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  1. monkdaily

    5.5g lighting again

    Why should i stay away from UV? Whats the difference between UV and true violet?
  2. monkdaily

    5.5g lighting again

    Well after many years away from the hobbie i am jumping back in with a simple 5.5g from *****. I want a mixed reef with everything from sps to rics. Im pretty knowledgeable drawing on my past tank with some refreshers from time to time. The thing is when i got out of the hobby there wasnt...
  3. monkdaily

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek wut a good lookin gurl thats into fish tanks, Dude man u scored big. hahahaha all in fun.......but damnnnnnnnnnnn........................ fair enough
  4. monkdaily

    What are you paying for gas now ?

    3.19-3.66 premium
  5. monkdaily

    water change debate

    i got a 55g.........i do 10gs or 20% every other week and you should be good golden boy
  6. monkdaily

    OJ Simpson Verdict

    if the glove dosent fit you must aquit. he wasn't found guilty. sorry if y'all think that he should have been.... but that is unrelated to this case completely........and this is not justice for wut happenen 13 14 yrs ago........ legally.....allegedly
  7. monkdaily

    id help

    its inside a pvc with some rock and planted its foot instantly so it hard to see the underside. but thanks for the comments now i know wut to look for
  8. monkdaily

    id help

    LTA, pink LTA, pink tip, condy?? everything i find as far of id is conflicting so want to ask the experts. white foot if that help
  9. monkdaily

    New Fuzzy Dawrf Lionfish.....

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 How bad are they with shrimp? I really want one but I'm trying to keep a cuc. After a fowlr tank with a wrasse and a dogface. they will eat them in time. i dont think you can ever house the 2 instinct is just too strong. they are perdators and love a hunt...
  10. monkdaily

    dwarf lions.

    i had to add my pic. its by far my favorite fish ever! feeding can be tricky and frustrating but well worth it!
  11. monkdaily

    who's the actress?

    although if he likes david bowie and the life Aaquatic with steve zissou, along with seinfeld he just might be a pretty cool dude.
  12. monkdaily

    who's the actress?

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains At least it's better than him commenting on your "man-hands" haha the show is greatness tho
  13. monkdaily

    uniforms in schools.

    i would have to say no. i live right outside dallas and there are all kinds of ppl, colors, creeds, religions. so its not gonna stop how the uniform is worn, they will just off the wall with: ones hair style, ear rings, necklaces, rings, swagga, and the way one carrys them self. then where does...
  14. monkdaily

    clown stare off

    well it sound to me like the one that took up residence is more that likley the female or will more than likely be the female as the siezuring is a dance to find dominance. i could be wrong. so stay tuned for experts
  15. monkdaily

    College Football!!!!

    2000 oklahoma over fla. state 2001 miami over nebraska 2002 ohio state over miami 2003 lsu over oklahoma 2004 usc over oklahoma 2005 texas over usc 2006 florida over ohio state 2007 lsu over ohiio state big 12 big east big 10 sec pac10 big 12 sec sec food for thought
  16. monkdaily

    Seaclone 150 Or Jebo Protein Skimmers?

    wut size tank?? i got a 125 on 55g took off the pre filter and now it works like a charm just gotta keep the collection cup clean. but i learned all on my own before i knew about this site so iam a lil slow. one thing ive learned is if its worth doin its worth doin right save an extra 50-60...
  17. monkdaily

    WK 1 in the tank How did your team do?

    Originally Posted by ruaround and most of all happy to not have to look at emmitts ugly mug!!! they dont watch the cowboys any closer... they are just the root of all that is evil.... except for pre game halftime and post game along with troy and the moose. and the root of all that is evil...