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  1. daisywb

    Lesson learned the hard way: A story of murder and deceit

    Originally Posted by kungfugrip HAHAHA... Why you! At least I dont move to Florida and cause my fish to commit suicide!! Well, at least he got a 'fun' road trip out of it ;) He probably figured, "I've been from CA to FL, I can die a happy fish now!"
  2. daisywb

    Lesson learned the hard way: A story of murder and deceit

    Originally Posted by kungfugrip Thats one fish a night in 2 nights. He may have gotten the Diamond the night before but Im not sure. The food.. um I mean fish that got eaten were semi new. Roughly around two weeks. And by guilty and innocent Im making an attempt at being sarcastic You...
  3. daisywb

    Need Advise - going out of town

    Thanks for the replies! You put my mind at ease :)
  4. daisywb


    Hiya, I think it's good to soak their food in garlic. I took several different frozen fish foods and mixed them together with garlic juice. I put the mix in a ziplock baggie and popped it back in the freezer. You can also soak flake food in the juice about 5 minutes before you feed them...
  5. daisywb

    Need Advise - going out of town

    I need some advise. I have to go out of town for 10 days the week after next. What should I do with my fish? I am new to my area and don't know anyone who can come in and feed them while I'm gone. What about an automatic fish feeder? Does anyone have any experience with them? Would I be...
  6. daisywb

    OT: Just curious what kind of people are into reef tanks

    Hey, My name is Emily and I'm 23 (in a week anyway). I moved to the Los Angeles area from Dayton, Ohio almost a year ago to live w/ my bf (online romance can work out ;) . Currently am temping for Warner Bros. Studios as a project coordinator. Hobbies include computers, my cat (who is still...
  7. daisywb

    Homemade Tanks????

    Originally posted by schreff: <strong>Ok I wan't to build my own Shark tank measurement's are as followed 72in long, 48in wide, 36in high, which is 628 gallons!!</strong><hr></blockquote> Hi there, I hafta agree, that this sounds like a recipe for disaster! Good luck if you decide to take on...
  8. daisywb

    what is the smallest tank size you can use for a saltwater tank?

    nolofinwe, if you have LR and LS you don't need additional filtration. I have a protein skimmer that was included with my nano, but I use it more for water circulation then for skimming gunk outta the water. That and 10% weekly water changes are all I do.
  9. daisywb

    Will they be OK?

    Thanks! I feel better now :o )
  10. daisywb

    To all Eclipse hood owners......

    Have you tried hooking up a small fan to blow across the surface of the water? That should help defuse some of the heat from the lights. HTH -Daisy
  11. daisywb

    Will they be OK?

    Hi everyone! Quick question here....With the long weekend coming up, the bf and I decided to abandon our fish for a few days to go play with the bigger fishies at Sea World ;) We're leaving Friday morning and won't get back til late Sunday night. Will the fish be OK without being fed until we...
  12. daisywb

    What is this?

    Sounds like you have a baby feather duster :D
  13. daisywb


    I completely agree with what everyone's said. It's a very sad situation. I may be opening up a whole new can of worms with this one, but does anyone feel that Mr. Yates should be tried as well? Although he didn't commit the actual crime, he knew all the problems his wife was having. What do...
  14. daisywb

    What kind of fish is this?

    Awesome! Glad he's feeling better :D -Daisy
  15. daisywb

    What kind of fish is this?

    I agree with Johnny that it sounds like a Pygmy Angel. I have a fish exactly like you described. Here is my web page with his pictures. Let us know if this is the fish you have! <a href="" target="_blank"></a> -Daisy
  16. daisywb

    Marine Bioligist Salary?

    Have you tried <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ? It'll look up the salary for the job in your area. Pretty accurate too :D HTH and good luck! -Daisy
  17. daisywb

    Congratulations Mr.Salty !

    Congrats SALTY! Thank you for everything you've done. You've gotten me out of a pickle or two :D ::: Popping the champagne cork::::: Here's to 6000 more! CHEERS, -Daisy
  18. daisywb

    Starving Snails?

    I've got 3 in my 10 gallon. You'll be fine :D -Daisy
  19. daisywb

    Pygmy Angel

    I guess I should also add that even though I've had the tank for 2 months, it was previously a display tank in my LFS :) Don't want to scare anyone and think I got an angel for a new, unstable tank LOL :D -Daisy
  20. daisywb

    Pygmy Angel

    I've got one. Fun fish to watch. In my tank I have 2 false percs and the angel. He seems to be the shy and least aggressive one of the group. Spends all day eating algae off the rocks and sides of the tank. I'm by no means experienced with fish keeping (I've only had the tank for 2 months)...