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  1. bambam_250r

    Can I use this kinds of water for my reef tank?

    Just a thought, before I got an ro/di system for my house I used those water purifiers out in front of the stores. Like Glacier or something. According to the info, they go through 6 stages of clarifications, sediment, carbon, ro, di, carbon and uv sterilization. It was only $0.25 per gallon.
  2. bambam_250r

    Condy anemone sting?

    I guess I'll take it out and take it to the LFS.
  3. bambam_250r

    Condy anemone sting?

    Cool. This guy stays put. He never moves around. I even detached him from one rock an threw him back in this rock and he stuck. But that's when I noticed he was close to my ric.
  4. bambam_250r

    Condy anemone sting?

    DO they sting other tankmates? I moved my tank around and he's close to a ricordia mushroom of mine and I don't want it to hurt the 'schroom. Thanks
  5. bambam_250r

    New Seahorse pic

  6. bambam_250r

    Yellow sponge? WTF?

    I have one of those SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS in my tank.
  7. bambam_250r

    Score - Thank you *****

    Wow, what a deal. Here in Denver they are at least $50 to $60 for a small one...2"
  8. bambam_250r

    What do you feed your open brain coral?

    Originally Posted by Anonome They do filter to some degree, hit or miss, but have tenticals to grab at meaty foods. This is what they like the most. To make them grow, and thrive, you need to spot feed them. I feed mine mysis. You feed them at night right? When their tentacles are out.
  9. bambam_250r

    What do you feed your open brain coral?

    Originally Posted by gmford1979 you have to go and search another web site but it comes in different forms. the one i use is made by Liquid Life. its called MarinePlankton. its in a pump bottle and you just keep it frozen and pump it in when you want to. your corals will go crazy and so will...
  10. bambam_250r

    Bubble algae

    Bubble algae spreads as the bubbles pop. You can control it by either pulling them off the rocks by hand gently or sucking them out with the tube you do the water changes with. Eventually, they'll go away. I thought Emeralds only ate the tiny bubbles when they first start out.
  11. bambam_250r

    Cleaner Crew for a 29 reef

    In my 29 I don't have much luck with more that about 5 snails. A couple of turbos, 2 or 3 cerith and an nassarius or 2. If I get more, they die off. 3 emeralds is too many unless you feed them by hand regularly. Cyano is usually caused by having dead spots and it's a bacterial algea. You can...
  12. bambam_250r

    Frogspawn question

    Frogspawns are easie IMO. Moderate flow and light. Good feedings. They are great tank additions because they flow around.
  13. bambam_250r

    As Requested..Pic of all my Acans

    wow, those are awesome.
  14. bambam_250r

    Do you dose and test for magnesium?

    I test. It's always been right on. I think I still do it because my 5 year old likes to see it change from pink to blue color. LOL
  15. bambam_250r

    My 1-Month Old Nano FOWLR Tank!!

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark I tend to agree although I am not nearly as experienced as RFB is, I have come home on many occasions to my power head spewing nearly 500 times the amount of bubbles you show in your tank, well its an approximate. Lets say to the point where nothing is visible...
  16. bambam_250r

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Hey Perfect, whatch out for that red hairy (wirey) algae on that one rock. I have it. It's good, but if you don't have crabs to keep it in check, it'll take over your tank! Still looks good though.
  17. bambam_250r

    New pics of my 29g

    My set up: 2 x 65W power Compacts, 1 10,000K and 1 True Actinic from Hello Lights ran 8 hours a day (soon to add LEDs for moonlight as soon as I build my hood.) 1 Maxi Jet 600 with Hydor flow director (that's new) 1 Aqua...something... 600 that directs flow from left to right 1 Red Sea Prizm...
  18. bambam_250r

    New pics of my 29g

    Originally Posted by sexyfishers besides time and lighting, did you add something to make your rock coraline come out so beautiful! I have 125g, but thinking of making my qt tank 10 gal into a nano reef.. my 125 lb of lr in my main tank is getting colored up, but if I can add something to rev up...
  19. bambam_250r

    New pics of my 29g

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 Looks great! How do you like flow directors? top looks to have a little bit of scum.. Direct some flow up more.. The flow directors are great. I had a pump that pointed up but it's dead right now. I'm going to be putting an over flow with a 10 gallon sump on soon...
  20. bambam_250r

    New pics of my 29g

    Originally Posted by reefernana What's the ivory coral with the green centers in the first pic on the right? Very pretty! Can't wait till all my rock colors up like yours. I've only been setup since May 1st, but it's getting there. I have purple, pink, mint green, red, and orange coming out...