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  1. sylock


    jonthefb, That is actually one of the pro's I am giving my wife for a reason to get a saltwater tank. I am a nerd too, but I prefer the be called "An intellectual trapped in an athelets body". I think that kids should have well rounded lives, ie sports and education that is fun. What would a...
  2. sylock

    When snails die?

    If you have a good eco system going you shouldn't need to take the snail out right? Because you will have scavangers, whether they be crabs (yuck), bristle worms, etc. Am I wrong assuming this? Granted you don't want to leave big things that are decaying, but the reason you have a diverse eco...
  3. sylock


    I'm not sure if people are saying that your tank won't make it without a skimmer. I think most say it will be easier to maintain with a skimmer, that's all. The ocean skims, so some people are trying to do that artificially, thus the skimmer.
  4. sylock

    Pump from refugium, does it kill most pods?

    I've been studying saltwater setups for the last 6 months and am getting real close to putting something together now that I think I know about 1% of the info out there :) . My question about the refugium is this: Will the pump kill most/all of the pods that are raised in the refugium...
  5. sylock

    Unknown Creature

    "Be careful when you goto sleep at night, it might end up on your face" If my wife read that, there would be no way I was getting a reef tank. She'd be done.
  6. sylock

    Live Rock

    Well, I'm getting a 180 gallon tank. I will not pay $8-$10 a lb for 300 lbs of live rock that bascially has nothing but bacteria in it from my lfs. I will buy good shaped pieces, but for the majority I will buy online where the after shipping price is more like $5 a lb. If you order for a...
  7. sylock

    not sure what these are.

    Sounds like Pods to me too. Could you post a picture?
  8. sylock

    What is it??

    Very good thing.
  9. sylock

    To those who asked why she's not my wife........

    Congradulations!!! I just got married 3 months ago. My wife and I lived together for a while after the engagement but before the wedding ... it was still a big change so be ready. It's worth it though.
  10. sylock


    They live a long time in the wild, it's just that in a tank their food supply runs out and they are very finicky eaters. The one that eats flat worms is really cool looking. Here's hoping I can have a flat worm problem that never goes away :) . They are really sweet looking, it's to bad.
  11. sylock

    catching pepermint shrimp

    I wasn't aware of peppermint shrimp eating mushrooms. Have you witnessed this or just guessing?
  12. sylock

    What to do with extra tank ?

    You could turn the 55 into a nice sump/refugium. That's actually what I would do. Use a 20 or 29 gallon for a Q-tank. You don't need much for that. The 55 could hold a nice refugium and all your heating/filtering needs. This could increase your water by another 30 or so gallons, thus making...
  13. sylock

    Lighting ... pictures of same tank under different light.

    This site is pretty neat. You can see the same tank under several different lighting schemes. I actually like the lower Kelvin ratings, it seems to make the colors more vibrant and less ... gray. <a...
  14. sylock

    UV Sterilize or not?

    Thanks for all the replys, they've been very informative and helpful.
  15. sylock

    Fighting Conch

    So hermits wouldn't/couldn't kill them for their shells?
  16. sylock

    UV Sterilize or not?

    For a reef tank, should you use a UV Sterilizer if you have fish or not? Looks like I'm getting a used 180 gallon FOWLR that has a UV Sterilizer in all the package. I'm going to turn it into a reef tank, should I use it or not?
  17. sylock

    Help needed with starfish

    Could the crustations just have been eating the rotting flesh of the starfish? I wasn't aware that peppermint shrimp would eat meaty foods of living critters (although they do eat aipitasi(sp)).
  18. sylock cleanup crew ...

    With all the negative publicity crabs have been getting, I'm a little nervous about putting them into my system ... but all the pre-built crews have crabs. Is there another scavenger that does the 'good things' a crab does?
  19. sylock

    My 125 soon to be system design

    L.O.T.R., Thanks for the explaination. I've been trying to understand all the little pieces (equipment and natural environments) that could make up a system. If I understand correctly than there are two things 'wrong' with having both refugium and protein skimmer. 1) Pod/larva population would...
  20. sylock

    I have 90lbs of LR being deliverered ..

    Don't wash it with freshwater!!!!!!!!! That can kill alot of the bacteria and small hitchikers. As far as adding it to your tank. If it's fully cured than there isn't a problem. If it isn't fully cured than you should finish curring it before putting it into your tank.