New 28G Nano Cube for Horses :)


LOL....I knew

the only valve I have found is a knob on the pump...and I have it somewhere in the middle....I think
AND this is what I am getting right now.....the foam has slowly reached this point, so I am leaving it be BUT watching closely


Well-Known Member
I'm very curious to hear your opinions on this skimmer after a few weeks. I know the Oceanic Bio cube skimmer I first owned was very ineffective as a true skimmer -- about the only thing it really did was help increase the O2 saturation in the tank. The AquaticLife mini skimmer was a huge difference in terms of performance, once I got a new cup for it (first one was defective).
Tell you what. Post the measurements of your skimmer compartment here... I want to see if the AL mini skimmer will fit. It's supposed to fit the JBJ 24 gallon, so I don't see why it wouldn't fit the 28. Play with your new skimmer for a few weeks. If you don't like it, I'll send you the AquaticLife mini skimmer to mess with as well. Its not like I'm doing anything with it.....besides resisting the urge to start another tank JUST because I have a spare skimmer sitting in the garage. If you like it, great. If not, send it back. Can't beat that deal with a stick!



I will say that the body is fairly cheap....meaning the plastic is much thinner then let's say the plastic on a bak pak.....SO IMO you just have to be a little more careful with it....BUT it is doing something....


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's not too shabby at all. You may have to have a good supply of limewood air stones on hand... I know they lose effectiveness fairly quickly. But for a one day break in period...nope, not bad in the least.


HEY...I just noticed on the bottom of the cup it has a discharge outlet.....YAYYYY.....SO IF I ever want to hook up a hose to it I can


Well I bought this cheapo plant from Walmart today...figured it's better then nothing for now....and YOU KNOW WHAT....when they get icky I can throw them out....LOL...or buy spares while I bleach the others

AND WTH is this growing in my fake plant???


Well-Known Member

Meowzer...take a magnet to the new fake coral from Wal-Mart to be on the safe side. I bought a little tank thing for my tank from Wal-Mart and it had a metal base that was painted over to weigh it down. It was a little octopus that said no fishing...I used it hold down a fish line with an algae clip because the suction cup was a PITA. Then one day my mag float got to close and it stuck to it..AAAHHH I took it out and scraped some paint off.


Well-Known Member
Meowzer, that looks a little like Bryopsis to me! If that's the only place you have it, I'd take the plant out ASAP and clean it really well.
Only think that really knocks out bryopsis is increased Mg levels....and as I learned the hard way, some corals don't take well to oversaturation of Mg....


Active Member
Nice little skimmer there. IME the airstone skimmers are a pain because you really need to keep the stone clean, usually limewood, and that means replacement. I used the Oceanic Biocube skimmer for a while and at first was happy but the stone replacement gig got out of hand, Went to the AL and have not looked back. Glad to hear yours is working on the 29 gallon.


Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/380#post_3374457

Meowzer...take a magnet to the new fake coral from Wal-Mart to be on the safe side. I bought a little tank thing for my tank from Wal-Mart and it had a metal base that was painted over to weigh it down. It was a little octopus that said no fishing...I used it hold down a fish line with an algae clip because the suction cup was a PITA. Then one day my mag float got to close and it stuck to it..AAAHHH I took it out and scraped some paint off.
It's plastic Flower....base and all...
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/380#post_3374474
Meowzer, that looks a little like Bryopsis to me! If that's the only place you have it, I'd take the plant out ASAP and clean it really well.
Only think that really knocks out bryopsis is increased Mg levels....and as I learned the hard way, some corals don't take well to oversaturation of Mg....
You know what.....I think you are's tiny BUT I think it looks feathery......I decided that this morning....LOL...and I am going to take that plant out when I get home and scrub it
ALSO....I wonder where it came from :( and IDK if I want to raise MG in a horse tank....would it be bad for them??? I don;t have a lot of corals...a few mushrooms, kenya, psp, I think that's it right now...LOL...OH the red sea whip......I'm not too crazy about it though :(
Originally Posted by spanko
Nice little skimmer there. IME the airstone skimmers are a pain because you really need to keep the stone clean, usually limewood, and that means replacement. I used the Oceanic Biocube skimmer for a while and at first was happy but the stone replacement gig got out of hand, Went to the AL and have not looked back. Glad to hear yours is working on the 29 gallon.
Well the only issue I have with the al right now is a weird noise, it skims, NO BUBBLES LOL....I need to take it off I think and do something...LOL...IDK what yet....BUT I will by this weekend
I figured the NANO skimmer would be good for now....I do not have a large bio-load in this tank (yet)...haha


Well-Known Member
Lois, I tried the elevate Mg levels on my seahorse tank. The horse wasn't bothered in the slightest. Most of my corals took it like a champ, but my Acan frag bit the big one right at the height of the Mg increase. Maybe I increased the level too quickly, and that was the canary coral for the tank....I don't know. All the other inhabitants at the time (mushrooms, ricordeas, leather, zoas, gorgonians, etc....) were fine.
It DID help remove a bryopsis patch I wouldn't have been able to easily get rid of. So far no recurrences. Sort of a shame that elevated Mg doesn't work as well on regular HA.


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/380#post_3374528
Lois, I tried the elevate Mg levels on my seahorse tank. The horse wasn't bothered in the slightest. Most of my corals took it like a champ, but my Acan frag bit the big one right at the height of the Mg increase. Maybe I increased the level too quickly, and that was the canary coral for the tank....I don't know. All the other inhabitants at the time (mushrooms, ricordeas, leather, zoas, gorgonians, etc....) were fine.
It DID help remove a bryopsis patch I wouldn't have been able to easily get rid of. So far no recurrences. Sort of a shame that elevated Mg doesn't work as well on regular HA.
mag should be raised at 50 ppm per day when treating for bryopsis. did this and none of my corals were affected, including my acans
as for the GHA and elevated mag levels, i have seen that it helps stunt their growth.


I think I'll just pull the fake plant out and clean it for now....LOL...If I see anymore, then maybe I'll do mg raising


Active Member
Hey meowzer what type of test kit do you use for mg - I have the Red Sea and hate it - it is too complicated for this farm boy.
How are the Horses doing, it is almost 2 weeks now?