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  1. marc42fe

    OT - Breast Cancer

    A daily activity worth doing. My wife lost her mom at 12 due to BC. Maybe some pain and loss can be averted. I'm in.
  2. marc42fe

    lion on food strike?

    This is pretty weird, I just logged on for the first time in a month or two to see if I could find out why my volitan is doing the same thng. hes not eating and his coloration has lightened up and he's lazy. hmm, guess I'll just ride it out.
  3. marc42fe

    Lionfish's tankmate falls victom?

    my poor clown never had a chance. I figured if I got one big enough he'd be ok with the lion. I put him in and bam...gone, 12 bucks for a feeder.
  4. marc42fe

    Any Civil, Structural, Stress Engineers?

    inch and a quarter sub floor with two 2x4s front and back. secure the sub floor to the 2x4s with 3" wood screws 9"s apart. Pre drill the sub floor and about 1" into the 2x4s with a 1/8" dril bit. use liquid nails or some other construction adheasive too. this is not my advise, this is what I...
  5. marc42fe

    whats really the down fall of a UG filter

    I use UG filters for exactally the oposite reason, I find them easier to clean, with my rainbow vacuum cleaner (a shop vac should work too never tried that though). I made a cone for the end of it and about 2 seconds of suction on the riser tube and there is nothing left under the thing. it...
  6. marc42fe

    Lion fish on a homocidal rage

    My volitan would only eat live damsels at first then one day I tricked him and threw a 1/2 a silverside in the bag and let him hit on that for a while then dumped it in and bammo he was weened now he'll eat almost anything that comes in a bag (squid, octopuss, krill, silversides, my sons...
  7. marc42fe

    weening my volitan lion

    heres a pretty cool thing I stumbled onto. My Lion wouldn't ween to frozen food, he'd look at it and go back to stalking my yellow tail damsels (which were originally food for him, I'd buy two each time and he'd snag one then stalk and eventually catch the other) well now bags drive him nuts he...
  8. marc42fe

    Live Rock Arriving Soon - help a new mother.

    I'd like to see an answer on this one too. If curing means time then I bought an already cured rock. if it means time in a tank in particular then I'm done curing mine??????????????hmmmm? but to what end? looks the same to me just bigger worms now.????
  9. marc42fe

    snow making filtration process

    guess I don't have to know how.. the first one don't work but the second one does
  10. marc42fe

    snow making filtration process

    This was started in another post but i don't want it to be lost in the clamor. heres the address to a couple of sites that are doing a water purification process using a atomization/freeze process I dont know...
  11. marc42fe

    Fluidized Bed Filter

    Sorry, I'm on vacation right now, just got married and such. all the info I need is at work and I'll try to find it, unfortunatly this all happened about 3 years ago and was dropped after protest from the local residents about skiing on exfoliant snow (they golf on exfoliant grass and don't...
  12. marc42fe

    Fluidized Bed Filter

    2257 replies, think maybe hes been down this road once or twice? Id say thats almost a book all for nothing no pay nothing all out of the goodness of his heart and a desire to help others suceed and not make the mistakes he and countless others have. How can you read an attitude into that...
  13. marc42fe

    Fluidized Bed Filter

    IME nitrates are only removed from a body of water two ways areation and deep sand beds. you have somewhat of a dsb so ill hit areation. (My experience in this comes from snowmaking in the ski industry) atomization is the best form of areation. ALL impurities will leave water upon when it is...
  14. marc42fe

    ok im sick of this

    Your kind of in the same boat I was about 2 months ago. I bought a volitan lion on a whim (I wanted sharks but 100g isn't big enough for life) well, I love my volitan he is the coolest most patient stalking hunter i have ever seen. I sit for hours and watch him. my neibors come over and its like...
  15. marc42fe

    Wondering what others 'trates are?

    I have a volitan in a 100g and my nitrates have never gotten over 15. hes the only permanant occupant with about 4 damsels to chase and eat. Ive nver done a water change. I use carbon filters and bioballs in the in tank wet/dry @ 300 gpm and a fluval 4 power head with a large sponge prefilter @...
  16. marc42fe

    Will my tank end up in the basement?

    O ne way to spread the weight out is to put a piece of 1-1/4" subfloor under your stand. Then for every inch you extend front or back you add 48 square inches to the equasion plus you can insure that there are 2 or 3 floor joists bridging your tank. This also flattens the carpet out more...
  17. marc42fe

    i let my lion fish starve and my gobie is missing .. ok now what?

    Hey my lion is the same way. I dont think he'll get hungry for frozen till he catches ALL other tank mates. The first time I saw him open his mouth I almost went into shock, it has to be at least 5 times the size of his body, like a snakes mouth.
  18. marc42fe

    retarded lion

    Mine will stick himself to the side of one of my filters for days. looks like he's dead sometimes then he'll just randomly float around in the currents till he sees me then he thinks I'm going to put more feeders in and starts dancing around and swiming in circles. He's so cool!!
  19. marc42fe

    Collecting Sharks

    You don't need to say "crazy california law" just "california law" sufices
  20. marc42fe

    Very Large Home Aquaria DIY

    theres a book that it always on E-bay that is sold by the same sellar. do a search on aquariums and itll come up.