New 28G Nano Cube for Horses :)


Ya KNOW....they see ya coming wuth the camera and turn about I can do for now




Well it seems they DO like the food bowl after all

It also seems they like to wrap their tails around each other and try to kill each other too

I also need CUC DESPERATELY!!!!! I stole 2 nerites from my 225G BUT I have A LOT of brown on the glass...and on the rocksGRRRR The green banded gobies will not be in for about 2 weeks, and I do not want to order twice
I am ordering a bunch of food this week.....BUT I sold some equipment...thank that will pay for the food.. :)


Well-Known Member

I think they need some more hitches around the food dish.
LOL...That was supposed to sound kind of witty...but not this morning so much. Anyway..You got some really great close ups nothings blurry. How many pixels does your camera have?


Just got my delivery of frozen foods.....thinking I should have gotten 3 bags of the mysis, BUT there are cubes of mysis in the bulk bags of small/medium sized food


HMMMM....not sure 1 cube is enough.....They have all learned I BRING FOOD....LOL....and where the food dish is now.....I put 1 cube in there.....and it was gone almost instantly

So I just added a 2nd.....I'll see how they do with this one


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/360#post_3373679
HMMMM....not sure 1 cube is enough.....They have all learned I BRING FOOD....LOL....and where the food dish is now.....I put 1 cube in there.....and it was gone almost instantly

So I just added a 2nd.....I'll see how they do with this one

I was wondering the same thing. I figured they have amphipods to eat too so I didn't add more. The food is gone from the dish but it's still around the dish, it's shallow (you have the same dish) and they make the food float away with their tails and bodies as they feed. I wait 45 minutes to an hour with the pumps off to give them time, because they eat so slow and when the pumps go back on I still see some shrimp float away with the current.
So my 4 are about right with 1 cube...and the amphipods.


I don;t think it will hurt to add a little extra ONCE in a while.....I would not do 2 cubes at each feeding.....IMO that would be too much.....
I'll just watch them and see how it goes


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/360#post_3373684
I don;t think it will hurt to add a little extra ONCE in a while.....I would not do 2 cubes at each feeding.....IMO that would be too much.....
I'll just watch them and see how it goes

Every tank is different, mine was seeded with pods. Also I think yours are bigger than mine were when I got them, and from the pictures it looks like mine are just now up to the size of yours.....LOL....You saw how fat my horses are, once the amphipod population is depleted a bit I may have to feed two cubes as well..


I went ahead and ordered the nano skimmer made for this just got has a picture on the outside of box...AND NO instructions on the inside
I mean....It's already together, BUT what about cleaning tips, adjustment know....basic stuff...WHY DO I always have to look things up


Well-Known Member
Which brand did you order? I'm just curious because I've gone through three protein skimmers for my 37g tank. I'm a gear kinda guy; I love buying new toys for my tank!


LOL...I did google far the only thing I found was the tubing that comes with it sux, so I used my own.....
It is the actual JBJ 28G nano-cube skimmer......It was easy to put together.....a no-brainer.....BUT placement tips, and stuff like that would have been nice...
I just went outside for a minute, came back in and the cup was 1/2 filled with water GRRRR....when I went out all it had was a little foam begin made.....I am guessing this has something to do with the height of the skimmer in the section.....IDK..Since it came with NO DIRECTIONS
.....I will just have to watch it all day I guess.....the pump also has a dial on it to tune in the power I guess.....I THINK I have it at medium power.....


Well-Known Member
Is this the air pump and limewood-driven skimmer? I have read that it does best when the air flow is dialed down pretty low. One guy also said you may be better off buying a new air valve from the store to add to the air line...he had better control over the amount of air than the t-valve that came with the kit.
LOL I'm so proud of you! You knew what JFGI stood for! Or did you have to google it?