Posidens 29 Cube


Active Member
Since I decided to get serious about the tank, I figured it should be time I get serious about my water. I have waited long enough for this. I wanted another unit but, I figured what the heck. I have waited cause I just hate the waste. I must admit, I did no research on this unit before I bought it. It was an impulse buy. I hope it is a good one.LOL Any opinions on this would be nice. It came home with me today. So I can return it if I don't hook it up. It is the RD-102 from water general. Coconut filters ect...


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Excellent. Let's see what happens!!!!!

They are hiding.

I fed the fish before I put them in. I will not feed for a couple of days now. Unless some see a problem with this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Never heard of it LOL...BUT it's got to be better than what you have now....isn't that NOTHING :)
Yep. I have been using distiled. I still have to get a TDS meter but that is simple.


Well it's pretty clear your scrubber is not working. At all. If you could post some pics of the screen (before and after cleaning), lighting, and flow, we can fix it. Filtering your tank should be easy, hands-off, with a scrubber.
I let time go by cause of the scrubber, then remove larger clumps of it. I found it also comes off a bit eaiser when it grows longer. The base doesn't get the light required so it starts to die and it just comes off.
This is probably part of the problem, but until I see pics, I'll have to wait.
I am currently useing the poly fill matting for quilts from the fabric store. It is about an inch thick. I just cut it up in the size pieces I need. I don't change them daily though.
Although not part of the scrubber, most people get better results by removing all mechanical filters, especially floss.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SantaMonica
Well it's pretty clear your scrubber is not working. At all. If you could post some pics of the screen (before and after cleaning), lighting, and flow, we can fix it. Filtering your tank should be easy, hands-off, with a scrubber.
This is probably part of the problem, but until I see pics, I'll have to wait.
Although not part of the scrubber, most people get better results by removing all mechanical filters, especially floss.

Well, the scrubber is a pretty simple device. I can't imagine I have too much wrong. As for the lighting it has been through several different bulbs trying to find out why it hasn't "worked" like all the others. I am using the CF bulbs that you recomend. I have used a 9 watt, a 15 watt, and the 23 watt bulbs. I have moved the light closer and farther away using each bulb. I change them every 3 months. It has three layers of the plastic canvas "roughed up like a cactus".The screen is 8" wide and has about 300-350 GPH going over it. You know my build. There is another member on the scrubber site following in my foot steps useing a ceramic tile as the scrubbber. You may not remember me or it due to the volume of them that you look at. I have asked for your help in the past and I seem to get brushed off. Maybe your too busy.IDK. I am even a member on the scrubber site. Got no real help there either, or according to you, it would be working right now. Also at the time, the responces I got on the manual removal of the algae in the display was....
"You don't need to manually remove anything, or do lights out. After enough algae has grown and been removed from your screen, the display will be clean."
Those are your words, cut and past from the scrubber site. I am not trying to be an a s s here at all. Just laying out the facts. Don't come out of hiding and post in my thread cause what you are "about" is being questioned. If you aren't going to help me, then don't act like you are. I will post pics for you if you really want to help.
Also, in the past I was not running any media at all per your advice. No changes for me either way.


Originally Posted by Posiden
Since I decided to get serious about the tank, I figured it should be time I get serious about my water. I have waited long enough for this. I wanted another unit but, I figured what the heck. I have waited cause I just hate the waste. I must admit, I did no research on this unit before I bought it. It was an impulse buy. I hope it is a good one.LOL Any opinions on this would be nice. It came home with me today. So I can return it if I don't hook it up. It is the RD-102 from water general. Coconut filters ect...

That looks like something the Ghost Busters would wear!
You also need to buy a powerhead like a Koralia nano.


Active Member
Okay the tank looks a lot better to me. Don't sit back now though, water changes, continued cleaning, blowing the rock work with a turkey baster before water changes etc. etc. Keep you filter materials clean. Plus I don't know much about turf scrubbers but it would seem to me that the cleaning of your screen(s) would help to export more nutrient from the tank. So what ever procedure you are supposed to use with it I hope it includes regular cleaning of the surface(s) to promote more growth.


Active Member
Thanks guys.
Spanko, and others
What do you think about getting rid of the scrubber, flooding the back and running cheato? If I did this I could also add another pump in the back and put a bulkhead fitting in the back wall. I could split that line into two loc lines and increase the overall flow of the tank. Right now it has close to 400GPH total. The way I am asking about would up it to about 600-650GPH total.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Okay the tank looks a lot better to me. Don't sit back now though, water changes, continued cleaning, blowing the rock work with a turkey baster before water changes etc. etc. Keep you filter materials clean. Plus I don't know much about turf scrubbers but it would seem to me that the cleaning of your screen(s) would help to export more nutrient from the tank. So what ever procedure you are supposed to use with it I hope it includes regular cleaning of the surface(s) to promote more growth.

I don't plan on letting it get back to where it was. I didn't want the tank to get that way in the first place. Life just bit me in the behind and I couldn't devote the proper amount of time to it.
Given the way these tanks are setup the scrubber limits me from doing some things that I want to do. I like the scrubber, I like the concept. I like the maintence side of it. I have done all the cleanings the way anyone is supposed too. It just has never really got going like others have. IDK why. As I mentioned to Santa Monica, I have asked for help in the past on it. Three different boards under three different user names, at three different times. Just like now it would appear he backed out again. Wether I got snippy or not, if he really wanted to help he would or would have responded.


Originally Posted by Posiden
Thanks guys.
Spanko, and others
What do you think about getting rid of the scrubber, flooding the back and running cheato? If I did this I could also add another pump in the back and put a bulkhead fitting in the back wall. I could split that line into two loc lines and increase the overall flow of the tank. Right now it has close to 400GPH total. The way I am asking about would up it to about 600-650GPH total.
Just a thought...I run a Rio 1400 and K1 in my 24; which gives me an overwhelming amount of flow. Could a Rio 1700 fit inside your chambers? Its about 1" bigger (all around) and then use a K1 too, that will up your flow to around 800 gph. Also, I have read (but do not fully understand it all) about the scrubbers...do you think they might need a bigger water volume to be effective? Maybe the 29 is not large enough. When others have talked about them they always referred to their tanks being in the 125 range and larger re: scrubbers. IDK? Maybe a larger footprint is what is needed for them to be effective.