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  1. jamiefisher

    Ok to Super glue Green Star Polyps?

    dont the chemicals in the glue have any effect on the fish? hell my husband washed his hands with dish soap and reached into my tank. lost every one.
  2. jamiefisher

    hairy algea? help

    remember to keep your tank out of direct sunlight.and algae eaters are always a good idea. i have a lawnmower blenny who doesnt do his job(i have the only carniverious blenny in the free world) so i got 4 mexican snails and 2 red star fish.they go to town baybee!! when you first put them in you...
  3. jamiefisher

    Live Brine Shrimp

    it is impossiable to raise brine shrimp in the same tank as your fish...its a verable buffet. not to mention the little guys get sucked right up into the filter. frozen are great. live portions are wonderful because the fish can chase their food. if you want to raise your own shrimp remeber to...
  4. jamiefisher

    how mutch??????

    watch the contents of your play sand. not all is compatable to marine life.are you using a plenum space or just as a substrate?
  5. jamiefisher

    are my starfish doign it?

    well i'll be sure not to let them run with knives!!!oh well i would have loved to see little babies. :D
  6. jamiefisher

    niger trigger growing?....

    so i was just looking at the fish avaliable and it listed the max length on a niger trigger at 12-16 inches. mine is maybe 3 and not getting any bigger. ive had him for about 6 months in my 55 gallon tank. could he be a slow grower?
  7. jamiefisher

    first tank cycling now any sugg.

    please dont get damsels just to cycle your tank. they are a hardy pretty starter fish that will grow and be happy in any tank. (as long as noone eats them) too often i hear of damsels that people want to die so they can get their "real fish". i like the shrimp idea ar live sand works well. be...
  8. jamiefisher

    Purple Tang

    i agree with moving the rocks. he knows his territory so shake it up abit. i just added a HUGE huma huma to my tank. niger trigger,valentine puffer,3 false purcula,clarki clown,lawnmower blenny and two starfish. i thought it was a match made in hell...who knew after a few hours he settled down...
  9. jamiefisher

    ??'s about a 55 trigger tank

    too many trigger fish in atank this size is just asking for trouble.but if it works please let me know. my husband is dying for a trigger tank.i have a niger and huma huma who eat anything i feed them. krill, gumm drops and freeze dried shrimp are gone in a heart beat...but then again my blennys...
  10. jamiefisher

    are my starfish doign it?

    please help-how in gods green earth do starfish copulate? i have two red starfish who never pay any attention to each other. last week they suddenly were wrapped around each other for two days. is it love or a slow moving starfish territory battle? what do i do if we is pregnant?and what do...
  11. jamiefisher

    triggers and puffers

    i have a 6 inch porcupine puffer and a 3 inch valintine puffer who live in perfect harmony with my 4 inch niger and 7 inch huma huma. but my sister in law went one step further and purchased a undulatted..big mistake...the fish it didnt destroy it stressed to death. if only i could make my...