Getting to know you... getting to know all about you!



ok, just making sure i didn't miss anything. Why don't you tell us about yourself?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Danish
Hi all

Well I(Susanne) am new here and here - moved to USA 7 years ago with husband and child and got my first tank in Jan 2005. Our neighbors had to move cross country and had to get rid of their 46 gallon tank
We have a pair of clowns(Nemo and Marlina), a Majestic Angel(Angel) a Foxface(Foxy) and a bunch of inverts.

We also have 2 kids(daughter 5 and son 9) and 1 Siberian Husky(Jossy looking for a playmate) :jumping: :jumping:

We did not know what we were getting in to but are now looking for a bigger tank for our little friends(I know we learned trough you guys that the tank is to small for the fish) so I guess we to are fishaholics

That Angel is awesome Susanne


Yes it is....does it mess with coral?
My GF wants an angel for mine and I haven't decided to do it or not.


My name is Ben , Ive been doing Saltwater for , 2 months now , I have a Mexican turbosnail(turbano) a Chocolate Chip Starfish(***hole) a Yellow Tang(Skittish) and a False Perc(aNEMOsis) and several blue legged hermits and snails that i call the minute men (im from Boston). So anyway I married at 22 to my lovely wife Sarah on March 6th 2004 , I am 23 now and I live in El Dorado Hills (Sacramento area just barely). I play Guitar , started out playing heavy metal and have worked my way into classic rock. (Still a die hard MetalHead though). I have been in 3 bands(Metal) and then decided i wanted to work on a side project which is mainly acoustic , I have my own home Digital Recording studio that *(beleive it or not)* cost more than my saltwater hobby! so its pretty nice. Anybody in the Sactown area that needs recording done (any type of music) let me know i dont charge alot. Lets see , My job , I am in Health Insurance for Blue Shield of CA , make pretty good money. I have a passion for Video Games on PS2 and ANY retro system , (You just cant touch Zelda on Nintendo , best game ever made) I would have to say that i am a big kid too Jenn , sometimes i want to take a visit to my elementary school and say hi to my teachers. I collect DVD's religously , i have a High-Def DLP (digital Light Processor) with a 9 foot Electric Motion Screen (watching Finding Nemo on that is Awesome) and I love to cook.
Anyway nice to meet all of you

oh yeah I have a 55 gallon , with a 44 gallon Refugium so in actualllity i have a 99 gallon


Active Member
i like fish. i don't like them as much as i appear to be, sometimes.
if my fish bite me when i stick my hands in the tank, i hit them back.


Ben, my fav. zelda game is the windwaker! That game was phenomenal! My new fav. game right now is Disgaea. That game is the -($&! lol. I'm looking to get a projector & screen. I want the mitsubishi xd480u. It's also a DLP. Tell me, do you get the "rainbow effect" with your projector.
The DVD thing, my hubby is a major collector. Seems if he wants to watch it, he has to buy it, renting is out of the
Congrats on the marriage thing! It's great isn't it?


Well here is my fish family - oh yea and my real one (well my parents anyway)
Thanks - I do what I can for the troops - God knows they are doing enough for me!!

It is so nice to know a little more about everyone!



Nice, is that a real gorgonia?


Active Member
adjust the picture you wish to post to size that's no bigger than 500x500
save it where you can find it
post a new message, at the bottom there's an option to manage attachment
find the pic and click upload


Active Member
my name is jordan
i ve had my saltwater fish tanks for around 2 months
JDRUGUNAS~ you got married 1 day after my birthday!!
i have 2 false perc. clown fish named nemo and marlin ( you all can guess why)
i have 2 hermit crabs named hermy and hermin
i have a snail and a brittle star named legs
i will also be getting a coral beauty and mabey a scooter blenny or sumthing else any suggestions???


Well happy belated birthday, jordan!
One big suggestion, don't get a scooter blenny unless you have a lot of LR, and a refugium. Although they are called blennies, the scooter blenny is really a dragonet, like the mandarinfish. They feed on copods, and therefore need a lot of LR to survive. If you only have LR in your tank, they will last for a few months, but then eventually eat out the copods and starve. This is why having a fuge for these guys is a must, because it is a neverending supply of copods.

ok, i'm going to try this picture thing...
1st one is me and the hubby, second is my dog (now at my parent's house)... i hope this works.
BTW, thanks!



yaaaaayyyy it worked!!! i'm soooo gonna post pics of my tank and fish when i get home!
Well i'm off for the day, acutally the weekend, yay!!! When i come back, this thread had better be at least 4 pages long, or i don't know what i'll do... lol j/k. But i really do hope to hear from a lot of you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
do you have any sisters?
oh.. i am not phil
Ok, so it took me awhile to remember. Ha!
Jenn, thats from "post a pic. of yourself thread"


Active Member
i have about 40 lbs of LR in a 55 gallon tank and 19 lbs of "used LR" and 10 lbs of "dead" rock...will this be enough?? sry im a newbie but whats a refigum?


Jenn, yes marriage is great , i dont know what i would do without sarah , My Dlp doesnt get the rainbow effect , its highdef i payed alot of money for it , i did alot of research and testing before i bought , because i didnt want to have to buy another one for a long time , , but i would recomend a dlp to everybody , they dont take up any room , and the picture is awesome