Hello all!
So after a LONG time away from marine aquariums, I've decided to take the plunge again. My user profile will probably show how old my account is...LOL!
Anyways, I've decided to do a nano reef tank with a few small fish.
Here's the specifics, and what I plan to do:
37 gallon...
Very cool....I should start my own breeding business.....is this a sign that my water parameters are good, and that I have optimum lighting for the anemones?
Hey all I have a Custom Sealife PC Smartlite Bulb on ---- right now if anyone is interested....not a sales pitch just seeing if anyone is interested here. Thanks
Yeah, I know clowns are very territorial, however, I figured that the anemone would be a common ground that they both could come to....oh well......the bigger one is well and happy now, guess I won't mess with mother nature again like that.
I was told that they should be okay, I guess not, I wish I would have known that so I wouldn't have had to make two trips to the LFS....oh well....you live you learn.
Anyone else have any suggestions or theories.
I recently purchased a Golden Stripe Maroon Clown and a Bubble Anemone to replace my Saddleback and Long Tentacle. Well anyways I decided after about 2 weeks of happiness out of the maroon and his anemone to introduce another smaller Golden Stripe Marron in with his, so I could possibly get...
That would definitely cause an ammonia spike.....yeah I'm a pretty good clip away from you here in Cincy........if you are ever down this way, you may wanna stop at some stores, they have some really really good ones down here.