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  1. carrie1429

    Quarantine for clean up crew?

    No, inverts do not need to be quarantined, they don't get the same diseases as fish do. I would reccommend getting blue leg hermits or red leg, turbo/astrea snails, brittle star, couple cleaner shirmp and/or few peppermint shrimp. This is pretty much what I have for inverts in may tank.
  2. carrie1429

    Clown Fish? Anemone?

    Yes, when a clownfish hangs out in an anemone it is considered hosting. Anemones do need intense lighting, excellent water conditions and the right tank envirorment, In my opinion they are better left on the reef, these creatures are very fragile and many times will die in captivity.
  3. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    I'm thinking there might have been something in the water because before I did anything to the water they seemed like they were breathing heavy, so I checked the levels and everything looked fine. I'm not sure what else it could be other than some kind of water contamination? but the other fish...
  4. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    I didn't know that whenever you added a fish to the QT it made the nitrites spike. I think that might have been my problem. But its not just the QT. I've always had trouble keeping fish, even in my main tank. Like I said before the only fish that have stayed alive in the main tank are a blue...
  5. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    When I don't have any fish in the QT I just do weekly 20% water changes. Is there anything else I should be doing?
  6. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    Ok, I'll try that. Thanks for your input everybody.
  7. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    yeah thats what my fish is doing, like he's gasping. And yes I have lost just about everything I put in the QT. I'm beginning to think that it would be better off to add fish into the main tank instead. The only fish that I didn't lose in the Qt was my bi-color angel. Then after I added him...
  8. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    the tank is just a bare 20 gal tank with a lid (and a light) . Most of the top is covered up except where the filter is. I don't have any other circulation but the filter seems to make a pretty good current. The fish that is left is now laying near the bottom on his side.
  9. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    I get the fish from the LFS that I work at. They all seemed very healthy in the tank, but when I got them home they had ich so I guess when they got stressed probably from bringing them home it made the ich visible? The other LFS that is near me doesn't have very healthy fish, whenever I look...
  10. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    I use the swing arm, i know I should get a refractometer instead because the swing arms aren't very acurate. I didn't get a chance to even get the salinity very low before one of them died. I just did a small water change with distilled freshwater and lowered the salinity from 1.024 to about...
  11. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    for some reason I can't seem to keep any fish alive except for one little clownfish and a blue damsel. Anything else I get never makes it out of the quarantine tank. About 2 days ago I bought a 60$ pair of banner fish that I put in the QT. My water parameters are fine: Ph: 8.2 ammonia:0...
  12. carrie1429

    Missing shrimp in the A.M.

    I've had quite a few shrimp "dissappear" on me without a trace. What other inhabitants do you have in your tank? I finally found my large green brittle star eating one of my shrimps. Also what are your water readings, salinity ammonia, ect.
  13. carrie1429

    Doing a 10G QT tank, need help

    When I don't have any fish in the QT I just leave everything going except for the lights. If you look at the top where it says "basic FAQ" Beth wrote an excellent post about Q tanks.
  14. carrie1429

    Fake rocks in quarantine

    I think it would be ok to use the glass marbles, in my QT I don't have a substrate. Some people paint the bottom of thier tank so the fish don't see their reflection.
  15. carrie1429

    OT: picture next to name

    At the top of the page you'll see "user cp", click on that then you click on "edit options" Then at the bottom on the page you'll see an avatar option. You add the url of the picture there :)
  16. carrie1429

    crabs and starfish together?

    Chocolate chip stars will be fine with hermits as long as you feed the star regulary. I've had a chocolate chip with hermits before and the star never bothered them, but all stars are different, some will eat the hermits and then some chocolates won't.
  17. carrie1429

    Coral Banded shrimp

    CBS tend to be very skiddish, most of the time, so whenever I feed mine he always hides. I think he just pretty much scavenges around for food that will occasioanlly float to the bottom.
  18. carrie1429


    What are your water parameters? Brittles are sensitive to water conditions. Alot of times they will lose their legs if they are stressed too.
  19. carrie1429

    Angelfish died, why?

    I fed him garlic soaked marine pellet food, along with live brine shrimp and blood worms. I also fed sea weed selects. He seemed to eat very well and had a big appetite.
  20. carrie1429

    Angelfish died, why?

    I had a bi-color angelfish for about two months, he seemed very healthy no signs of ilness he ate very well. I fed him one day then the next day no sign of him, I searched all over and finally found the hermits eating what was left of him. My tank has been setup for 7 months with well...