New 28G Nano Cube for Horses :)


Well-Known Member
LOLOLOL love the pony tank meowzer and so does meowzer! ?!?!?!
i wish my gf would buy me a crossbow lol, i cant even get her to pay for my fishys or rocks. kittys like hmmm wat r those???


I need some more cuc.....I haev a few nass snails, a tiger sand conch, a couple of astrea.......pep shrimp and 2 emeralds (only wanted one, but one musta been hiding in the rock)
anyway.....I am getting a lot of film on the glass, so what would be good nerites???? cerith???


Well-Known Member
i picked up 3 of the astreia and one of em loves the glass. Thxs to ur wonderful advise i went to my 2nd fav lfs and picked up 2 thumb size narris and they r doing wonderful w/ the sand. Wait and c wat others have to say though....
i want a conch kinda but i think im maxed out at the moment. Are they kool or very lg???


the tiger sand conch does not get big....and on this site they ahve a little bear conch that also stays small.....I owuld get one of them


Well-Known Member
ill think about it....its the shipping thats killer lol
actually thats the one i was looking at
good news: I went around the shipping and special ordered a little bear conch at a lfs....hope they dont charge me an arm and a leg! They said they would call me when they got it w00tw00t


Active Member
Hey Meowzer, Just got home a little while ago, your new horses look great and I love the tank. I like the fury coral on top that doesn't need to be in water.


is it possible that horses would rather eat their food on the fly? I turned off the pumps last night and this morning....they see the food in the bowl, BUT wait for it to float away and chase it
I think my horses are HUNTERS LOl.....SO should I leave the pumps on and let them chase it? what's the harm if I do?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/320#post_3372266
is it possible that horses would rather eat their food on the fly? I turned off the pumps last night and this morning....they see the food in the bowl, BUT wait for it to float away and chase it
I think my horses are HUNTERS LOl.....SO should I leave the pumps on and let them chase it? what's the harm if I do?

Just a thought...SWF may of just been tossing food into the tank to let them eat and that's the way they expect their food. Peka fed her babies with a clear 1 inch tube in a feeding dish so that's the way my horses prefered to eat.
The only harm I can think of is tank pollution. My horses take a good hour to finish all the food and even then they miss some. By having food in and around the dish I can siphon away what they don't eat... What floats away is too hard to keep track of, and we know what rotten shimp does to the ammonia level of a tank, since we use a chunk to kick start a cycle.
I kept checking for an ammonia spike when mine were getting used to where the food dish was. The nassarous snails (I have 25 of them in a 30g tank) must of done a good job of cleaning up because I had no spike. That was my only concern.


Yeah...that's what a cuc is for...I have a few snails, a tiger sand conch, a few peppermints, and 2 emeralds.....I am going to get more snails though
I'm doing a small w/c today, BUT so far all water is testing good YAY
OH YEAH, I'm also gonna be getting those green banded gobies as soon as they come into stock


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/320#post_3372281
Yeah...that's what a cuc is for...I have a few snails, a tiger sand conch, a few peppermints, and 2 emeralds.....I am going to get more snails though
I'm doing a small w/c today, BUT so far all water is testing good YAY
OH YEAH, I'm also gonna be getting those green banded gobies as soon as they come into stock

I was in a hurry for a couple of fish to help eat wasted mysis shrimp so I got the little yellow gobies. Then I got reamed from a guy named Ray for it on for putting a critter in the tank seahorses normally don't exist with. Ranting about parasites. I hadn't used a QT and when one horse did a twitching thing he said that was why.


Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/320#post_3372282

I was in a hurry for a couple of fish to help eat wasted mysis shrimp so I got the little yellow gobies. Then I got reamed from a guy named Ray for it on for putting a critter in the tank seahorses normally don't exist with. Ranting about parasites. I hadn't used a QT and when one horse did a twitching thing he said that was why.
LOL....well I'll make sure not to post there about my gobies.....cause I don't have a qt......HAHA.....If anything ever happens, I have no one to blame but myself
SOOOO I sure don;t need to be told off by someone I don;t know haha


Well-Known Member

The folks on are smart and all...but hands down the folks here are nicer. I go there for info only...If I want to chat and relax and get info . rules!


LOL..HEY GUYS....cut it out.....Every time I start a qt and/or hospital tank I make a new tank out of it....Remeber the know the 28G was supposed to take its place..HAH!!!! I also have a 5g tank on my kitchen table



HAHA....this was pretty funny....all 4 horses were in the corner and got all wrapped up....WELL when they started to swim poor little horse looked like it was gonna be ripped in horse had its tail around its snout, and another had it wrapped around its middle......and BOTH horses went different directions
