
Originally Posted by ann83
Glad he ate for you. Keeping him eating will help him a lot.
I have been on cloud 9...LOL...He seems to be hunting too, and seems more...well....more like himself...I also put a large mirror on the outside of the tank too...I wonder if that also helped....
I will be catching more pods tomorrow..THANK YOU for the suggestion....and also trying to see if he will take some mysis....I hope this is the turn around...I was soooo scared. His wound has not changed, but his lack of eating was making me very nervous
Also today was day 3 of the furan 2

shrimpy brains

That is so great! I almost cried when I read that he ate something. What a heart warming experience this has been. So many people with such concern for your sweet little horse! I hope and pray, this truly is the turning point, and he will continue to get better, so you can put him back in his home.


Active Member
Wow - it's so emotionally draining living vicariously through these episodes, and poor you - you have to deal with the emotions and the labors of love it's taking to keep him alive! When I read stories like this I often think "there's no way I could be that dedicated and persistent" but when it does happen to one of your own it's amazing how you kick into high-gear and do WHATEVER it takes to try and keep them alive. I've had so many days where I've gone to the office on no more than 3 hours of sleep because I was up all night doing water changes or medicating or trying to feed or trying to raise food, etc. And when you're not doing that you're reading and researching for any other ideas to hopefully help the crisis.
This story has GOT to have a happy ending - it's just GOT to!!!! Keep us posted, please.


Active Member's not's being a responsible pet owner....we do these things for our other pets so why not our aquarium species? lol


WEll I just finished trying to strain copepods out of a canister...IT DID NOT WORK

SOOOO..since he is taking the mysis...I will continue to pick some amphipods out of fuge

So he will have amphipods and his mysis
50% w/c now done...this is day 4 of Furan 2
He is even madder at me now (LOL) I just picked him up to get a close up of booboo...NO CHANGE


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
main thing is get him eatting and keep the temps down. Did he eat regular or PE mysis.
He ate the PE first...I think it was a little big though cause after a minute he spit it out...then went and got it again and finished it
When I saw that I put some of the regular in there too...I'm pretty sure he ate a couple...when I did the w/c I cleaned most out...he will get some dinner shortly


Active Member
Thats good, the PE are gut loaded and may be a little better for him. Try soaking them in vita chem or something like that.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Thats good, the PE are gut loaded and may be a little better for him. Try soaking them in vita chem or something like that.
The vita-chem has not yet arrived...LOL...tomorrow maybe...I have selcon, zoe, zoecon, vitamarin-c
I am about to start fishing for some more amphipods


New Member
Nothing to advise on this (as I know nothing about sea horses) but just wanted to say I've been following your thread and I'm glad to hear your little guy is doing better


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Has he eaten today??
A little...not too much...Although I have "fished" for amphipods 3x today....I got approximately 20 each time....He is constantly hunting....I think that's good though
BUT my vita-chem came in so I put some on his mysis...I am not 100% sure he ate any, but at least the vitamins are in the water.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Eatting a little is better then none.
How is he.
WELL I Just got finished collecting more amphipods (WHAT A JOB) He must be eating them cause they are disappearing....I did my w/c and added treatment 6 of Furan 2....I do not really notice any difference in his wound though

Do you think i should be doing anything else?
OH...I did get some bio-bandage from somewhere and I used it once so far...


Active Member
Did you but both types of antibiotics that were suggested??
I think now that he is eatting better, he will heal, though he may need another round of meds.
Are you still feeding frozen too??


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Did you but both types of antibiotics that were suggested??
I think now that he is eatting better, he will heal, though he may need another round of meds.
Are you still feeding frozen too??
Yes I got the sulpha and neomycin....BUT I am not supposed to sue that unless this stuff doesn't work....right?
I got the vita-chem yesterday so I have been soaking PE Mysis and the regular mysis in it, and putting a pinch in the tank...Seems like I am siphoning most (NOT ALL) of it back out...Hard to tell.
Jow often do you use bio-bandage....BIGUN is really not liking me very much these days, but I need to keep doing what's best. Tomorrow it is back to work, so w/c's at night...and amphipod hunting at night too.