow Tang is finished with his QT period and added to your display you can QT the Naso tang in your 75. It may seem like it's a small tank for such a large fish but it will be fine by himself in your QT for the 3 weeks or so that you need to have him in there. This is a much better...
  9. miami298

    Panther Grouper

    As Renowgaw said, this fish isn't meant for a peaceful tank. Most groupers will eat any fish smaller than them and this one grows to be quite large. The other fish you are planning to get will be fine with each other.
  10. miami298

    Purple Tang For Sale in Maimi FL

    If your deal falls through I'm off I-75 and Miami Gardens Drive, could pick it up anytime. nick at
  11. miami298

    Zoanthids closed for days?

    I had added a large bubble tip anemone which seemed good for days. I'm not sure what exactly happened next but little by the different corals in the tank started to get affected. Zoanthids all closed up, anemone started looking unhealthy and a monti I had started bleaching. Prior to that...
  12. miami298

    will i regret a 3 strip damsel? Please help

    I generally tend to avoid all damsels, except for Chromis, because pound for pound they are very aggressive fish. They are also hard to remove from a tank without tearing down your rock.
  13. miami298

    hermit crab + oxygen help

    I've read that when you setup a new tank that you don't need to or shouldn't run a skimmer until the 2 month mark. I'm sure if you ask around you can get a more definitive answer.
  14. miami298

    Painting back of glass tank?

    A few of the LFS around here sell different backings that can be applied like window tint. I used blue for my reef tank and black for my QT. I gotta tell you it was pretty easy to apply and sounds easier than painting.
  15. miami298

    QT Question for Gobies

    Check one of the other posts I made a few days back about a Mandarin. It seems to be the general consensus that those fish in particular do not need to be QT'd, not to mention that because of their specific food source you could starve them in a bare QT tank. I highly recommend QT'ing anything...
  16. miami298

    List for new tank

    My peppermint shrimp seriously avoid being seen unlike my other shrimp so I would probably recommend a more "fun" shrimp. Skunk Cleaner shrimp are always fun or maybe a pistol shrimp to go with your replacement goby selection? Perhaps a Barbershop one with a Randalli pistol would look cool...
  17. miami298

    amazing story

    Great story indeed, glad you gave it a bump :happyfish
  18. miami298

    QT Question for Gobies

    I am planning on QT'ing my gobies. The one in particular that I hear that you do not need to QT is the Mandarin Dragonet (or Mandarin Goby as it is often called)
  19. miami298

    Should I QT a Mandarin Dragonet?

    Thanks guys. After a recent experience with having to perform treatment and having my tank go fallow for over a month I want to avoid it again at all costs. No QT it is for Mr. Mandarin.
  20. miami298

    Should I QT a Mandarin Dragonet?

    Just wondering if I should QT it or not. I hear a lot of people say it can't get ich but I want to double check before risking anything.