New 28G Nano Cube for Horses :)


Active Member
I have never heard of that brand, I only use Hikari. I have used PE in the past, but it comes in such a big package and I only use a little each day, it was getting freezer burnt. If the PE came in cubes then I would use it more.
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/320#post_3372307
Well if you include the little 5g...I have 6 SW and 2 FW....8 tanks....I DO NOT need ...nor do I want (HAH) anymore...LOL
Have you ever used the H20 Life frozen mysis? I have picked a bunch out of the 2lb H20 Pro Variety bags I have, BUT need to place an order for more mysis....


WELL...I have been using the H20 foods for a while now and everyone seems healthy....I have been feeding the horses the mysis cubes I picked out of the 2lb Pro Variety bag for small/medium fish, and they seem to like it
I'm gonna order a couple of bags of the H20 Mysis....I think it will be good


Well-Known Member
PE DOES come in cubes, T. Problem is the cubes are usually the leftovers, and smooshed up bits. Not your typical horse fare IMO.
I buy the small flat pack PE mysis, take the whole thing out, cut it into small cubes and throw them in a heavy duty freezer bag. No freezer fuzz, and I can custom cut my cubes into small portions for my single girl.


Active Member
My lfs only carries the huge pkge, they do have mini pe myis but the last pack had small fish in it-gross. I will just stick with what I have, I can get it at petsmart up the street when I cant get to the lfs. lol


I had PE mysis in the cubes once....they were bigger then the other types of mysis.....I order all my food...LOL....but as I said..I'm gonna go with the H20 this time


Well-Known Member
LOL u guys r right does rule!
I just smash mine with a hammer into smaller junks.... the pe mysis in the big bag that is. Plus its a little stress reliever.....did the one horse make it? Its like they were hitched together. I double bag it to, like in a ziploc. 8 tanks, 13 tanks OMG i cant imagine im so occupied with the one!



I put this coral skeleton in the tank....I thought they would use it as a hitch,,,,,so far they seem a little pissed that I took the leather out
