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  1. ogitrev

    Macro algae

    Do you still have some available? Please e-mail me if you do.... Thanks! - Tom
  2. ogitrev

    mag drive pump any good??

    Wasted: I use a MagDrive 9 (900 GPH) for my 55 and it works great! You can use the MagDrive either in-line or submersed. 75$ for 2500 GPH is a great deal. I paid about $80 for mine. I would recommend that pump. - Tom
  3. ogitrev

    SDBGDS (kinda long)

    He did hit his head on my canopy when he jumped out and I thought maybe he was just knocked out. But when I checked him, he was dead alright. The owner of my LFS thinks he may have had a heart attack... but then again, he's never seen that happen before either. I guess it's gonna be a big...
  4. ogitrev

    SDBGDS (kinda long)

    SDBGDS = Sudden Diamond Back Goby Death Syndrome (At least thats what I'm calling it until I find out what happened) Heres the story... My Diamond Back Goby was sitting on the bottom of the tank and all of a sudden swam up to the top as fast as he could, jumped out of the water, and then swam...
  5. ogitrev

    Heater Explosion (long post)

    I know there is a device out there that you stick into the outlet and it is supposed to simulate a ground fault. It's very small. I saw my home inspector use one when he inspected my house before I bought it. I'm not exactly sure what its called but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to get one...
  6. ogitrev

    GFCI Outlets

    In fear of getting a new hair do, I decided to re-wire the outlets that my tank is plugged into. I want to get GFCI outlets but don't which to get. Should I get 15Amp or 20Amp? Your opinions please. :) Thanks! - Tom
  7. ogitrev

    Anyone here have a filter attachment for there powerheads?

    If you're talking about the spong pre-filters, I think they're great. They keep the critters from getting sucked into them. - Tom
  8. ogitrev


    I use a DIY skimmer in my sump and it works great. It cost me about $25 for the material plus $18 for the powerhead that I used as the pump. You will also need an air pump. I didn't have to buy one cause I already had it. IMO, if you are looking to save money, you may want to buy your...
  9. ogitrev

    Best temperature control?

    I also use a Hagen Tronic and love it! I keep mine in my sump though. Heats nicely and you don't even see it in the display tank. - Tom
  10. ogitrev

    LR and LS from saltwaterfish?

    I have purchased both LS and LR from here and the service/product was great. I agree w/Mr. Salty on the 40lbs of LS for your tank. And it is true that you should not rinse it before adding it... However, if you are adding the LR to an already established tank, you may want to cure it first...
  11. ogitrev

    please tell me what pump to get for a wetdry

    I've been running a Mag Drive 9.5. It has been wonderfull so far. You can use it either in-line or submersed. - Tom
  12. ogitrev

    power heads

    If it is an AquaClear 802, the "tube" on the intake can come off...just pull it... I just put a 402 in my tank and my percs got into a fight and both got sucked into the tube. I was able to save one but the other died. After that happened, I pulled the tube off of the bottom and that has...
  13. ogitrev

    Help in raising Calcium Levels

    I've simply been using Coral Life salt to make my salt water. Coral Life has the right amount of calcium mixed in with their salt. Mine stays at a constant 450ppm with no dosing at all. - Tom
  14. ogitrev

    AuquaFX RO Help!!! ASAP please!!!

    Thanks...flow restrictor is gone...called AquaFX and they are sending one. I was hoping that I would have RO water by today so I can do my water change without all the phosphates and stuff Thanks! - Og
  15. ogitrev

    AuquaFX RO Help!!! ASAP please!!!

    I just got my AquaFX 3-Stage RO (Dolphin model). When I run water through it, the water just gushes out of the "reject water" hose at the same rate that it is going in. Also the pressure guage is reading less than 4ppi. Can someone please help???? Thanks! - Og
  16. ogitrev

    Cloudy Water, Bad Algae, and "film"

    Thank you all for your help... with your combined efforts to help me, I am starting to beat this thing. My RO unit will be here on Monday, and my sump is gonna be installed tomorrow. To combat the problem in the mean time, I ran my magnet cleaner to get the algae off the glass, moved my power...
  17. ogitrev

    Cloudy Water, Bad Algae, and "film"

    jamos6: I have the lights on about 9 hours a day @knight: I should have mentioned that I do have a small cleanup crew. I have 4 turbo snails and 6 hermits although I understand that I need more. I had also already gotten over my diatom bloom. Once that was over, the water stayed clear for...
  18. ogitrev

    Cloudy Water, Bad Algae, and "film"

    Hello all, I have had my tank set up for about 5 weeks now and have encountered my first problem. My water is cloudy (white cloudy), I have a "film" on the top of my water and I have green algae growing all over the glass. When I clean the algae off, it grows back within hours. Can someone...
  19. ogitrev

    Help! Fish not eating!

    Do you know if the fish was cought wild or tank raised? If cought wild, he would only be used to what he ate in the wild, not flakes or pellets. - Og
  20. ogitrev

    light question???

    For fish only, lighting isn't extremely important. Run with what you want. If you want to run just actinic, go right ahead, it won't hurt anything. - Og :)