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AHHH Yes!!! Thank you so much for clearing that up.. the thing was bugging me ever since this morning.. nice tank btw! hopefully I can get one of those bad boys in the future.. not sure if I'm down to scrape out all the algae in the beginning though..
why'd you get an algae infested used one? Did you get it for cheap?
Also sorry for the OT, but I heard Moorish Idols are really difficult to keep and has a shorter life span if kept in captivity.. is this true? I'm planning to invest on some after I research for a while and get myself a nice 75-100g reef tank.
Yes, I bought the system used for a very good price. Not only was the price good but it came with the stand, canopy and metal halide lights.
Moorish idols are extremely difficult to keep in captivity. In fact, I started out with two and one never really got acclimated well to my tank. It is not an ideal fish for most people, especially for people with smaller tanks and limited experience. Good luck with your future setup.