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  1. rocksalt


    I have the same issue. Increased flow, watch the amount of time lights remain on and consistent water changes seem to be the trick. Once it is on the rocks it will very quickly start to take over. I have a 90 cal reef. In the past I have had to take the rocks and very lightly scrub (watch for...
  2. rocksalt

    Too much food?

    Originally Posted by GatorWPB Also, I was having problems with phosphates in the prepared frozen foods, so thats why I switched to making my own. Does prepared food often present a phosphate problem? OUrs have always been on the high side. We've cut back on feeding but there always seems to be...
  3. rocksalt

    Too much food?

    My LW and I are concerned about the quantity of food our fish receive. We have six fish in our 90 Gal reef. Every other day I feed them half a cube (approx 1.5 grams or .054 oz. I think that's the correct conversion.) of Misys shrimp. The next feeding period they are fed Brine shrimp. Then...
  4. rocksalt

    Very sick tank!

    One mantra I've always heard is you can never have too much flow in a reef tank. The additional power head is rated at 350gph. In a 90 Gal reef tank that is not overkill. To answer your question, the additional power head is not directed at any one group of mushrooms or soft coral. I have LOTS...
  5. rocksalt

    Very sick tank!

    That's worth tying. Where do I install the filter? Thanks 4 the advice.
  6. rocksalt

    Very sick tank!

    No carbon. Never been an issue before. After over a year of consistent levels and filtration system, why are things going down hill now?
  7. rocksalt

    Very sick tank!

    Thanks for all the replies everyone! I will try to answer all the responses as best as possible. Installed four new power compacts 6 months ago. The fish are reef and coral safe. Same fish for the past 2 + years. Salinity has averaged about 1.020 to 1.023 for the past five years with no...
  8. rocksalt

    Very sick tank!

    Yes on the phyto plankton.
  9. rocksalt

    Very sick tank!

    Need help gang! 90 Gal reef tank. We have a variety of mushrooms and soft corals. Six fish two shrimp and about 10 snails. Everything was doing great until recently. Now all the mushrooms hardly open up and the soft corals while not as obvious don't look so well. The fish seem ok. No ick or...
  10. rocksalt

    Tapwater To Ro Water Change

    I too would recommend doing no more than a 25-25% change at a time. You don't want to stress your marine life. I cycled water in my 90Gal reef 20% at a time until I am now using only 100% RO water. I dropped the $$$ and after a few hours of busted knuckles and volumes of swear words I...
  11. rocksalt

    Let Us Bow Our Heads

    Question: Do you put new additions in a sick tank prior to introducing them to the new environment? I have a separate salt water system with water of identical conditions to my main tank. I let new fish in there for at least two weeks before adding them to my 90 Gal reef. Personally I feel it...
  12. rocksalt

    For those who have a Skimmer.

    By all means keep that thing running! As mentioned earlier by another member, it pulls out more gunk than you realize. I take the top receptical off every two or three days to clean it out. It is an intrical part of your filtration system. Else there would be allot of cr@p (no pun intended)...
  13. rocksalt

    HELP with bubble coral

    What are you using to test your water? Strips or a chemical test set? I use the Chemical set as it allows for more accurate readings. My method is if a test does not cover all I need then I buy additional tests so everything is known to me.
  14. rocksalt

    Congratulations! It's a boy! Wait, girl! No, wait..

    They were a pale white. One looked as if had been nibbled upon as it had three legs. Do mini brittles look similar to the standard starfish? These looks fairly run-of-the-mill. Wouls anyof my aforementioned marine critters make a meal from these?
  15. rocksalt

    Congratulations! It's a boy! Wait, girl! No, wait..

    We bought a rock with about six varieties of mushrooms attached. We are very happy as they are flourishing. However along with it came an unexpected bundle of joy. Little immature starfish and I mean L-I-T-T-L-E! No more than one cm in diameter. So far only two have been spotted as they were on...
  16. rocksalt

    HELP with bubble coral

    We have a pink and green bubble. They are fairly hardy, not like a mushroom, but seem to tolerate different salinity, temps and PH levels etc. I have found both flourish if temp is maintained around 80.5, salinity .021 and PH, Nitrites, Nitrates, Phosphates and Calcium are at optimum levels...
  17. rocksalt

    cyano on Gsp and attatching a shroom back to the rock.

    There are many ways to anchor your floater. Two I know of is 1) shave the bottom with a razor or just slice it to expose the base. Using a small rubber band attach it to a small piece of live rock. 2) Same process but using a small dab of Super Glue (yes, I said Super Glue). Now if it is...
  18. rocksalt

    cauliflower coral

    Just curious. Our Green Rhodactis Mushroom is doing much better. My LW and I had posted about it (Mushroom Death Part I and II) possibly being stung by our Leather Tree coral. I believe it is the same as your. At least form the photos it looks the same. We had the Green 'shroom in our sick tank...
  19. rocksalt

    cauliflower coral

    Originally Posted by peckhead it was looking great standing up really tall. it was good for a couple days then today it looked smaller again and not standing so strait up...maybe it is getting too much flow? . I'd give it a few days to adjust before moving it again. Ours gets light to moderate...
  20. rocksalt

    cauliflower coral

    We have a similar coral in our reef tank. I have heard it is called a Leather Tree Coral but I'm not placing any bets. Here's the link. It is a filter feeder. It will pull nutrients from water and lighting. I don't spot feed it like I do my...