700+ gallon Ray Pool


Originally Posted by tannersmith200
hello Dean
first off I want to say congrats!
you and your grandson are doing a fine job on the ray pool! I enjoy wathing this thread like many others.
I also have an idea which I want to make reality in the near future. Tell me what you think.
I plan on building a ray pool in the corner of my living room ( I have a pretty big living room). If you can imagine, it would fit in one corner of the room. It would fit so it had a bow front style rim in the front of it (6 feet long 2/3 feet tall/wide. Not sure yet what exact diminsions I want. I would plan to have a waterfall in the back of the pool which would be right in the corner space.
I would plan to put a custom cut bowfront acrylic piece so the rays could be easily viewed from the sitting area. I would also like lay stone around pond where you can sit and feed the rays from above (like you can at most commercial aquariums).
So there you have it, that's a dream of mine which I will here soon make reality and I will be sure to post the project from begining to end on this DIY forum.
One question I have for your ray pool...why would you use a liner since you have already sealed it watertight with a sealer? I would think it would look better had you not used a liner but maybe there was not way around it. Thanks and good luck!!!
The sealer that I put on the plywood was just for protection of the wood if there was ever a leak. It isnt really made for a pond, I had thought about cementing the inside or fiberglassing but the liner was the fastest and cheapest way to go for me and I'm not to awful worried about the apperance since as you can see in the pic it's in an old house basement. The family (children and grandchildren) will enjoy it so for me thats the biggest part. As for your description of your set up to me it sound great and the waterfall idea is neat as I plan on building one myself after the new year but not real tall maybe a spillway rather about 3' wide. Have fun
thanks for the reply
I have another question...
I see that you have a kiddy pool with your rays in it which is a pretty good idea. How do you keep the kiddy pool clean? Can you show the filtration system and list the products you have for sustainability?
How long have you had your rays?


Originally Posted by tannersmith200
thanks for the reply
I have another question...
I see that you have a kiddy pool with your rays in it which is a pretty good idea. How do you keep the kiddy pool clean? Can you show the filtration system and list the products you have for sustainability?
How long have you had your rays?
i have had the female since july 10th and 3 months ago she gave 2 pups, a male and female. I dont have a pic of the the setup (kiddie pool) but it is just a homemade sump made from a plastic rubbermaid bin and thats all i have used. It has a Rio 2500 pump and thats it. The tanks stays really clean and i dont know why people say Rays are messy eaters, mine eat every peice i throw in there and go around looking for any leftovers so i wouldnt call them messy. I do clean out the dung every day as it not hard to see on the bottom but with the new pool its going to be alittle harder to reach the middle but will find some way to do that. I think thats a good way to keep water quality up beside biweekly water changes. Oh i am a firm believer in lots and lots of narr. snails like 250 of them 1/2"- 3/4"


Well I put Wilma the Ray into her new home and let me tell you that she didnt like going into that 5 gallon bucket at all. I just nneded to get her out of there and into a larger tub set up next to the new pool but accl. her and into the pool she went checking everything out and then buried herself. I wanted to see if she would eat and as soon as she smelled the food up out of the sand she came and charged after the food so I think she's ok but not used to the not so smooth sides that i hope she will get used to so she will come up to the top to be hand fed.


Originally Posted by meowzer
Is that all the sand you keep in there????
For now it is, have to get 300lbs more so I can have 1" consistant all around. I thought the sand i had between her kiddie pool and another tank just holding live sand for this would more but its alot more of an area to cover, so i will be buying a 40# bag here and there. Do you have some extra that you could mail to me.


Buy the way it ended up being a 860 gallon pool at 21.5 inches and 9'- .5" plus I would guess 35 gallons in the sump. Sure hope it does'nt break apart


LOL...I might have a ray that you can come get :( If she gets any bigger.....
I love her...I would cry if I had to give her away.....Who would hand feed her like I do


Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...I might have a ray that you can come get :( If she gets any bigger.....
I love her...I would cry if I had to give her away.....Who would hand feed her like I do
You could fly her out and my family would hand feed her too!


If we were to drive there it would be a 24 hr round trip if you are close to Ok city, so I would have to make some kind of excuse besides picking up a Ray, I did it this summer but it was only 4 hours to St. Louis and we celebrated our 12th anniversery so that worked out, cause my wife likes those little trips.


Originally Posted by Dean1956
If we were to drive there it would be a 24 hr round trip if you are close to Ok city, so I would have to make some kind of excuse besides picking up a Ray, I did it this summer but it was only 4 hours to St. Louis and we celebrated our 12th anniversery so that worked out, cause my wife likes those little trips.

LOL...I'm 4 hours from OKC.....I live in the far far SE corner of OK....
I sure hope I don't have to ever get rid of her, BUT...I'll keep you in mind....LOL...we can always pick a place in between, and my husband and I could have a little trip too LOL


Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...I'm 4 hours from OKC.....I live in the far far SE corner of OK....
I sure hope I don't have to ever get rid of her, BUT...I'll keep you in mind....LOL...we can always pick a place in between, and my husband and I could have a little trip too LOL


Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...where the heck is Morris? I can't find it on the map w/o knowing proximity
Morris, IL. 60450 we are 4 hrs north of St. Louis, Mo. I-80 and RT. 47 1 1/2 hrs south west of Chicago
are you close to Broken Bow?


Originally Posted by Dean1956
Morris, IL. 60450 we are 4 hrs north of St. Louis, Mo. I-80 and RT. 47 1 1/2 hrs south west of Chicago
are you close to Broken Bow?
LOL...about 30 miles Sw.....
LOL..we want to plan a trip to Lamberts restaurant..just outside of Springfield MO....that is the restaurant that throws the rolls at you....I LOVED IT
Maybe SPRING....