Search results

  1. krzysztof

    Anyone in Tennessee???

    Newport Here
  2. krzysztof

    Red flatworms, right?

    Blue striped nudibranch prey only on flatworms
  3. krzysztof

    copper in a new tank

    Wash very good with vinegar and water
  4. krzysztof

    what type of shrimp?

    Cleaner Shrimp
  5. krzysztof

    Help Me Decide On a Test Kit

  6. krzysztof

    New additions for 55g

    Carpenters Flasher Wrasse or McCoskers Flasher Wrasse
  7. krzysztof

    What protein skimmer for 55g?

    Coralife Super Skimmer 65 gal
  8. krzysztof

    next fish to add?!?!?!

    Purple Firefish McCoskers Flasher Wrasse Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
  9. krzysztof

    A Fish by another name?

    Some people call COURT JESTER but really the name is Rainfords Goby
  10. krzysztof

    Cups of salt Per gallon

    3 cup per 5 galon 1.025ppt
  11. krzysztof

    What kind of blennie is this?

    Maximum Length 5.1 in. Meaty foods,including frozen prepared foods,and live foods. Larger specimens may attack smaller ornamental shrimps.
  12. krzysztof

    Best Salt

    Reef Crystal
  13. krzysztof

    What kind of blennie is this?

    ( Parapercis schauinslandi) Schauinsland 's Sand Perch or Redspotted Sand Perch or Red Grubfish . Different name but it's the same fish
  14. krzysztof

    Salt Mix

    I am using REFRACTOMETER , and i have the directions on this bucket,but would like a second opinion from experts THANKS FOR INFO .KJ
  15. krzysztof

    Salt Mix

    I m starting a 55 gal tank next week and would like to know how much salt per gallon to mix to achieve this ppm-1.024 to 1.026 . I am using REEF CRYSTAL salt mix and refractometer. Thanks for any info. KJ
  16. krzysztof

    Reef Safe?

    Maximum size about 0.5 in. Foods & Feeding They lack zooxanthellae but do well in reef tanks that are well fed.No target feeding is necessary ,but they reproduce more rapidly if fed.Good aquarium animals. MARINE INVERTEBRATES Ronald l.Shimek pg118
  17. krzysztof

    How much rock and sand should I get?

    Minimum 1lb per galon
  18. krzysztof

    RO water

    Yes,you can use water from Walmart,RO/DI with no problems,33 cents a gallon.
  19. krzysztof

    New tank NEEDS lights

    Zoo Mushrooms Softies and some LPS
  20. krzysztof

    New tank NEEDS lights
