Anyone ever heard of an ecoaqualizer?


Originally Posted by rbu1
OK lets beat a dead horse......I see this thread has been dorment for some time. I just purchased one of these. They had the 35 day free trial and then the 180 day guarentee.....I figured why not try it. Well I have not had a chnce to connect it yet. I want to plumb it right into my return line and just have not had a chance. So come on lets keep this thread going......UPDATES??????
that was all a cut and paste from a site that I did some research and found


Horsin, I appreciate your reply but I want to hear from people that are using or have used this product. Thank You


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbu1
Horsin, I appreciate your reply but I want to hear from people that are using or have used this product. Thank You
Good luck.
Seriously, very, very, very, very, very, very few people use it. Especially members here. It's just been debunked to heck around here. You can see photos online of people who have taken it apart... Not only is there no scientific evidence to support the maker's claims, but many of their claims seem to go against known scientific principles.
Unless this thing was dropped in the 1940's near Roswell, NM. it simply cannot work as claimed.


Active Member
I didn't personally use it, but I have a friend who used to live 5 minutes from me. Watching his tank with the contraption showed no difference than without it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Good luck.
Seriously, very, very, very, very, very, very few people use it. Especially members here. It's just been debunked to heck around here. You can see photos online of people who have taken it apart... Not only is there no scientific evidence to support the maker's claims, but many of their claims seem to go against known scientific principles.
Unless this thing was dropped in the 1940's near Roswell, NM. it simply cannot work as claimed.
Here ya go..



OK I asked them about the magnet thing......Here is the response.....
Hello Bill,
The information that you must have located at another website does not
pertain to our product.
Yes, we do use magnets inside our product. However, it is not your
typical North/South pole magnet. We only utilize a "Specific
Polarity" magnet. Reason being - if South polarity has any influence
on water (H2O), it will tremedously INCREASE the growth of Green algae.
Our specific polarity has only the North influence which causes
Mitosis problems with Algae... as well, as has positive effects on the
Oxygen Atom since Oxygen is negativelt charged.
Also, the ECO-Aqualizer product utilizes our own propietary Patent
Pending Radiation ceramics inside the unit. This technology has the
effect of "weakening Hydrogen bonds". Which complements the
functionality of the product and its effect on water molecules.
Personally, I would be careful of what you read on the internet.
Their are companies that do not like our product since it eliminates
the need for medications and other chemicals. Hence... their profit
margins! And will/ and have gone to great lengths to spend bad
Be weary of websites that do not have any commercial regulation.
We have been a member of the B.B.B. for 5 and half years now. As well
as the American Marinelife Dealers Association. We have a perfect
standing status with the BBB - never any complaints. We simply stand
behind our Money Back Guarantee.
I am sure that once you have installed our product and monitor its
performance... that you will be quite satisfaction. Especially as
time goes by..... you will easily notice that very little maintence is
needed on your tank with the ECO-Aqualizer in place. You always have
a full 180 days to test the product out. If any other website gives
you this type of guarantee... I would trust them and stand clear of
If you have any further questions, please do ask!
Best Regards,
Phillip Newcomb
Tech. Support
1-866-ECO-AQUA (326-2782)

pastor b.

Dear hobbyists, everyone is entitled to their own opinion . I have two ecoaqualizer units on my 150 gallon aquarium,and I can tell you from experience that this product really works . In my aquarium,I have fish like: a Clown wrasse which are difficult to keep,but mine is nearly 8",and is thriving. My Cleaner wrasse isn't hard for me to keep at all. Its nearly 3".My Hippo tang doesn't get ich at all,( this is the truth ) and is nearly 5''and is still growing . My Queen Angelfish is nearly 8",and is still growing . My Coral banded shrimp molts regularly. My Harlequin Tush is 7.5",with excellent coloration.The snails in the tank are breeding so fast,at night they can be seen spread out on the lr,not to mention the bristle worms,which as far as I can tell , are three species.The product does contain magnets. But species that are normally hard to keep are now easy and are thriving .


Active Member
Hahahah now I know why Streb asked this on my build thread...
Monopole magnetic particles are believed to be theoretically possible but none are known to exist. It is believed that they can be created with a very large particle accelerator (the only one currently thought - and not by all - to be able to create them isn't even in operation yet). However, again, they are theory, not proven, and none have been proven to exist. They are one of those hypothetical concepts that bend the laws of physics as we know them.
I seriously doubt that this thing breaks the laws of physics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Hahahah now I know why Streb asked this on my build thread...
Monopole magnetic particles are believed to be theoretically
possible but none are known to exist. It is believed that they can be created with a very large particle accelerator (the only one currently thought - and not by all - to be able to create them isn't even in operation yet). However, again, they are theory, not proven, and none have been proven to exist. They are one of those hypothetical concepts that bend the laws of physics as we know them.
I seriously doubt that this thing breaks the laws of physics.
Well I figured you of all people would know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
I try to know a little bit about most things and a lot about some things.
Me too; unfortunately, the stuff I know a lot about is pretty much useless.
I've kept a log on this device since I first posted on the thread; so I could be sure it was the Eco-aqualizer, and not something else, helping the tank. I'll post the log when I get more time. I don't pretend to know how or what this thing does and I realize it is hyped almost as much as Marc Weiss products. I also know, at least in one of my tanks, this thing does just what its web site claims. I have absolutely no doubt and sometimes wonder if I'm just being gullible. I'm not. I plan to include one of these in every tank I own; with a 6 month guarantee, I don't have anything to lose and can see what it does in my larger tanks. I'm sure the skeptics (I admit, its hard not to be skeptical) are thrilled, I'll keep you posted.


Active Member
I say we let the Mythbusters test it, cuz I'm not paying to.
(sarcasticly) So if I tape some magnets to a pipe and run water through it, it will replenish all of the trace elements and buffers that are used up, and remove nitrate and other wastes without me having to mix up new water and replace it?
There are no miracle products out there, not even for this hobby.


Active Member
I don't believe in miracle products either; I consider this thing to be just another helper. I think Boyd's is still running those no water change ads...I love Boyd's Chemi-pure, but still do water changes. All hype has to be taken with a grain of salt and common sense. I simply use the gizmo as an an accessory and continue my skimming and water changes, etc. I remember reading that N.A.S.A. ran several computer models that concluded it was impossible for a bumblebee to fly........


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emilaya101
I got one fo rfree and I don't even use it, I don't see what good It could do
Try it for a couple of months; it can't hurt anything. Let us know what happens. If you haven't used it; you really don't know if it works or not. My 1st one was a gift too. I guess I feel a little foolish, defending this thing. But this thread is just like I left it months ago; lots of posts on why it can't work and few by folks who have tried it and know it doesn't. I disd quite a test on this thing, not very scientific, but more than just plugging it in. I'll find my notes & post within the next week. Until then, I'll just repeat what I said earlier:"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."
-- Albert Einstein