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  1. diverinva

    Orange LR

    My LR has some purple algae on it or is just the normal color. I have noticed lately it has been more brownish orange. Is this normal???
  2. diverinva

    What is this fuzzy stuff?

    All of the fish are alive and the snails are the same. The only thing that could be missing is crabs. It isn't thick though. It is very very thin. I was thinking maybe it was some type of mushroom.
  3. diverinva

    What is this fuzzy stuff?

    On my LR I have some white fuzzy stuff. It lloks kind of like mold but white. It is about the size of a nickel. It is in two spots within about 3 inches of each other.
  4. diverinva

    adding sand to CC

    I used to have a CC bed and just recently switched over. I love it. Food doesn't get trapped under the sand like it did with the CC. I am planning on getting a cucumber to help out the crabs and the starfish. The other thing is you don't have to siphon the sand. Makes it easier to keep clean.
  5. diverinva


    The clowns are back to normal now.
  6. diverinva

    Film On Water

    I had the same thing on the surface of my water. I pointed a powerhead slightly towards the surface and it broke it up enough that my prizm skimmer pulled it out. Good luck.
  7. diverinva


    My clown fish are acting really weird. The one clown is swimming as fast as he can and climbing to the top of the tank and then doing a nose dive to the bottom. Both of their faces are lighter then usual. I added a yellow tank to the tank. It is about an inch to an inch and a half. Both...
  8. diverinva

    tell me what good book to purches

    My favorite book is marine fishes by scott w. michael. It tells you the sizes, what they eat, reef compatibility, how easy they are to care for, behavior, and where they are from. There are color pictures and everything is easy to understand.
  9. diverinva

    Film on Top of Water

    Thank you everyone for your ideas.. I am switching my powerheads around to try breaking up the water. On my next water change I will skim the surface. I will keep you posted on what happens.
  10. diverinva


    How much light is needed to have mushrooms in the tank?? :confused:
  11. diverinva

    damsel's aggresive??

    I have two neon damsels and they usually can be found chasing my two clown fish. One of the damsels is more aggressive then the other and rules the tank.
  12. diverinva


    I was just wondering how much sand you had to have (depth) to consider it a DSB. Sounds like most people think 4-5 inches. Thanks for the info
  13. diverinva


    What is the amount of LS that makes it a DSB?? a) 4" b)5" C)Other Amount I put 4"DSB on my signiture and was thinking I might be wrong in doing so.
  14. diverinva

    Clown fish sleeping??

    I am thankful other people have experienced this besides me. I was worried they were getting ready to die. Thanks for the response. :D
  15. diverinva

    Clown fish sleeping??

    Every morning when I wake up I turn on the lights in my tank. I have two clown fish that are laying on the bottom of the tank. Their bellies are on the sand. The other position they are in are upside down. Their faces are pointing at the bottom of the tank. It takes them a few minutes to...
  16. diverinva

    What do I feed damsel fish

    I feed my two neons brine shrimp and algae. They are tough and will eat almost anything
  17. diverinva

    Would a Blue Hippo Tang(Regal) fit in a 55g

    I am planning on getting a blue hippo tang as well. I saw a school of them at my lfs and they were all about the size of a quarter. I am going to only get one. Please let me know how it turns out when you get yours.
  18. diverinva

    Film on Top of Water

    I just added 60lbs of LS to my tank. Mixed in the sand was some pink stuff. When I added the water most of the pink stuff stayed at the bottom of the tank with the LS. Some however has floated to the top. I am using a prizm skimmer for my skimming and my LR & LS as my filter. It is a fish...
  19. diverinva

    Tank cycling

    When you get to the point of adding fish go with something inexpensive. Damsels are my choice. When I first started out I bought a bunch of clowns because my LFS said they were a good starter fish. It was an expensive lesson. Since then I have moved my tank when I moved across country. When...
  20. diverinva

    Best conditions for live rock?

    I have a 45 gallon tank with 30 lbs of LR and 60lbs of LS. I run a prizm skimmer as well. I love the LR in my tank. It allows a place for my clean up crew to climb around on as well as helping filter the water. It also gives your fish a place to hide when they are stressed. What do you have...