Originally Posted by
Well it's pretty clear your scrubber is not working. At all. If you could post some pics of the screen (before and after cleaning), lighting, and flow, we can fix it. Filtering your tank should be easy, hands-off, with a scrubber.
This is probably part of the problem, but until I see pics, I'll have to wait.
Although not part of the scrubber, most people get better results by removing all mechanical filters, especially floss.
Well, the scrubber is a pretty simple device. I can't imagine I have too much wrong. As for the lighting it has been through several different bulbs trying to find out why it hasn't "worked" like all the others. I am using the CF bulbs that you recomend. I have used a 9 watt, a 15 watt, and the 23 watt bulbs. I have moved the light closer and farther away using each bulb. I change them every 3 months. It has three layers of the plastic canvas "roughed up like a cactus".The screen is 8" wide and has about 300-350 GPH going over it. You know my build. There is another member on the scrubber site following in my foot steps useing a ceramic tile as the scrubbber. You may not remember me or it due to the volume of them that you look at. I have asked for your help in the past and I seem to get brushed off. Maybe your too busy.IDK. I am even a member on the scrubber site. Got no real help there either, or according to you, it would be working right now. Also at the time, the responces I got on the manual removal of the algae in the display was....
"You don't need to manually remove anything, or do lights out. After enough algae has grown and been removed from your screen, the display will be clean."
Those are your words, cut and past from the scrubber site. I am not trying to be an a s s here at all. Just laying out the facts. Don't come out of hiding and post in my thread cause what you are "about" is being questioned. If you aren't going to help me, then don't act like you are. I will post pics for you if you really want to help.
Also, in the past I was not running any media at all per your advice. No changes for me either way.