Thanks. Usually when I tell Michelle, "I have an idea," she treats it the same way we would have treated the phrase "Hey guys, watch this!" from any trombone player in our high school orchestra.*
Now....we have a new addition. I don't normally see twin spot gobys this size and in this kind of health. So, in lieu of a tiger goby.......
He's about 2.5 inches long, his stomach is in good shape, and he was active at the LFS. Worth a shot.
* I understand the reference may be hard to get if you weren't in the band at Satellite High School in the mid-90's. Then again, I presume the mentality I'm inferring here is common among ALL low-brass kids** didn't seem to be restrictive to my school. Suffice it to say, "
Hey Guys, Watch This!" was code for "Hey Guys, Duck And Cover, Then Call 911."
**....although it might have been. I can honestly tell you that I had one friend*** who told the entire class.....dead serious......that he just preformed a....ahem...."self-love" session the previous night to the music of Holtz's Mars. Specifically, matching rhythm and beat. He then proceeded to tell us that we should ALL try it.++
*** I use this term loosely. Very loosely.
++ NO. I am not going to tell you any more about this. Neither will I admit to any experiments later that evening. Move along.