700+ gallon Ray Pool

small triggers

Active Member
do you have the heaters in the pond to get the water warm??? While you are filling it up...its much easier for the salt to dissolve in the warm water ( i hope you knew that?)


Active Member
post #89, dean mentions how long will it take to get warm to help the salt mix.

Are you using the homemade salt??
Things are looking good. Keep up the nice work. I once worked next door to a stair parts store. Watching those guys make the curved railings on nothing more then a pencile mark on the wall next to the last dozen jobs that were still marked on the wall, I was amazed how they got it right. Really cool to watch them make that stuff. A mix of skill and trible knowledge, and lots of dust.


Originally Posted by small triggers
do you have the heaters in the pond to get the water warm??? While you are filling it up...its much easier for the salt to dissolve in the warm water ( i hope you knew that?)
Yep the water is about 78, it will have to cool off for the rays to go in though.


Originally Posted by Posiden
post #89, dean mentions how long will it take to get warm to help the salt mix.

Are you using the homemade salt??
Things are looking good. Keep up the nice work. I once worked next door to a stair parts store. Watching those guys make the curved railings on nothing more then a pencile mark on the wall next to the last dozen jobs that were still marked on the wall, I was amazed how they got it right. Really cool to watch them make that stuff. A mix of skill and trible knowledge, and lots of dust.

No, no homade salt yet, I thought I would set this up with IO and then work on the homemade salt to see how it is. I had a nice digital scale given to me from a coworker so that saved me a hundred bucks or so.
My wife is glad that I am done sawing and routing down here and not making any sawdust.


I refilled the pond up to the bulkheads to check for leaks yesterday and started adding salt this morning and so far I have 10 (50 gallon) bags in and 6 to go. Bought the IO boxes that have 4 bags each, water temp is at 80 degrees so the salt is desolving pretty fast. Started some of the plumbing and should finish up tommorrow. After I get everything hooked up then I will fill it up to the 21"water level that I intend to run at. Would be nice to put mama ray in monday if I can get the water to cool down to 68-70, we'll see about that. I forgot to hang a 6' flourecent light fixture that I made a few years ago before the liner and water went in so now I will have to buy a 10' plank to stretch across. Oh well.

small triggers

Active Member
you would need the plank to do routine maintenance in themiddle of the pool anyways,, so its a good purchase. And what was your co-worker getting out of the drug dealing business,lol to give you a digital scale...


Active Member
didn't see this post until today...when you were putting the liner in, you could have slid a shop-vac hose between the wall and the liner (then duct tape around the hose to get an air tight seal) to get most (if not all) of the wrinkles out before filling. I worked a summer installing swimming pools and this is what we did. You also could have used a layer of dry sand under the liner (though, being in the basement...that would have been a LOT of heavy lifting).
Great project, can't wait to see the finished product!!!


Originally Posted by browniebuck
didn't see this post until today...when you were putting the liner in, you could have slid a shop-vac hose between the wall and the liner (then duct tape around the hose to get an air tight seal) to get most (if not all) of the wrinkles out before filling. I worked a summer installing swimming pools and this is what we did. You also could have used a layer of dry sand under the liner (though, being in the basement...that would have been a LOT of heavy lifting).
Great project, can't wait to see the finished product!!!
Wished I knew that before, but oh well to late now.


well the pond is full and running tonight but my 2 drains are terribly noisey!! I'm wondering if I should have put a tee on the out side to suck in air ?


Note the one pipe return for now till I make the waterfall. Now I have to tighten up the liner up at the top and then make some kind of cover for the top edge, any ideas?


Active Member
for tightening the liner at the top I would say duck billed vice grips with rubber on them to prevent tearing.
for the top band, thats an interesting one, how about composite decking


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
for tightening the liner at the top I would say duck billed vice grips with rubber on them to prevent tearing.
for the top band, thats an interesting one, how about composite decking
The liner is really tough so my wife and I both can pull on it and it for sure wont tear. I am going to use the plastic bendable dry wall corner to sucure it to the outside edge, staple right thru it into the wood, so that should hold. As for the composite wood top I wonder if it come in a 1x8 so I can cut the curves out of it or else that would be alot of miters to figure out, you know? Thanks for the idea

small triggers

Active Member
the best thing to do if you want to bend composite decking,,,, cut it to the appropriate size then heat it for about 10 minutes (could take up to 30 if its a 4x piece). Youll need a long tube and a heater,, propane or electical put the deck piece inside the tube (a concrete tube works good just make sure to put something in the bottom so the plank lays flat,and wont warp in the middle, and then put the heater at the mouth of the tube to warm the decking piece.. pull it out screw it into place (do not screw it all the way down as the decking will expand when it is cooled) and then finish screwing down when it has cooled completly.

gill again68

Active Member
You could do a concrete top. That way all you have to do is the forms. You could do some fossil forms of shells, crabs, and other stuff in the top and then seal it. That may not be your thing. You can also stain the concrete. I would imagine you would have to be careful with any stains seeing how you got water in and all. Solid surface if you have a good resource. Seeing how you were in the cabinet business.
Really cool build. Just found this tonight. Will be following along.


If I could afford it I would have granite cut to the radius BUT that would be exspensive. The concrete would be a good alternative, and I like the idea with the fosils, but with the water in there I'd better not. I am thinking wood and then epoxy paint. I think I am going to make some stensils of Rays and let the grandkids paint them.
hello Dean
first off I want to say congrats!
you and your grandson are doing a fine job on the ray pool! I enjoy wathing this thread like many others.
I also have an idea which I want to make reality in the near future. Tell me what you think.
I plan on building a ray pool in the corner of my living room ( I have a pretty big living room). If you can imagine, it would fit in one corner of the room. It would fit so it had a bow front style rim in the front of it (6 feet long 2/3 feet tall/wide. Not sure yet what exact diminsions I want. I would plan to have a waterfall in the back of the pool which would be right in the corner space.
I would plan to put a custom cut bowfront acrylic piece so the rays could be easily viewed from the sitting area. I would also like lay stone around pond where you can sit and feed the rays from above (like you can at most commercial aquariums).
So there you have it, that's a dream of mine which I will here soon make reality and I will be sure to post the project from begining to end on this DIY forum.
One question I have for your ray pool...why would you use a liner since you have already sealed it watertight with a sealer? I would think it would look better had you not used a liner but maybe there was not way around it. Thanks and good luck!!!