Search results

  1. evilmantis

    HELP! Monti digitata flesh "bubbling off"-- RTN??

    I've had this monti in my tank for a long time. This morning I noticed that a substantial amount of flesh looks like it's bubbled up and detached from the skeleton. Is this RTN? I'm going to frag off the bad stuff, but it's a substantial amount and looks like it's spreading (some areas more...
  2. evilmantis

    Finally caught Mystery Crab! Now what is it??

    Thanks! Would he have adequate food in the sump? Or should he be in the refugium instead (of course then probably eating all my baby pods and snails...)? I don't want him to die if I can avoid it. I wonder if he's the reason my mandarin disappeared abruptly. I had the mandarin over a year and a...
  3. evilmantis

    Finally caught Mystery Crab! Now what is it??

    Mystery Crab here has been living in my tank for well over a year. Now and then I would see him munching on a rock with zoos (not sure if he was actually eating the zoos though), but he would dart back into his cave once I got too close. Last night I finally caught him In the process, I pulled...
  4. evilmantis

    has this ever happened...

    I had a clown once that attacked me every time I put my hand in the tank. It wasn't bumping, either, it was full-on biting. It got to the point where all cleaning was done with a net or something in the other hand to chase off the evil clown. "Can't sleep, clowns will eat me..."
  5. evilmantis

    Heniochus dorsal fin getting dark??

    Good evening salty people! I have noticed that the dorsal fin on my heniochus is rather dark, unlike when I first got him well over a month ago. It's been a gradual darkening. He eats well (eats like a pig, to be honest -- eating every pod he can reach and still begging for me to drop food in...
  6. evilmantis

    Things the dog eats

    Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I had to chime in! I have five dogs. Here's what they like to eat... 1. Black lab -- I too have to keep my litter boxes behind a gate to keep her from snacking in them. She loves most kinds of poop but prefers the kind with cat litter sprinkles. However...
  7. evilmantis

    Black Longspine Urchin

    I have one and before he broke some spines during a tank move (including one that broke off in my finger), I'd say he was at least 10" from tip to tip. But he's fun to watch and is really a neat creature. And prime311 is right -- my tank is devoid of coralline in any place that the urchin can...
  8. evilmantis

    I am completely bummed out T_T **sad pic warning*

    Every month or so I say to my husband "Oh, my giant hermit crab died!" and flush what I think is his shell-less corpse down the toilet. Then the next day I see him crawling around (in a new shell -- he likes to go back and forth between a few) and say to my husband, "I forgot the molt looks like...
  9. evilmantis

    i feel like im doing it harm instead of good. =[

    The success of your treatment depends entirely on what kind of illness the fish has. Look up some pics of various diseases. Does it look like salt sprinkled on the fish? Ich. Does it look like cysts with velvet? Maybe Velvet. Does it look like cysts with slime? Perhaps Brooklynella. The Disease...
  10. evilmantis

    EWWW! 8" thin worm swimming around???

    This morning I woke up and went over to look at my tank. Now I should preface this with the fact that I have a mortal fear of any white worm-like things (maggots, tapeworms, grubs, etc). To my shock and disgust, I see this 8" worm swimming freely near the top of the tank!! He moves about by...
  11. evilmantis

    (4) NEW 46.5" 110W URI VHO bulbs -- $50

    Good evening! Sitting in my closet I have 4 brand new URI 46.5" VHO bulbs that were shipped to me 2 days before my VHO system shorted out due to a leak. There are 2 Actinic White and 2 Super Actinic bulbs. Still in the box they were shipped in. I am asking $50 plus shipping (can also just be...
  12. evilmantis

    What are these things on my LR?

    Hello! These things have popped up recently (well, okay, have slowly been growing) on my LR. In the first pic, it's the green banana-bunch-looking thing below Heniochus (who insisted on being in nearly every pic I took). In photo 2, it's the finger-like thing growing straight up. It's white at...
  13. evilmantis

    6 Stage RO/DI for sale

    Does this system have a tank with it? Also, where are you in WV?
  14. evilmantis

    6 Stage RO/DI for sale

    Any more info yet? I may be interested! Goldie
  15. evilmantis

    shrimp carcasses?

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Empty ectoskeleton/shell. Ectoskeletons, of course, indicate ghost shrimp. :scared: Okay, that's a lie. I think dogstar probably just meant exoskeleton. But it's late, I am tired, and as a total geek, I was required to share that remark. Thank you for your...
  16. evilmantis

    sick racoon butterfly *please help*

    If you haven't already posted in D&T and gotten the gospel, here it is -- cheap, simple, and highly effective: HYPO!! Now, I know you said you can't afford a hospital tank right now. But here's the thing: those spots coming and going represent the life cycle of ich. It is growing, reproducing...
  17. evilmantis

    55 w/fish, LR, coral, VHO, fuge, etc-- W Ohio

    This tank is not currently for sale anymore. Sorry to those who inquired. A family emergency has cancelled the job transfer and thus I am keeping the tank. On down the line, if I decide to move, I will repost! Thanks and sorry goldie
  18. evilmantis

    55 w/fish, LR, coral, VHO, fuge, etc-- W Ohio

    This is all on hold right now since family issues have the move up in the air. Sorry for not editing sooner. Thanks Goldie
  19. evilmantis

    Mated Pair Tomato Clowns FS in Missouri

    Hi, I was going to be moving out there to get the fish in December. However, due to a serious car accident involving two of my family members, I am no longer moving. (I need to stay here and help take care of my mom and brother.) So, sorry, but I will no longer be able to take the fish unless...
  20. evilmantis

    55 w/fish, LR, coral, VHO, fuge, etc-- W Ohio

    Hello! Due to a new job, I am moving to Missouri. I am located in west central Ohio near Lima. My husband and I have come to the conclusion that it will be best to keep a small amount of livestock and get rid of the 55 setup for now (and make a new one once we get moved). I would prefer to sell...