125 tank diary


id say your sand bed is about 2 maybe even 3 inches too deep some spots.
About time you filled that thing up. I have been watching this thread. Looks great though
haha thanks a lot

i know i didnt know it was gonna be that much! and i bought the guy 2 monster energy drinks and gave all the and 2 me so i just put it in. i leveled it out and its about 1.5in to 2 inches depending where soo :x lol
Awesome! I love that Tonga Branch rock! I have a little bit of it in my 125 and I really like it... Now I'm jealous... LOL
I might have missed it in an earlier post, but what are you running for lighting? Tank looks great!
haha yeah i like it too i thought it was gonna be all fiji but when i saw it i was like wooo hooo!
for lighting im in the process of rewiring the florescent(idk how to spell it) lights that came with the tank but for now i have two 10gallon canopies over it so im afraid the brain coral is going to die.
but on my to do list is 2 new power heads, t5 lighting and the canopy lids.
i got the lawnmower blenny too as well as 5 small hermits(puffer food :/) but they seem to be doing great! lol


Nice! What T5 system? I use the NovaExtreme SlimPaq retros on mine. They are cheap and VERY versatile...
Yeah, those hermits probably won't last too long. I have tried hermits with mine and within twelve hours, the hermits have become dinner...

saka bra

dude cheers in the do it yourself sump. looks like it will be a tremendous fish only tank. You should think about getting a large angelfish , my french is a beast.


Nice! What T5 system? I use the NovaExtreme SlimPaq retros on mine. They are cheap and VERY versatile...
Yeah, those hermits probably won't last too long. I have tried hermits with mine and within twelve hours, the hermits have become dinner...
actually thats the set i was looking at, i like the price and the fact that they have built in fans too. i would have to go with 2 24' fixtures but thats fine with me lol
and yeah i added the puffers yesterday, they strolled for about 5minutes then went and had a lil crab meat

dude cheers in the do it yourself sump. looks like it will be a tremendous fish only tank. You should think about getting a large angelfish , my french is a beast.
thanks im glad i did too so much more water and room. im not sure if i want a large angel or not, i was thinking of making a diff stocklist to see what i liked so maybe i can find a "smaller large" angel. or maybe a dwarf...not sure yet
puffers chillin

and kinda hard 2 see...but the lawnmower blenny

really need to figure out how to take better pics...


Active Member
if you don't have really bright lights, you're going to have to use your flash. Otherwise you can try to use a tripod while the fish aren't moving too fast, but it's tough. When you take pics with the flash on, just make sure you're taking them at an angle to the glass so the flash doesn't bounce back at the camera.


^ lol ty they're my lil homies haha jk
ima try the tripod idea, i got the old florescence working for now so ill see what i can do.
i woke up this morning and i guess the blenny kicked the bucket over night :/ i tested my water and everything was perfect so idk why. i tested it again a lil while ago and once again perfect. my puffers are doing great though so thats a good thing.
on a side note i set up my qt so i just need to pull the filter media out of my sump and take the tank water and fill it up when i do my water change this weekend. then i can see about a lil trigger of SFE. hopefully the same thing dosent happen as wat did to mr. blenny. hmm
pics later tonight or tomorrow


Originally Posted by Hefner413
what type of puffers are those?
Green Spotted Puffers ;)
now just to decide what i want to get...qt is all set up but water.
yellow eye tang
humu trigger
hmmm which to get..help???
i was thinking the tang later on..but any other suggestions would be cool :)


Originally Posted by Hefner413
I thought those were green spotted. They're technically FW, right?
yup green spotted. as babies they're FW and as they get older they go to high end brackish, then eventually marine. i had them for about 6 months now and did the whole process...they're actually wal*mart rescue fish lol


that's cool.. I didn't realize there was an actual transformation.
yup thats why most die early or they always have the black belly when ppl leave them fresh. my LFS breeds them so i had some insight on them when i asked about them. when i got them they were floating upside down in a tank at wal*mart but after a month or so they turned to happy lil demon fish haha
Great thread fun to see it all come together. Very nice tank btw
:) thanks a lot...its been a long wait bit finally its on the leg of complete lol
well today i picked up a foxface for qt. its pretty much camo'd out right now but other than that doing good. ill get some pics when it calms down more
and for lighting i was doing so research on the nova t5's mentioned above and i really like them. cheep, compact, fans, lunar lights too!. would i be able to get away with 2 24" or 2 30" lights instead of the 72". because it wouldn't fit with my canopy soo??? also are there any tough corals or anything like a shroom that can be put in an aggressive tank later down the road. i herd xenia (sp) tree corals will be fine but idk for sure




is the purple red stuff bad?

QT with my busted up 4 stripe

the red on the doors doesnt look how it does in the pics, it actually looks nice haha i have the shoe laces on right not to cut down vibrations until i get some felt
any idea what to do with the damsel?? im dosing it with melifix(sp) right now. its eating and all buts all torn up and has pop eye.
stocklist changes maybe??
4 stripe(if he makes it)...check
male blue jaw
and something like a dwarf angel?? idk give ideas HAHAH! what would yeal choose??
opinions on the set up so far???


Active Member
awesome man everything is looking great. what are you using for lighting on your 125 ?
i hated my 4 stripers. i had 2 of them, and they managed to kill my lawnmower blenny. i took them back to my LFS.
LFS lady when i first started a saltwater tank "Oh these 4 stripe damsels are so peaceful. They will never bother any of your fish. They are great starter fish. You will love them I guarantee it."


Originally Posted by premilove
awesome man everything is looking great. what are you using for lighting on your 125 ?
i hated my 4 stripers. i had 2 of them, and they managed to kill my lawnmower blenny. i took them back to my LFS.
LFS lady when i first started a saltwater tank "Oh these 4 stripe damsels are so peaceful. They will never bother any of your fish. They are great starter fish. You will love them I guarantee it."
right now its just PC's but i'm moving up to 2 24" nova t5s so i can put some different stuff in there.
wow that sucks, i guess its kinda a good thing he was wiped out by the puffers. i tell you those things either get along with what i put in there. or they tear it to shreds. :x
but thanks a lot! :)any thing i can improve on?


Active Member
the tank is looking great man, and i do love the 2 tone stand, that really makes things pop. id really love it if some folks would comment on my questions about what to put in my tank me an my gf are gonna be setting up lol. i think i posted it twice, in the fish discussion section and the fish only tanks section