"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," said our president.


Active Member
yup pay no attention to the man behind the curtain....
Smoke and mirrors
Class warefare
The country is in such good condition we can talk about this?


Active Member
Putting a dog in a crate on the roof was a lot safer than letting it ride in the back of an open pickup truck. How many tens of thousands of people have done that over the years?


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Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/220#post_3472475
Putting a dog in a crate on the roof was a lot safer than letting it ride in the back of an open pickup truck. How many tens of thousands of people have done that over the years?
Sure it's safe. Low hanging branch smacks the crate at 60MPH. I'm sure the dog would be fine. Who cares it has to eat bug guts. Protein. Typical Conservative logic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/220#post_3472474
yup pay no attention to the man behind the curtain....
Smoke and mirrors
Class warefare
The country is in such good condition we can talk about this?
Another Fox News watcher. Don't worry Oscar. If Obamacare stays intact, I'll have the comfort of knowing the patients you see are actually paying for their medical care, instead of the alternative where MY tax dollars are paying for it as I do now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/220#post_3472520
Another Fox News watcher. Don't worry Oscar. If Obamacare stays intact, I'll have the comfort of knowing the patients you see are actually paying for their medical care, instead of the alternative where MY tax dollars are paying for it as I do now.
Perhaps if you watched Fox you'd be better informed. Under 0bama care those who don't pay for insurance still wont have coverage. And here's the kicker Mr. "I've read the bill", the law states the fine is not a tax and the government can't file any lien or take legal actions to collect the funds owed. So unless those persons who won't pay for insurance are dumb enough to set their deductions up so they get a big refund the government can't collect a dime.
Funny the things you learn watching a news channel more concerned with reporting the news than pushing an agenda.
But just in case you doubt the Fox News reporting
"Ordinarily, the penalty would be treated as a tax, and you could be prosecuted for income tax evasion if you didn’t pay it. But the new health law explicitly says that there will be no criminal sanctions for failing to pay the penalty, and no liens or levies on your property, said Timothy Jost, a law professor at Washington and Lee University. The government could come after your tax refund to pay the penalty, but since you say you don’t get a refund, that won’t be an option."
"Update, May 11: The health care bill that was signed into law by President Obama says criminal penalties will not apply to those who refuse to get coverage and refuse to pay the penalty tax. As we wrote in a March 2010 post on the IRS’ responsibilities, the law says on page 131http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h3590enr.txt.pdf: "In the case of any failure by a taxpayer to timely pay any penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure."


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/220#post_3472519
Sure it's safe. Low hanging branch smacks the crate at 60MPH. I'm sure the dog would be fine. Who cares it has to eat bug guts. Protein. Typical Conservative logic.
LOL! And you don't think a dog riding in the bed with it's mug hanging into the wind as is typical doesn't eat bugs? Seriously is that the best you can do? Oh, and by the way if you bothered to read the account of the event Romney made a wind screen so the dog wouldn't get blown around. I suppose now he starved poor fido by denying him his daily bug guts. Low hanging branch ROFLMFFAO!!!!! Oh lord......................................................................................


Active Member

Another Fox News watcher.  Don't worry Oscar.  If Obamacare stays intact, I'll have the comfort of knowing the patients you see are actually paying for their medical care, instead of the alternative where MY tax dollars are paying for it as I do now.
Should it not be "our" tax dollars? Last I checked I paid taxes.
As to watching Fox
President Obama himself told Joe the plumber he planned to spread the wealth.
Listen to about any speech he gives and you hear the class warfare rhetoric.
Walk in my shoes. Over the last 3 years while trying to provide affordable housing, I am currently owed $24,000 in rent, damages, late fees, court costs, etc.
I sold the business. I doubt I will see any of that money. Many of them were on gov't assistance. That just left me holding the bag while they live high.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/220#post_3472643
Should it not be "our" tax dollars? Last I checked I paid taxes.
As to watching Fox
President Obama himself told Joe the plumber he planned to spread the wealth.
Listen to about any speech he gives and you hear the class warfare rhetoric.
Walk in my shoes. Over the last 3 years while trying to provide affordable housing, I am currently owed $24,000 in rent, damages, late fees, court costs, etc.
I sold the business. I doubt I will see any of that money. Many of them were on gov't assistance. That just left me holding the bag while they live high.
It's not "your" taxes unless you live in San Antonio. I'm taxed by my local county via property taxes to pay for our County Community Hospital that provides free medical care to any indigent individual that walks in the door. It has nothing to do with my federal taxes.
"Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me". Sounds like you don't understand the concept of screening potential renters or obtaining a first and second month's deposit before allowing them to enter the door. Or are you one of these slum barron's that flipped some multi-tenant apartment complex on the poor side of town looking for easy cash by renting to Section 8 families who received govt assistance, and you thought it was guaranteed money. How in the world anyone would let someone or multiple people run up a $24K bill before legally evicting them is beyond me. I own three rental houses myself. Mine are in neighborhoods that are middle to upper-middle class single residency homes. I've had my share of bad tenants, and a couple have left me with holding the bag on a months rent. But I have an excellent property management company that screens potential tenants, and I pay them a fee to not only keep track of the rent, but make any repairs needed to the homes that warrant normal wear and tear. My "bad tenant" percentage has been very minimal simply due to the fact these "Gov't assistance" families can't afford the rent.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/220#post_3472661
It's not "your" taxes unless you live in San Antonio. I'm taxed by my local county via property taxes to pay for our County Community Hospital that provides free medical care to any indigent individual that walks in the door. It has nothing to do with my federal taxes.
"Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me". Sounds like you don't understand the concept of screening potential renters or obtaining a first and second month's deposit before allowing them to enter the door. Or are you one of these slum barron's that flipped some multi-tenant apartment complex on the poor side of town looking for easy cash by renting to Section 8 families who received govt assistance, and you thought it was guaranteed money. How in the world anyone would let someone or multiple people run up a $24K bill before legally evicting them is beyond me. I own three rental houses myself. Mine are in neighborhoods that are middle to upper-middle class single residency homes. I've had my share of bad tenants, and a couple have left me with holding the bag on a months rent. But I have an excellent property management company that screens potential tenants, and I pay them a fee to not only keep track of the rent, but make any repairs needed to the homes that warrant normal wear and tear. My "bad tenant" percentage has been very minimal simply due to the fact these "Gov't assistance" families can't afford the rent.
My mom and dad built the apartments with their own hands. We screened the renters as well as we could. I tried the property management companies. They would not touch the apartments. Had a secretary, and full time maintenance man.
I love your accusations of being a slum lord.
We kicked em out as soon as we could, some I inherited from my dad, he was not on top of things as he was dying of cancer. I work 50 hours+ a week in the Emergency Room, then have to try and run the business. Made a difficult job harder.
As to our taxes, the federal gov't doles out quite a bit to the states through medicaid. Better check your facts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/220#post_3472688
My mom and dad built the apartments with their own hands. We screened the renters as well as we could. I tried the property management companies. They would not touch the apartments. Had a secretary, and full time maintenance man.
I love your accusations of being a slum lord.
We kicked em out as soon as we could, some I inherited from my dad, he was not on top of things as he was dying of cancer. I work 50 hours+ a week in the Emergency Room, then have to try and run the business. Made a difficult job harder.
As to our taxes, the federal gov't doles out quite a bit to the states through medicaid. Better check your facts.
It all boils down to "location, location, location". You can build the most luxurious house or apartment complex money can buy, but if you build it in a downtrodden area where only low-income and Section 8 families can live, you get the clientele you're having to deal with. I started out with one house in a nice neighborhood, then expanded to two others as I gained income and equity from the first house. I had a buddy that wanted me to go in with him on a bunch of flipped houses he bought in this older neighborhood that had mostly rental properties and consisted mainly of Section 8 families and was known as a drug dealer haven. Said "Thanks but no thanks". He ended up restoring 3 of them, and in a year's timeframe, they got completely trashed by the same type of renters you're dealing with. He ended up selling them all at a loss just to get out of having to deal with those types of renters. Sorry you're in the same situation. Was the neighborhood like that when they initially built the place, or did it go downhill over time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/220#post_3472796
It all boils down to "location, location, location". You can build the most luxurious house or apartment complex money can buy, but if you build it in a downtrodden area where only low-income and Section 8 families can live, you get the clientele you're having to deal with. I started out with one house in a nice neighborhood, then expanded to two others as I gained income and equity from the first house. I had a buddy that wanted me to go in with him on a bunch of flipped houses he bought in this older neighborhood that had mostly rental properties and consisted mainly of Section 8 families and was known as a drug dealer haven. Said "Thanks but no thanks". He ended up restoring 3 of them, and in a year's timeframe, they got completely trashed by the same type of renters you're dealing with. He ended up selling them all at a loss just to get out of having to deal with those types of renters. Sorry you're in the same situation. Was the neighborhood like that when they initially built the place, or did it go downhill over time?
The whole cr4ack house deal worries me. That can happen i any neighborhood. Right nopw the house next door to me is for sale. It a remodeled floor plan of one I sold just under 3 years ago and got 170K for. It's a foreclosure and they are asking 130K for it. I am really thinking about picking it up for a rental.


Active Member
I grew up in the apartments. 13 acres on the Huron River in a great school district. Was a great nighborhood. We were far from rich at the time and most had little money that rented. They were good people. Some without 2 quarters to rub together, but by golly they would give you the shirt off their back to help you out. Not so today. These people are losers, and I hate to say it, but that is a fact.
Most of that money is one low life. She moved into a newly remodeled 3 bedroom townhouse for $675/ month. was pregnant and stopped paying in October after 2 months. Started eviction, but by then she was due and Christmas time. The bleeding heart Judge gave her 2 months on my dime. In the mean time she did $3500 in damage. She alone owes me $8000 in rent damages court costs and interest. To make matteres worse once the court finally let me put her out, I changed the locks and she and the boyfriend of the day broke into the apartment.
The judicial system was and is not helpful


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Grave Robber
So with all the new evidence that has come out has anyone changed their opinion on where this case is headed?