I know I've posted this before but florida joe is scary. No way to beat around the bush. My first post on here I asked all the basic questions. Even after reading a book and all the main stickies on this forum. You know what he did. He just asked my questions right back at me. I had to identify what I though was going on with my cycle and even what a cycle was. He came back and explained to me why I was wrong and it was a great learning experience, but it didn't make him any less scary LOL! He's like the crappy teachers you hate in high school then grow up thanking cause they taught you something in what you thought was a screwed up method.
Setting up my new tank I still want to come rant over here "Why's my tank not cycling" "I want this done now" The only difference is now I know so I don't have to post it. I just want to post it. Maybe thats still my newbiness though. Excitement gets the best of all of us.
Setting up my new tank I still want to come rant over here "Why's my tank not cycling" "I want this done now" The only difference is now I know so I don't have to post it. I just want to post it. Maybe thats still my newbiness though. Excitement gets the best of all of us.