2Quills, 120G Re-build thread.

gill again68

Active Member
You should put a nano tank in the small cabinets on each side just to give the illusion that the tank goes all the way through.
I really cant wait to see the skin on this thing.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68 http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/100#post_3304857
You should put a nano tank in the small cabinets on each side just to give the illusion that the tank goes all the way through.
I really cant wait to see the skin on this thing.
Whew, I don't know...that would be cool but this canopy is startin to get heavy enough already lol. Have to have the wife help me put it on and take it off of the stand now.


Well-Known Member
Made a slight modification to the canopy by taking out the 45 degree pieces I had on it in order to better incorporate the light system into it once that's built. Here's some shots....






Well-Known Member
Picked up a new stain color this weekend as well and I really like it. It's called Traditional Cherry...It's a BAC stain made by Sherwin Williams. Excellent coverage in 1 coat.



New Member
I think it looks great!! I am very excited to see this come together..I agree babe I love this new stain as well..best one yet..I am so proud of you!!


New Member
The tools don't really bother me I have gotten use to them over the years..lol..besides I can picture how nice it's going to be in there when its all said and done..


New Member
I know your joking..I don't get freaked out over stuff like that..I am glad Corey found this site he really enjoys it and has learned so much especially being this is our first saltwalter tank and we were clueless..well I still am..lol..but he's not..and thats all that matters because he is the one doing the work I just get to enjoy it..haha..I help when he needs so I guess thats ok..


Active Member
How much time have you put into this? I'm thinking about possibly doing this one day and am figuring I will need about 10x more time than you to make the whole setup... 10x is being very generous... I'll probably need assume it will take 100x longer than you to make.
I will say it looks amazing thus far though. I can't believe how easy you all make it look to make something so difficult.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say because I don't work on it all of the time. I pretty much just work on it on the weekends and I haven't even done that every weekend. If I had to guess at this point I'd say that I have about 5 maybe 6 full weekends on it. Realistically if I didn't have to work I could probably have done what I have so far in about a couple of weeks. I'm not really trying to rush it to much as it takes time and money. I still have to save up for the lights, new skimmer, and the return pump as well since I'm not rich lol. But I'm hoping to at least have the stand built and finished by next month (fingers crossed). Still have to paint the inside of the canopy with the urethane enamel paint, make the doors, wire the electical, trim the whole thing out and then stain and seal it. So I've still got my work cut out for me here. Once the stand is done I'll start working on the LED's that I'm gonna build for it...that should be fun. Then I'll re-finish my sump and plumb it all out.


Active Member
Canopy looks good Corey!!!!!!
I love the pocket holes, some very nice joinery if I must say so......Are you using the piano hinge? I thought looking at the pic I saw 2 separate hinges, but my eyes might be fooling me. Very nice find on the new stain. I take it you haven't made the final decision yet?
Any thoughts on how to keep the front flip panel straight and not warp after the tank is up and running? I have a couple tricks/thoughts I might do on mine. Normally a couple good coats of poly work, but I want to make sure of no warpage and proper panel alignment always.......It's honestly hard to put or calculate man hours on a project like this...When your enjoying it; it's just worth it.......


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/100#post_3307078
Canopy looks good Corey!!!!!!
I love the pocket holes, some very nice joinery if I must say so......Are you using the piano hinge? I thought looking at the pic I saw 2 separate hinges, but my eyes might be fooling me. Very nice find on the new stain. I take it you haven't made the final decision yet?
Any thoughts on how to keep the front flip panel straight and not warp after the tank is up and running? I have a couple tricks/thoughts I might do on mine. Normally a couple good coats of poly work, but I want to make sure of no warpage and proper panel alignment always.......It's honestly hard to put or calculate man hours on a project like this...When your enjoying it; it's just worth it.......
I don't have the piano hinge on there just yet. Right now it's just a set of four 3" hinges that are the same width. I do love the new stain, also picked up a can of brushing lacquer yesterday and tried it on a piece...I don't know about it just yet, it's harder to apply with a brush because it's thick and you have to work pretty fast. It smells just like the eurethan enamel paint, pretty strong.
Not sure what to do about the panel warpage but I can already tell that it probably will be a future issue, I may put some virtical pieces glued and tacked to the back maybe. I wish they made poplar plywood. I used some 1/2" birch plywood on the inside of the cabinets next to the side panels of the tank. if it ends up staining the same maybe I'll go that route for the canopy door instead.


Active Member
They do make Poplar plywood!!!! That is what I built my tank out of. I actually found it at Home Depot. Check there; I have 3 close by 2 of them carried I 1 didn't.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///forum/thread/378912/2quills-120g-re-build-thread/100#post_3307215
They do make Poplar plywood!!!! That is what I built my tank out of. I actually found it at Home Depot. Check there; I have 3 close by 2 of them carried I 1 didn't.
Ohhh now he tells me...
They must not carry it down here then. We really only have 1 home depot and 1 lowes here in town without having to drive 35 minutes out of my way. As many times as I've been up and down those isles I know I would have seen it. However I haven't asked anybody If I can order it from anywhere. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to do my doors and figured plywood would be easier to make the panels out of and it shouldn't warp as easy. So are you gonna tell me your secret or are ya gonna leave me in suspense? lol