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  1. mlf5135

    Tank Stocklist

    Hello. I just wanted some opinions on my stocklist for my 85 gallon tank. As of right now I have 2 small clownfish, asmall purple psuedo and a medum sized rusty angel. They have been in the tank together for probably about 7-8 months now. I am looking to add a med sized raccoon butterfly and a...
  2. mlf5135


    I have a 75 gallon tank with about 60 pounds of rockwork and I already have one snowflake eel and was thinking about getting a green wolf eel. Does anyone have experience with keeping 2 eels at the same time and if its normal? Thanks
  3. mlf5135

    Moon Lights

    I am looking to buy a set of 34" LED moonlights the only problem is that my light fixture only holds 2 bulbs and is connected to 1 timer which is a problem. Would I have to buy a whole new or seperate canopy because i currently do not have enough money for that. Any help would be great.
  4. mlf5135

    Green algae

    It's in sump and it is pretty much worthless I think its like a cheap Berlin model
  5. mlf5135


    i have been thinking about getting some moonlight led lights in my tank for a while now and I think it finially time. I have a couple questions I need hel with though. Right now I have a fixture with 2 36" bulbs in them. Do I need a separate fixtue for the moonlights? Do I leave the moonlights...
  6. mlf5135

    Green algae

    I just checked my phosphate levels and they are normal however my skimmer is rather cheap one because I didn't have enough money at the time. I have been looking into getting a new one though. Any suggestions for that? Also I wont be able to do a water change for a couple weeks because I just...
  7. mlf5135

    Green algae

    I've been having a problem with green algae in my tank. I don't currentlyhave any snails or hermits because after I bought them my trigger just harrassed them until they died or just ate them. I have good water flow an my lights are on from 12 pm until 1am I do a water change once every 2 weeks...
  8. mlf5135

    Don't wanna overstock

    Yea that's what I was thinking as well. It's a v tail grouper and a volition lion.
  9. mlf5135

    Don't wanna overstock

    ok so right now I have an 85gal tank with a grouper thats about 5 inches a lion fish about the same size and a humahuma trigger that about 2 inches and also a medium sized snowflake eel. I would like to add at least one more fish and was looking at a yellow tang or a potters angel Do younthink...
  10. mlf5135

    Any More Room

    Yea thats what I thought. The lion has been on the prowel for the damsel and majors.
  11. mlf5135

    Any More Room

    I currently have in my 65 gallon tank a lionfish, niger trigger, neon damsel, and 3 small seargent majors I would really like to add a snowflake eel or a wolf eel do you think I have enough room or am I already pushing it as is.
  12. mlf5135

    New Fish

    The two that died were domino damsels and the one that survived is a javanese damsel
  13. mlf5135

    New Fish

    I said that the perameters were close to perfect
  14. mlf5135

    New Fish

    My tank has been out of commission for about 3 months now and last week I recently did two water changes the first one of 50% and the next of about 30% after about two days I checked all of the perameters and all were close to perfect. The next day I bought 3 damsels two of which were from the...
  15. mlf5135

    Big Hermit Crap

    I had a hermit crab that was about the size of a softball i got it for 10 dollars. It turned out to be a terrible idea though he ate almost everything besides my eel and ripped off both of my powerheads. He would also move the live rock around in the tank. I eventually had to sell him back to...
  16. mlf5135

    First Post. Cleanup Crew

    Thanks for all your suggestions i just bought an emerald crab, 12 blue leg hermits, 3 mexican turbo snails, 10 nacarrius snails, and 12 cerith snails. I can already see the mexican turbos cleaning up!.
  17. mlf5135

    First Post. Cleanup Crew

    Hey everyone, this is my first post on this website. I have had my 80 gal fowlr tank for about two years now but within the last couple months it has kind of gone to hell. These past few weeks i have been working hard to get it back into shape by doing multiple water changes, cleaning it...