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  1. gubber

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Hi Missy, great looking tank. I have had my 10g for a year now and it's alot of work. I have a six line wrase and a pink line gobby. I love my six line wrase and I named her sexy because of the eyeliner and lipstick. HeHe Do you have any problems with her going after the inverts? I'm fixing to...
  2. gubber

    10g nano question...

    Hello, have you looked at a sixline wrase? I have one in my 10gal with a pink line gobby. She is a very colorful fish with alot of personality. Look one up under fish and let me know what you think.
  3. gubber

    10 gal tank question

    I don't get it? bump
  4. gubber

    10 gal tank question

    Hi Debbie, I agree with jba6511. It's just that it seem like I did try everything and nothing seemed to work so I tryed my last resort. The problem is that if the red slime get out of control then you got a big mess on your hands. The Chemiclean worked well and did not affect anything else in my...
  5. gubber

    10 gal tank question

    Originally Posted by Debbie For all you 10 gal people out there. I would like to know what kind(s) of filter(s) are you running on your tank?? Do you find the filter to be enough or do you also run powerheads and what size of one would you recommend?? I am not looking to blast everything in the...
  6. gubber

    Mandarin Question

    The tank is 1/2 year old and pods is not the problem right now. The Mandarin is eating frozen blood worms and frozen mysis. I'm working on a refugium for him but at the moment I'm worried about what growing on him. I won't have to worry about him if this thing kills him. As you can see on...
  7. gubber

    Mandarin Question

    Correct about the 2005 HaHa. I was just glad to get them on their. I didn't know how to work the camera It's not a crab, I don't have any in there now and I haven't moved any rocks so it's not that. He does like to jump sometimes so maybe a broken bone I'm leaning to something growing in...
  8. gubber

    Mandarin Question

    OMG What a night mare this was!!! but I think I got it.
  9. gubber

    Mandarin Question

    I'm trying but it's hard to get him where I want so that we can tell what it is. Wouldn't you know it, a camera shy Mandarin
  10. gubber

    Mandarin Question

    Hi everyone, I've got a small problem with my Mandarin. It seem that their is something trying to burrow out of its side. It's at the tail end and it looks like it growing. Does anyone know if its some kind of parasite? I dont have a pic of it but I'll try to get one soon.
  11. gubber

    Cleaned out clean up crew

    Well, I have a Whisper Power Filter but I really dont know how much flow that is. I didn't add the Instant Ocean directly but I did add it a little too quickly. It's been a little while now and they seem to be doing okay. I also found out that one of my Emeral Crabs did survive the whole ordeal...
  12. gubber

    Cleaned out clean up crew

    Okay, I cycled the tank 4 weeks before I put anything in and I did acclimate the fish as per specs. I didn't know about the Inverts, I thought they were good to go. My bad. I've done my a 20% water change and have added the Instant Ocean over a period of time and it's at 1.024 now. PH is...
  13. gubber

    Cleaned out clean up crew

    Originally Posted by earlybird that's great. A lfs by me swears he can get them all to eat cyclops. Have you done water changes? Your ammonia and trites can also kill your fish. Yes, I did a 20% water change this morning and I got some Instant Ocean last night so I will introduce some of it...
  14. gubber

    Cleaned out clean up crew

    Originally Posted by Beth All of the above will kill inverts. I'm finding this out :notsure: I'm going to do a alot of reading before I get any more. Thanks Beth.
  15. gubber

    Cleaned out clean up crew

    Thank you, finally some one who agrees with me. Thank you Thank you. I even turn off the pump until he's done eating. This way the food dos'nt fly away. I also feed my sixline first so that he gets as much as he can. I have them here at work with me so I spend 10hr. a day with them. Their are...
  16. gubber

    Pink worm?! ID

    Boy, you really don't like this worm huh! I had one in my tank and I felt just the same. I didn't know where it came from until I looked into it a little further. If it's in there and it's going to help me clean my tank a little and feed my wrasse, why not. As a matter a fact I haven't seen it...
  17. gubber

    Pink worm?! ID

    The yellow wrasse will take care of it for you. The problem is that they come out at night when the wrasse is sleeping. How big is the worm?
  18. gubber

    Pink worm?! ID

    It does sound like a brisle worm or aka fireworm. You don't have to get rid of it cuz they help keep your tank clean. They only become a problem if their are too many of them. If you have a sixline wrasse in your tank the worm would make a good snack.
  19. gubber

    red slime

    Use the "Chemiclean" Red slime remover. It works very well. Look into it. I had the same problem. It runs about $14.99. But it works and it dos'nt hurt anything else.
  20. gubber

    red algae

    I just used that "Chemiclean" and yes it does work. The red slime is gone. It turned brown and then I just cleaned it up. It worked very well. It runs about $14.99 but well worth it. It didn't hurt anything else in my tank.