2Quills, 120G Re-build thread.


Just finished looking at all your pages and all i have to say is WOW........ Great work on everything you have done here.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/360#post_3377506
Get me a plane ticket and I will come help, it looks phenominal Corey.
Now Hurry up, the anticipation is killing me.

I may just do that. Thanks, Josh.
Originally Posted by Cipher43
Just finished looking at all your pages and all i have to say is WOW........ Great work on everything you have done here.

Sounds like you have more patience than me, I may have to hire you too lol. Thanks!
Latest shot, the first coat on all of the trim is done. I'll do another touch up coat on everything over the next two days, then I have to glue all of the accent pieces on the doors and pallisters on permanantly. Hopefully my buddy will come by this week and help me take the tank and canopy down so I can start applying the cherry color and prepare for the poly finish.

Interesting thing happened right after I took that picture. I had the canopy door sitting up there above the tank but unattached accept for a piece of tape holding it from falling forward. Well...the tape let go and the canopy door came tumblin down. Ouch!

The can of stain was brave. Without any concerne for it's own safety It fearlessly jumped in to try and save the door by breaking it's fall. I think it helped...none of the trim work was damaged.


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/380#post_3377623
Sounds like you have more patience than me, I may have to hire you too lol. Thanks!
To see this in person when its done would be totally worth it lol. All i would have to do is convince my boss........ oh wait thats right its me :). Thank goodness that stain saved the door. Not sure i would have lasted for a new piece to be made..... THE ANTICIPATION IS KILLING ME


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cipher43 http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/380#post_3380713
Bump. Any progress reports.
Not too much, I did manage to get a second coat of stain put on all the trim for the doors. I had planed to finish off the trim on the stand tonight but we had a surprise visit from a family member on the wife's side so hopefully I'll get that finished off tomorrow. Then I just have to reorganize the garage a little bit and get my buddy over here to help me take the canopy and the tank down. I re-sealed the aquarium back at the end of last summer when I first broke the system down and I have yet to leak test it yet. I guess I should do that soon, it would be a shame to do all of this work to it only to find out that the tank leaks. Good thing is the silicone should be good and cured by now lol. This weekend I should have a few more pics to update with. I know I've been slackin.


Active Member
geee, slackin? How many people have you been helping giving advice to? Slacking isn't te word. Lol.... it's no wonder your not done yet Corey. We all appriceiate the advice you give and I will follow you along for the rest of your rebuild, or...... if thats okay?. Lol..... Looks very good thus far. Not bad for a Texan!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, my advice is no expert opinion by any means but I do like to help out where I can, when I can. You're more than welcome to tag along if your patience can hold out that long lol. I was a southern californian and a michigander before I was a texan


Active Member
I know that feeling, grew up in southern cal then moved to Houston and graduated from there, back to southern Cal, to Indiana...... ewwhhh


Active Member
I think we ALL have to have patience in this hobby. lets be honest. Everylittle thing in a tank takes a long time to do unless it's a neussance algea,
I hate cyano and bryopsis.


Well-Known Member
Indeed we do, Josh. What's that old saying?...Nothing in this hobby happens over night other than dissaster?
I'm working on staining with some of the cherry color today. I'll have a couple of pics tonight of some of my progress for those who wish to see how it's coming along.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/380#post_3382266
WOW....Looking great....BUT I see it is still in the garage....LOL.....MOVE IT IN THE HOUSE
Thanks Meow, I'm workin on it, I'm workin on it lol.
Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/380#post_3382284
I have absolutely nothing to say. That is more a work of art than it is a fishtank. *speachless*

Thanks, Josh. Still got a little ways to go yet. I've got the back/******** sides of the doors painted white this weekend also so if I'm feeling up to it this week I'll try finishing off the stain for those. If not then it will be on my list for next weekend. I still have to clean up the garage and make room to take it all down so I can finish of staining some other areas before I can start applying the urethane finish. It's a big change seeing it with the color on it. I'm not used to it just yet lol. The more I look at it though the more I like the 2 colors together.
Originally Posted by Al&Burke
Corey what are your plans for the back of the tank? Painted black?
Hey, Al. I've gone round and round on what to do about this tank for the back round. I was going to paint it, and then I wanted to do a rock wall. My latest idea (that I may very well try to do) is to go ahead and put the sea view background back on it. But this time I'm going to apply it with the background adhesive that they make. My buddy just used it on his tank and it makes a world of difference of how vivid the background looks through the glass, it's crystal clear. But then what I would like to do is create two partial rock walls on each side of the tank. The idea would be to simulate two cliff sides on either side with the nice view of the backround in the middle. I may extend it to run along the sides of the tank as well and still used the backround on the sides to. The more I think about the more I like the idea. Pluss I think it will give me a way to help somewhat conceal the overflows. What do you think?


Active Member
Well, as you know I painted the 65 and 40 black and the overflow boxes are black and the returns are black. You really have to look to see them, I am happy with the way it looks. Your overflows are black as well, I would maybe considered going with a black background. I always think that the live rock is the focal point of the tank. Even my FW planted tank is all black and when you look the background looks endless. JMHO I am sure what ever you decide will look great. Just remember that Fusion krylon comes in small cans and you can use a small cloth roller to apply it. Not that I am trying to convince you to go that route.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/380#post_3382292
Well, as you know I painted the 65 and 40 black and the overflow boxes are black and the returns are black. You really have to look to see them, I am happy with the way it looks. Your overflows are black as well, I would maybe considered going with a black background. I always think that the live rock is the focal point of the tank. Even my FW planted tank is all black and when you look the background looks endless. JMHO I am sure what ever you decide will look great. Just remember that Fusion krylon comes in small cans and you can use a small cloth roller to apply it. Not that I am trying to convince you to go that route.
Thanks. Yeah I'm still thinking about it. One of my first thoughts was to do the black just because of that reason for the overflows. I've seen some threads done where some guys covered their overflows and made them to look like rock structure and I really liked the idea. I was thinking if I could do something like that and make them blend into the cliffs it might look kind of cool. I've got lots of ideas for it, just have to pick something. Still have time to figure it out though. Next project after the stand is done I think will be the sump.


Active Member
I like that idea as well I might be playing around with that with the SH tank. I saw a cool band saw at a reef shop it was water cooled - they used it to cut up corals. I think it would be neet to get something like that and cut slices of macro rock and expoy them to the back of the tank and overflow, fill in with some foam. I have a small band saw that i might try it with put a small resevoir to catch the water. Anyways have a good night, bedtime.