I've been thinking of some furniture possibilities. Right now my aquarium nook looks like this (without my chair):
Which is OK, but you know that means there's only room for one person to enjoy the tank. Two if someone steals my ottoman. I was thinking of doing a bench instead of the bookcase, and I *did* find one on Amazon that I really liked. But it's pricey, and it's sort of narrow.
Which would look cool. But I wonder if this is something I should
build instead. I'm a little lukewarm on the color of the pre-built unit. I feel like this area needs a splash of color....some blue to match the back of the tank seemed appropriate. So I was thinking....
I know that photo is atrocious. It's not really obvious, but I was using it to check cushion color. The piece I was thinking of would be very freeform. Something that would be a full L shape, but curvilinear rather than straight lines. Something that could be used on it's own to seat a few people....but leave enough room to put a chair for more people if I wanted to.
The overhead view looks something like this:
Am I nuts? Or should I just stick with the plain bench that I can use as storage as well? That would be a big project for me, and I already have my plate full of big projects....