New 10g Nano, ideas please!!

bang guy

I can only tell you whay I would do. First I would make a lime paste using a dab of lime, some finely minced seafood, and some juice from saif minced seafood. A tiny amount is all that is needed but mash it all until you have a paste that has the consistency of toothpaste.
Feed it to the Aiptasia.
After a couple hours boil some RO water and use a turkey baster and squirt it onto the Aiptasia until the protein in the Aiptasia is denatured.


Active Member
okay sounds a little complicated lol can i do all of this with it being pretty much on the kenya tree? can i not just cut them off? in a safe way..

bang guy

What I mentioned isn't going to harm the Kenya.
Cutting off the Aiptasia will usually just spread them around.


Active Member
well im probably gunna get some sh*t for this but i got a mandarin dragonet, green, today at the fish store! he is a beauty! i have a pretty good copepod (spelling?) population in my tank right now. my lfs actually sells copepods, and they told me the mandarin has been eating some frozen food as well. ill try and get some pics soon. he actually isnt shy at all and i have seen him grazing on pods already so im guessing he is feelin pretty good in his new home. got a few more snails as well. i like the stock list i have right now. so im gunna start focusing on coral.

bang guy

The Kenya Tree can't eat phyto. Depending on the species of the Duster it may eat Phyto. I don't recommend spot feeding the Duster in either case.


Active Member
well crap. oh well. hopefully soon ill have some coral that does actually eat phyto. pics coming in about an hour or so...

bang guy

Not to worry, most corals are able to eat the pods that eat the phyto. I'm not sure there are very many corals that can eat phyto. Nothing easy to keep anyway, perhaps Goniopora eats phyto.


Active Member
well i learn somethin new everyday. so what do you suggest i do with the phyto? how much and how often should i put some in the tank? right now i dont really have anything in the tank but once its packed with corals?


Active Member

his name is Reptar!

cleaner shrimp, sorry he doesnt ever stop moving so its kinda blurry

star fish is hitching a ride on a snail haha

hunting for food!
thats all for now!
im making a trip about an hour away to a really nice all saltwater facility, to hopefully find some sweet stuff to buy. from the pics online it looks like a pretty sweet store. that will be this saturday so stay tuned for some nice stuff this weekend

bang guy

As long as you are able to keep water parameters in check there's no reason to not feed the phyto to your pods. That will make them that much healthier for your Mandarin to eat.


Active Member
okay cool, i was thinking that might help. any particular way to feed the pods? just poor a small amount straight into the tank?


Active Member
okay so bills are paid, im caught up on everything and have some breathing room. heres my question. im thinking about upgrading to the 17 gallon i had planned on going to earlier. id also like to know what is a good nano skimmer. something that isnt a whole lot of money. and i might switch to LED's. i saw some at a swf store a couple weeks again and they looks awesome. i just dont know much about the wattage of LEDs and what the are equal to as far as T5's or MH's? just pretty clueless in general. thanks for any help!


Active Member
welp the feather duster seems to have made a full recovery! and the second pic is an FTS with the kenya tree nice and happy as well
