New 28G Nano Cube for Horses :)


Active Member
one thing too, lettus nudis will eat that crap too. Thats how I got rid of mine when I had my 55 gal tank
. I have a patch on my powerhead (yah, I know - how do you get it just on a power head) I am going to take it out and soak it though.


OK...I washed the grass...LOL....I wish it was that easy to remove ALL ALGAES...haha
I think I may see another "sprig" in the large fake plant in the back of the tank, BUT I have too many other things to do tonight , so I'll clean that one tomorrow....SKIMMER CUPS here I come......sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh
the grass sure is nice and bright now...LOL...


Any ideas on how to clean the red sea whip???? I just noticed some fuzz in tomorrow I will clean the large reddish fake plant....and the red sea whip is someone tells me how


Active Member
I just pick off any algea I can, sand let it shed. It may need some more flow. How are the horses with the flow you have. They can take more flow as long as they also have a quite place.

shrimpy brains

Haven't been here in a while, but if this post works, I will be back to stay.

Signed on last nite, and had to come back tonite to finish reading your thread. Congrats on the new tank and welcome back to seahorses.
There is something special about them. I like mine better than any other fish I have.
Tank looks great! keep the updates coming!

shrimpy brains

Thanks, I missed you guys, but had so many problems with this site(and my computer) that I just gave up.
Got a new computer, so all seems well now!
My horse tank blew a seal(while I was at work), and I lost 2 of them. Had to move the other 2 into a 29g. Finally got my new tank setup. and moved the horses in the "display refugium" for now.
I bought some more, so now I have 2 pairs again. The new ones are young, but hope to try babies again(when they are ready)
Anyway, I guess I will start my own thread and quit stealing Meowzers! lol
It's good to be back!


HOWDY, I was getting worried.....I TOO am having some issues with the site :( Hopefully they will get worked out soon
Just got home and noticed some weird brown stuff floating in the tank....I siphoned it out immediately....I HOPE TO is not that STUFF (can't remember name)
I am not in the mood LOL
I need cuc bad.......if those green gobies don't come in soon I'm gonna order it anyway, or just steal more from the other tanks LOL

shrimpy brains

I kept coming on and couldn't post anything! Got frustrated and gave up. Anyway, it seems to be working for me now!

I know what you mean about getting more cuc. My 220g has been setup for about a month now and I have major diatoms happening!
I've run out of cuc to steal from other tanks, just waiting for payday to get more!
So...what are you thinking the brown stuff was.......NOT dinoflagalates(sp?)..........I hope!


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/400#post_3375021
I kept coming on and couldn't post anything! Got frustrated and gave up. Anyway, it seems to be working for me now!

I know what you mean about getting more cuc. My 220g has been setup for about a month now and I have major diatoms happening!
I've run out of cuc to steal from other tanks, just waiting for payday to get more!
So...what are you thinking the brown stuff was.......NOT dinoflagalates(sp?)..........I hope!
That's the word

I hope not....It was in a colt coral....and I took the baster and sucked it all out.....I don't see it anywhere else
If it was DINO wouldn;t it be other places????? I'm thinking it could just be diatoms also....REMEMBER I am the one who never had bubbles on there's before so NEVER knew that diatoms could have bubbles.....

shrimpy brains

I don't know. Never had them myself(knock on wood). Did you take a picture? or just get rid of it?


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/400#post_3375030
I don't know. Never had them myself(knock on wood). Did you take a picture? or just get rid of it?
LOL...NO...I FREAKED.....I was still in my dress from work...LOL....I immediately grabbed the baster w/o thinking and sucked them right out
HOPEFULLY they will not be back....if they come back I'll take pics
I bet BTLD remembers a thread not too long ago where someone had pics and I said dino and they all said diatoms.,.......It remeinded me of that guys thread

shrimpy brains

Maybe you're ok then. We'll just keep thinking diatoms and all will be well!


Active Member
I hope its not Dinos, I have them and are they hard to get rid of. If you look at the pic I posted in my new thread you can see them on my powerhead cord. I keep just sucking them out.

shrimpy brains

Whoa! I just're a mod!! Congratulations...I think!

shrimpy brains

Bummer! I was gonna say something about you're having had them and ask how you got rid of them! Shoot, sorry you haven't beaten them yet.
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/400#post_3375045
I hope its not Dinos, I have them and are they hard to get rid of. If you look at the pic I posted in my new thread you can see them on my powerhead cord. I keep just sucking them out.