Search results

  1. stacyt

    Blue Throat Trigger for Reef

    I would look into the fairy wrasse's as well. Several that would be a good choice for smaller tanks, and stay fairly small. Solar wrasse, exquisite, and flahsers. I would also recomend getting rid of the damsel. Long run they'll cause more trouble than they are worth.
  2. stacyt

    Too many fish for a 37 gallon

    I would just remove the six line & Catalina from the list, and add some more docillefish. My six line after some time became aggressive, and catalina need cooler waters. Maybe a purple firefish, and Bengai Cardinal instead.
  3. stacyt

    can i have a sea horse in my tank?

    Yup no seahorse with the tank mates you listed.
  4. stacyt

    Cooling your tank

    What type of setup do you have? Usually most of what heats the tank is lighting. Depending on the setup you can raise the lights from the tank, add a fan, etc. I just keep the AC set at 85 durring the day, and than drop down to 80 at night. Of coarse my tank is rather large so the temp doesn't...
  5. stacyt

    fish keep dying

    You say you are acclimating to the "T", but can you clarify? Who's guidlines are you following? Also seems to me that you might be rushing things a bit. My suggestion would be not to add anymore to the tank for now, other than maybe some more LR. Flame angel should probably not have been added...
  6. stacyt

    Blue Throat Trigger for Reef

    I have kept blue throats in a reef no problem, and know others who have as well. Of coarse I had already been keeping fish for a while, and this was the last fish added, all inverts etc already in the tank.I am not recomending this, just saying it is possible with the right conditions. The 90 is...
  7. stacyt

    Zebra Eel

    I would be more worried about the BIO load of that eel in a reef, more than it haming other creatures. I have had mine for over 2 years, and he never bothers snails, or hermits. Haven't tried cleaner shrimp with them though. Another good choice if you can find them are ghost ribbon eels. They...
  8. stacyt

    Blue Throat Triggers

    My 1st question would be how big of a tank? The list already has 3 descent size fish, and the blue throat gets around 6-7", if I remember correctly. I did have a blue throat in my old 80 gallon reef for several months. He never bothered anyone, not even inverts. I lost him when I removed the top...
  9. stacyt

    It's true... a reef safe ich med that actually works!

    I still find it funny that people still dont seem to get the picture about this. A QT tank cost less than most of the fish you are buying. A QT tank is a small price to pay versus loosing all your fish. Sounds like several that have responded to this thread about having a problem with ich are...
  10. stacyt


    The french angel alone gets to big for a 150 IMO. I would stick with one angel. The majestic would be nice in a 150.
  11. stacyt

    blue throat trigger in reef?

    I kept one in a 80 gallon reef for around 8 months without any problems. I had shrimp, starfsih & other inverts with it, and no problems. The one night I left the top off the tank he jumped ship.
  12. stacyt

    Please Help! Lost everything

    Also it would be a good idea to explain how you are mixing your water for water changes, and what the source of the water is. Acclimation process when moving the tank. What about salinity, and how you are checking that?
  13. stacyt

    live, dead, or dying?

    Have you tested the water? That will tell you more than anything. Generally it takes about 2-3 weeks for the LR to cure.
  14. stacyt

    Please Help! Lost everything

    When you moved did you use the same water, or did you start with newly mixed water? Explain how you moved the tank, and also post all your readings, ammonia, PH, nitrates, nitrates etc. Chances are when you moved the tank there was a slight amonia spike from stirring up the tank. My suggestion...
  15. stacyt

    HDTV and DVD player help

    You could always look at the oppo digital DVD player. When I ordered mine over a year ago it included the cable, your choice HDMI, or DVI. Picture quality on my samsung is amazing at 1080i. If you want to connect the video through a receiver using HDMI, or DVI be prepared to spend some serious...
  16. stacyt

    Expensive lunch??

    You could also add a tang, or maybe LMB. I would also wonder about the source of the algae. If it is really bad maybe something in the water? Are you using regular tap water? Have you tested the water for phos? I would expect some algae growth in a FOWLR, but it almost sounds like you have a...
  17. stacyt

    Snowflake eel eats Niger trigger?

    It's unlikely the eel ate him, unless the trigger died, than maybe. Also triggers are very good at hiding. One time I tore down a 72 bow that had a trigger in it. I removed all the LR, and couldn't find the trigger. I added all the LR to another tank, and a couple of days later the trigger appeared.
  18. stacyt

    Show fish for tank

    I have seen Naso's in the wild that where almost 18", not including the streamers. I have seen some in captivity in the 12-14" range. Also keep in mind that people are not always successfull keeping more than 1 tang to a tank. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. With lots a LR you could probably...
  19. stacyt

    Eel ?

    I have kept ghost ribbon eels in a reef. They stay fairly small. About a 1/2" in diameter, and grow to around 30" in length. I have a zebra in one of my tanks. While he has not bothered any of his tank mates, I have never put shrimp in the tank. I figure he would most likely eat a shrimp in a...
  20. stacyt

    Info needed on Snowflakes

    A really small SFE might work for a while in a 35. My LFS gets them in about the size of a pencil sometimes. I purchased mine about that size, and kept him in a 37 gallon for several months. It didn't take him long to outgrow that tank however. They grow rather quickly if well fed, and taken...