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  1. reefsoe

    Mantis shrimp?

    but try to get him out with some thongs or net, any means necessary. Good Luck [/B] anyone able to donate him some TONGS.... Sorry I thought that was great! Try a plastic bottle baited with some shrimp inside... you gotta watch him crawl in an then pull it out... carefully
  2. reefsoe

    Who cleans your back glass?

    The only glass i CAN clean is the front... The sides and back are covered in coralline
  3. reefsoe

    running carbon effects

    I have a submersible fluval 4 that I use in my sump with chemi-pure carbon and I change it every few weeks. The carbon claims a life of 6 months BUT I dont rinks it for 8 bucks.
  4. reefsoe

    Bi-Color Blenny...SpS Nippers???

    Bi Color munched all my digitata.... Banished! :mad:
  5. reefsoe

    Bi-Color Blenny...SpS Nippers???

    The coral has skin... and when i say that i mean the color is still there... it just has patches missing of polyps similar to the marks on the glass where the blenny eats off of. I have some more stuff that came in Frag Wise, and with the angel out we will se what happens to these.
  6. reefsoe

    Bi-Color Blenny...SpS Nippers???

    At first I thought it was my coral beauty... banished to the fuge of eternal light... 24hr photo period. but my sps never recovered, would this be because the angel damaged it bad or that my bi color is munchin polyps
  7. reefsoe

    need help asap

    Originally posted by eek this cant be good ph 8.1 nitrite 0 nitrate12.5 amonia 0 i have 2 75watt mh bulbs the anemone has been closed up for most of the day and when it came out about 30 minutes ago it looked like this i do not have a qt tank what do i need to do #1 Look at the Nitrate, you...
  8. reefsoe


    we can dream cant we!
  9. reefsoe


    Ok... I remember somone telling me this was great... cant remember who. Im getting so tired of mixing kalk ( my clam is a calc hog ) So untill I get a reactor this seems like a goof method Opinions please
  10. reefsoe

    ATTN: Bang Guy = 10,000

    I'm waiting for a speech! Look at my start date an look at Bang's he has 3 months on me... and then compare our posts... Thats dedication if you ask me Thanks Bang
  11. reefsoe


    Im looking for someone to share some sand with me to help me with the critters in the sandbed. As some of you might know I had a meltdown and have almost made a complete recovery except for the sandbed which obviously is important. If anyone would be willing to ship some sand to me please let...
  12. reefsoe

    SPS question...

    I dripped em slowly, airline tube tied in a knot to restrict flow but only for about an hour and a half... its so funny though because I have a hydrophoro ( i think ) and when i was taking it home the bag had leaked and I just put it in the tank... its fine! Ahh well... I think what im going...
  13. reefsoe

    SPS question...

    my acclimation must be done wrong or not long enough.
  14. reefsoe

    Pod ID

    Pods? I know the coral they are on has RTN which I thought for a moment they were the cause but i think there just cleanin it
  15. reefsoe


    they make there tube, so no worries if its healthy it will make a new one
  16. reefsoe

    SPS question...

    Trates an Trites are 0 no crabon is run ( That will change ) BUT I dont have allot of lps just some small fragspawn an bubble an when I say small i mean less then a quarter in size. mostly zoos and rics atm. salinity is 1025 and flow is almost direct hit on the frags, actually one is direct...
  17. reefsoe

    SPS question...

    No matter what I do, I cant keep SPS alive.. or some will die off and then start to regrow. 3 of the frags I had have started with tissue loss and bleaching. My params are perfect Alk is great and Calcium is 420 im not sure where im going wrong... the flow rate is the only thing i havent...
  18. reefsoe

    which cucumber

    My 2 cents! My tiger tail is lazy... :) It works but it doesnt clean the sand, it is always in the rockwork in between cracks and crevices ( My rock has large holes ) and its always eating inside. My black ( I had one before the meltdown :eek: ) used to always day and night be in the sandbed...
  19. reefsoe

    Need 2x 250w MH's 10k or better

    Slightly used is ok please email me at for trade or with the price you would ask. Thanks!
  20. reefsoe

    Need ideas for catching a fish

    Use the PVC .. i like the idea of hiding it in the rockwork also IF you can do it... that way when he goes to hide you cover the entrance with the net and you have him